Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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The batgirl suddenly found herself swept up in his embrace.  Hand resting on his muscular chest, the batgirl felt the magical power building up.  She stared at his wings before tightening her grip around his body as he directed her down at the vulnerable city.

A hand reached for his throat, those bat like eyes sharpening.  "Weak doesn't mean passive.  If you think for a second I wouldn't try to kill you here then you are sadly mistaken."


The dark star paused for a second as a hand choked its throat. Such feeble fingers, lightly squeezing hardened flesh... they were a pity. A will this strong shouldn't be trapped in such a weak body. Or maybe it was because of her struggle that she could shine so brightly. So what next? Would he pulp her to bits? Incinerate her? Make her swallow the greatest despair?


He grinned cheekily with the widest, toothiest smile. It'd almost be creepy if Ezekiel wasn't so giddy.

"Excellent answer."

The tension faded and turned into the same casual uncertainty as ever. It was a prank, of course. His magic faded there and then.

"Can't have that though." He snapped his fingers casually to the side. That's when the hell below turned into something else. The first step toward paradise.

The old world creatures stopped, as if their time froze. For a second, the wounded onlookers grew concerned. Were they some odd automatons? No, it was different from Harley's magic, which pumped her life into extensions of herself. These creatures were independent. So why...?


That's when the first set of teeth sunk into one of the beasts. Soon, the guttural screams and shouts became hungry cries, as even the sickly became overturned by hunger and began to eat the old world organisms themselves. The food had slipped creatures into their bloodstream, as of now, everyone in that small area was overcome by hunger. Eating the alien nurses, being eaten, melting down into some sort of digestive goo, and reforming to eat and be eaten again.

"Crunch! Munch!"

Until the fused biomasses began to connect and mix, healing and filling in what was broken. Even as the dead joined in this hellish dance of hunger and greed, the more they ate, the more their bodies reformed and transformed. Until the dead and the wounded were no more. They began to warp and change into something else.

Other sorts of creatures, but soon with their minds and personalities regained - and no memory of that horrific scenery. Only a body that could endure the incoming trials, and new life for those who had lost it.


"This magic will heal the broken and bring back the lost. With their bodies and a corpse, I can recreate the dead from memory. It's a skill from the old world, the power to bring old shells and organisms to life. I give them a second chance as my hands and eyes, as the spear that I drive through my enemy. And the shield that mends my friends' wounds."

His expression was serene and pure, he truly didn't see the carnage below as a bad thing. They were being brought back, healed, strengthened by alien flesh and organic matter. Soon, they would become something new. Something more than a monster to be trampled. Following their desires, the willing could reclaim what was lost. But it was unsettling. Even if his actions weren't born out of malice, they were warped by something else. When you can create and fix life at will, how easy is it to forget the pain and loss of the moment? Whatever made him must have been so afraid of losing anything, he'd have rather turned into a cold unfeeling shell than overcome this trauma.

Despite Zeke's warm touch, it felt cold. Lonely.

"It's a skill I inherited from something creepy, but with this, we won't have to worry about losing things dear to us. We will witness our new dawn, together."

With this, everyone who died came back, soon smiling and hugging each other. Some returned to their families, with new shapes and monstrous forms. But at what price? "Let's reach the promised land."


Thanks to the intelligence they gathered on Harley, as well as what she had seen with her own two eyes, this magical effect was not lost on her, nor the nuances between the two separate arts.  STill there was only one word to describe what she was witnessing.

"This is unnatrual..."

Lola lowered her legs to the ground, flapping her wing like arms.  ".... and a bad joke.  What are you really?"


He looked up at her for a second, as she took flight. But for a second, the question twisted his face in perplexion. That is, until Zeke smiled and nodded, his eyes closed in acceptance.

"I don't know."

It was a question he often asked himself. Even when that darkness consumed him earlier today, until his ego melted in the cesspool that was Zeke, he wasn't quite sure. In fact, none of the individualities melted in this one consciousness were sure. But the darkness that pulled them together was inescapable, and there were bits that could never be lost. No matter how many times the dark elemental hopped, its dream would never change. Even if its existence and mind melted into nothing.

Even if it was devoured by a _____, that was fine. So long as the journey could continue.

"What do you want me to be?" Zeke asked her innocently.

Some time ago

The sky was tinted with orange, that cursed color that infected every corner of her life.  Back then, Lola considered it the most beautiful.  Below the setting sun was a green Toyota gliding along the city streets.

"Lola...?  Can you get off of your phone for two minutes?  Its your birthday...."

A batlike man sat in the front seat, his fangs out.  It was a sign of aggression in their family and discussions that followed usually had harsh discipline follow.  Even so, the girl ignored him.  "Hold on, i'm almost done."

"Lola I am working long hours that are only going to get worse soon.  Don't you care at all?  I just want to spend time with you before then.."

Lola frowned.  "You never wanted to before now.  Why does today make a difference?"

"C'mon Lola," her father said.  "I went to a few of your high school events.... like your uhh sparing thing or whatever?"

Lola shook her head and turned to the window.  That was the last thing she remembered seeing before everything went black.  There was a whistling sound and a bang.

Lola awoke to the sight of a flaming corpse of a vehicle.   The ground beneath her was soft, grassy.  For some reason, the feeling of that grass stayed in her head, even as she watched her father get beaten.  Yes, her father was stripped naked and was being kicked and spit on by a crowd of humans.  Yet for some reason they left a hole for her specifically to watch.  As she came to, she realized she had been laid perfectly against the bark of the tree.  The noises he made were hard to describe, soft groans, hacking, the occasional coughing up of blood.

She had heard of anti monster sentiment all her life, but this was the first time she had seen it.  The smiles on their faces, like they were watching a monster die in a video game, it was discusting.  She and her father never had a great relationship, but he was still her father.  She tried to stand up, only to realize that she couldn't move for some reason.  Tears welled up in her eyes, falling from her cheeks and onto the ground.  Lola sniffled and let out a soft moan not unlike one someone would make when crying themselves to sleep.   

Lola's lips parted and she said something, a fervent wish to no one.

Another explosion occured, obliterating the bodies of the humans, yet somehow leaving her father unharmed.  In the center stood a single woman the one later known as the Hallow Queen.  Back then she was just known as Harley.


Lola blinked, staring at the man calling himself Ezekial, the one who casually defied the laws of life and death before her.  She lowered her eyes and took a few steps back.  It was an honest answer.  No he had been nothing but honest to her so far, that was truly the scariest thing.  Her face darkened as she recalled that memory from long ago.  She stared at the ground, refusing to let him see her expression.  Blood dripped onto the ground.  The batgirl tilted upwards to show her fangs extended to the absolute limit, ripping into her lower lips.  Every muscle on her body tensed as she said,

"I want a hero."


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