Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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For a moment, Zeke looked shocked. Surprised. He just looked away in embarrassment and rubbed the back of his head with a pained sigh. "Man, you just had to make an embarrassing request like that."

Zeke could easily weasel his way into this. Pry his way through a wounded heart, say the right things, put a mask on, and pretend like he was some sort of well-intentioned savior. It's not that he thought he was totally bad, though he knew his actions were probably on the wrong side of history. He just didn't have that sort of human spark that limits your morality like that. After all, he wasn't born one. Even if it benefited him, would he be able to lie to a woman's exposed heart like that?

They... he shook his head.

"Can't do. I'm going to have to be frank with you, even if it ends up biting me. It's because I value this kind of honesty between partners, I'm not very good at lying to the people I like."

Playing the heroic good guy was one thing, but if that was the reason she'd follow him, he couldn't really approve. Because a bond based on a lie is as flimsy as it gets, you know? So he floated up to Lola, gave her a gentle pat, and wiped the blood off her face.

"I'm not the good guy in this story, and my intentions aren't selfless or pure. Don't get me wrong, I'll protect you and listen to whatever you have to say, and I'll do my best if it means we can work together without worries. Sure, I might be stupid and stubborn, but I'm not always stupidly stubborn."

Nah. This is just something that's never been asked of me. I don't really know how I'd pull that off, it sounds too complicated to try. I'd probably regret it.

"But I did make a stupid promise, didn't I? I guess it can't be helped. I need you guys and the resources here, and you'll listen if you're happy. So I guess that makes me a hero, huh..."

It felt weird to say it to someone who was less fucked in the head than him. Oh, technically he never said that though, just the last Zeke. Man, mind transfers really get weird when botched. But that honesty of his, was it a fake emotion transferred over too? Or did it come from his heart? Either way, origins don't matter. It's whether your feelings are true or not.

And Zeke's were. Weirdly enough, even through all his battle-hungry sadism.


Lola frowned.  Although for a brief moment, she smiled.  Of course, right after she realized what she was doing she settled on something more neutral.  "No it makes you an opportunistic hustler. Its alright.  You were right about one thing.  We the citizens of this district, the rebel forces, the resistence... we are weak.  If we want to get rid of that woman, we will have to grow stronger."

Lola looked at what could only be called zombies.  "Can you start by ceasing with that?  What we need to empower is the dead, not the corpses of the fallen.  We are going to rebuild our way."


"Yeah, that does sound like me." Zeke smiled and nodded, but for a second... paused.

And booped the bat girl right on the forehead. Again.

"Weren't you paying attention? These aren't walking corpses, they're living things like you and me. Just because they look different doesn't mean they stop being themselves, their memories and everything that makes them unique is intact. I'm just making the bodies, and making sure they fit the container nicely."

Seriously, didn't that confusion happen on the prior world that thing hopped into? By that thing, he meant the thing he ate up earlier, the one whose memories he was swimming into. It got a bunch of them killed uselessly too, even when they weren't aggressive at all. What a waste of life and resources. A pity.

That's when he raised an eyebrow at her, in a genuinely puzzled fashion. "Why wouldn't I bring them back to life if I had the power? It's not like they're any different than before, other than a cuter appearance. Not doing it makes it feel like I'm responsible for them dying for good, you know? Like I'm some killer. It feels... wasteful." He cocked his head. "Or are you saying... I should kill them again?"

Wow. He thought he was a sick bastard.


The bat girl's sharp eyes closed.  "....No just, don't make any more.... please."

The truth was, she knew he couldn't be a hero for him.  No hero existed for the monsters, the outcasts.  There was no one that would save them from their endless oppression, not without a price.  Everything came with a price.

What... did I do to get him?!

Lola squinted her eyes as she recalled her plan to frame him for the assassination.  Does karma work that quickly?

The batgirl returned her gaze to the abominations.  No I had to have done something worse.

"People... death and life shouldn't be messed with.  Its complicated.  Its... not normal, a defiance of what someone stands for.  Besides, what if they don't want to come back to life?"


The dark star raised a genuine eyebrow in confusion.

"Why would anyone want to die?"

They... Zeke stared at her, utterly dumbfounded. An awkward cough later, they shook their head. "Regardless, it's not important. But I think I get it. You're scared of this power because it's foreign to you, so you see it as something wrong or evil. But so what?"

And for a moment, even that calm smile faded... and crumbled before a stern expression. One that stared at Lola with a deep focus, like a glowing ember about to smolder everything.

"Your kind isn't viewed as normal, monsters defy the convention of regular people. Should you just stop existing then? No, I think that if you have something worth fighting for, you should use everything at your disposal. Even if it means going against convention." He finally grinned wolfishly, but with some genuine good-heartedness here and there.

"And besides, my power doesn't force the soul back into the body. That's why something like this won't work if the corpse is too old, or if the body parts aren't sufficient. I don't condone suicide, but I'm not the kind of guy who'll force an unwilling recruit into the vanguard." Zeke pointed at the beasts below.

"The fact they actually did make it back means that they had some fight left in them. Otherwise, they'd just be empty shells. But even then, they'll fight on for their comrades and carry the hopes they stood for to the next generation. Isn't that... a good thing?"


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