Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Lola sighed before squinting at the creature before her.  It was hard to describe the strange combination of discust, bewilderment and sadness she felt.  The body this man had.... it was like a young man's, yet he did not even seem to understand this basic principle.  To say even a child would understand this concept was an understatement, a toddler could.  Thats why in this moment, she realized the true depths of how messed up this man was.

"I...  No one wants to die.  But life and death have to be respected equally.  You can't just manipulate someone's soul as you see fit.  Its a violation of every basic human dignity.  Taking a life in turn is a traumatic experience that creates waves of suffering to even those slightly connected to that person."

Lola sighed again.  "But I guess... we monsters are often the products of these kinds of decisions...."

No.  Zeke was far from their savior.  Harley, Zeke; would they ever be free from those who want to use them to fulfil their own ambition?  What is a just ruler?


But that's when his gaze turned harsh, serious, and for a second it burned with black shadows. A darkness that refused to falter before something like that. "That's quitter talk. You're not products of anyone's decisions. The lives you lead and the choices you make are your own." He slammed his fist on his chest, causing a booming shockwave to erupt. FIght on, struggle, but don't look down. Never look down. That's why...

"Your crown's falling. Look up" His smile was warm. No, even the darkness turned warm. It was as gentle as the sun. And that's when he approached her and patted her on the shoulder.

"Look, I'm sorry if I was being pushy about it. But I think this is important too. Those stuck on the same boat need to be comfortable speaking to one another, you know?" He smiled and crossed his arms at her.

"And with the life I've led, I think my way is the correct one. But you've got your own thoughts and feelings, all drawn from your knowledge and experience. Even if I don't agree or understand them doesn't mean I can't try to. Besides, my feelings don't mean I should ignore yours and charge blindly. That's what I think it means to be a captain."

That's when he opened the palm of his hand, creating a cute darkness bunny from the void. "I'll comply. I don't need to agree with your wishes to accept them, you're a comrade. But if you're willing to hear me out, there is a compromise I can suggest." Despite the dejected words, his grin was as toothy and wide as it could get.

"A choice. An informed choice without any lies or falsehoods, so that those who truly wish to fight on can do so under my wings. Don't feel pressured to accept. If you say no, that'll be the end of it."


The devil isn't just one person, but many people with many personalities.  That is what she would say if she believed in a god.  It was hard to buy into such nonsense.  At the very least, such a being had long been thwarted by creatures such as him.  A choice?  Laughable.  If a person gets a gun put to their head and is told they can either die or serve their assailant, is that choice?  Is anything after that truly a choice?

"A choice," she said, taking the bunny.  "Even if the world gives us bad circumstances, we can make them better if we don't give in. I truly think that.  You have a lot to learn before you can be a captain, but its worth hearing you out."

Lola's ears twitched, her nose crinkled and she frowned, closing her eyes for a moment in contemplation.  "Thats my choice."


"Oh shaddup, now I'm the one blushing." He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly and looked away. Now that he actually had living flesh, he couldn't even hide the blushing. Oh, right, technically he always had it. Man, this was a real headache.

But he managed to smile. Maybe this was more comfortable to him than he'd admit.

"I can't promise what I can't give, but I'll promise this much. Together, we will not know defeat. Not now, not ever."

It was... an oddly optimistic take. One that many would call insane, idealistic to a fault. But even she could tell, he was as serious as he could get. And when it came to this, he'd do everything to make his words true.

This was their dream.

Zeke (much later)

"I see, someone's already making a move on that district. That's kind of rad." A murder of ravens flew over a rooftop, where Zeke stood with a hungry smile. The dark star stood over the district's tallest tower - or rather, sat. He had a full picnic table set up, with scrumptious sandwiches and a cheese board spread out to enjoy.

"Hmm..." He put a thoughtful thumb on his chin. "I guess it's fine to give them first dibs. I'll have more plates to sweep as I pull the table. But this is strange. An attack on Salvation? Why didn't I hear any of this..."

The ravens spoke to him, dark shadows lurking at every corner and peering down from the skies. He should be able to perceive what went down a territory this close to him, but he had no idea what just transpired in Naboundd until far later. And now, he had no idea what happened to the poor children of his that soared over Albion.

Zeke sighed, finally dropping flat on the ceiling, with his back sprawled tiredly. But his smile was as gleeful as a kid's. One who was having way too much time, even with all the setbacks.

"What a headache. There's no way I'll just accept being a pawn of someone's game, even if that was our role. Not that man's, nor anyone else's."

If only he looked the other way in that point at time. But it's difficult, more than you can imagine. For a man fixated in the horizon, staring back at one's own shadow is unthinkable.

"Hmm, wonder what Aruna's up to."


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