Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Their eyes changed... almost melancholically for a moment. That's just half hearted. If your power was so easily attainable by others, then it means you must have stopped halfway. You need more power.

"Craven fool!" Zeke's roar was unlike before. Fangs showed from is jaw, its eyes shot a glare that could burn one whole. Without pity, he rose up and loomed over the bat girl like a shadow, threatening to swallow her whole.

"A life isn't so worthless it can be traded for a mere year. You have a beautiful dream, so uphold it with your head raised high! There is no reason to devalue or tarnish it. Everyone in this district deserves happiness, even if you're a cursed existence, it isn't wrong to desire for more!"

Our wish... my desire... if I'd simply given up for a mere year of happiness, all of the lives would be for nothing!So smile and laugh monsters and demons. Tonight forth, the prayers of the dark will be answered in kind! It was declaring this absolute will that he extended his hand at the woman. A fake who inherited a fake will, a copy of a copy of something that should never have been born.

But its shine was as brilliant as the stars. And it refused to deny these monsters the chance... to have their dreams shine on them.

"So don't you dare sell it short. We're a family from now forth, whatever worries you'll worry me, and whatever points a sword at you points it at all of us. We will reach our promised land, together, and we'll prosper until the end of times. I will show you myself... the miracle of the discarded and unloved."


"You are way too forward," Lola said with a grimace.  "You are just as responsible for the death of my men as I am, yet you claim to have us as family?  You are only acting in self interest, same as the queen."

Lola at last picked up the sandwich seasoned with a pumpkin spice mix.  The taste of turmeric and cumin dominating the sandwich.


Zeke raised an eyebrow. "Obviously. I've never heard of anyone who did anything if it didn't suit them. If you're the main character of your story, I'm the main character of mine." As he shook his head, he picked up a similar sandwich to Lola's, nibbling on it this time with a bit more reservedness.

"Now listen kid. Harley failed because she followed her ambition blindly, without bothering to inspire the hearts of those behind her. Of course she'd end up with a knife stitched on her back, you were both going in two completely opposite directions! It's not like someone who fights alongside their comrades for their own everyone's sake. But let me make one thing clear, talk's cheap. I'm going to show you that I mean everything I just said with results."

And that's when he gave her an earnest smile, filled with admiration. "Have you ever seen a real miracle?"


"I don't believe in miracles."  The batgirl glared at him, but said only this much, waiting for him to make his next move. 


Zeke paused and crossed his arms at Lola, nodding at her with a placid calmness. "That was a good answer. Miracles are illusions caused by insufficient observation and understanding. They're just glorious misunderstandings."

That's why he couldn't bring himself to hate them, the gods that cursed Zeke's existence, nor the father who gave birth to it. It took them a long time to understand, but truth be told... Zeke was happy just being alive. Absorbing the <Star's Mud Draken> able to cross worlds, and finding themselves in this miraculous plane with a second life. They wouldn't have this any other way.

"But you still need to do everything in your power. For the sake of our - my wish, I'm fine with fighting to create my own illusion. My miracle." Suddenly, the dark star swiftly darted and picked up the batgirl like a bride - hoisting her up to shoulder level. "Let me show you."

And stretching four inhuman black wings, Ezekiel soared the skies, like a beautiful messenger from God.

The two loomed over a stretched out designated area, filled with some intact buildings and tents. It's where the wounded, the sickly, and the dead rounded up. Each was tallied to make sure the counts were precise so that they wouldn't be left wanting for anything. Those in need were given the utmost care and respect, with fresh food and water given by blackened creatures. These twisted, alien organisms took the guise of beautiful women with rabbit features, and nursed the wounded to keep them conscious.

"It's a pity. The pain of losing what you hold dear. The humiliation of having your dignity stripped away. I've suffered such indignities myself." He closed his eyes and pointed his palm to the area, focusing his dark sorceries. Black magics that couldn't belong to a mortal plane.

The monster. Was Zeke planning to annihilate the whole section off the map!? To cull the chaff and the weak to give room to the strong? Was he so cruel he'd make Lola watch!?


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