Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Zeke paused for a second, with a bemused eyebrow raised at the pouting... bat? General? What should he call her? Wife might not be a bad start. "Come, don't look at me like that. After something this brutal... I can't imagine morale can get much higher."

And it wasn't exactly wrong. Death, violence, all of these things were ugly truths that sounded even uglier when you saw that up close. "But I really am sorry. I had no idea things were this dire. If I knew, I'd have liberated your people sooner. These fools..." He grimaced for a moment, and yet - his smile was genuine. "I respect you. Even when this city has rejected you, you managed to make a place to call home. You have your own drives, your own histories, and your unique culture that resists assimilation to this day. I admire you people. Compared to a hungry dog like me who can only devour, you've managed to create a nice place. That takes guts, right?"


The batgirl's batlike eyes shifted, as if something caught her attention.  Even still, she stayed silent.  The ears on the back of her head twitched and now she was clearly giving him her full attention.


He sighed.

"You know, if you keep giving me the silent treatment, I'll have to rub those cute ears of yours."


The girl covered her ears and raised her winged arms, ready to take flight.  The twitching stopped.  Nay, her whole body froze aside from the parts that needed to move.  It was as if her body was only moving what was needed to escape if needed.


"Dude, I can see you. I am literally looking right at you." He crunched on a pumpkin seed casually. "I did save your butt from getting roasted like that butternut squash, am I that detestable to you?"


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