Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Well, she said it, not him. Good thing he was riding on the right memory stream. It'd be bad if his acting was that obvious.

"What can I say? How often do I get killed?" He shrugged and took her hand, spinning her back to his shoulder. "As for my precious jewels? They're human! Like you and me."

Staring into her eyes, you'd think that he was hitting on her. But maybe that was also a hint. She could see that void, that emptiness...

It was different.

It wasn't the same darkness as back then at all.

"What brings you here anyway? Sorry if I didn't stick around longer, I'd have cheered on your match if I wasn't held up."


Sightseeing for familiar sights and landscapes, the bloodsucker with a terminal case of wanderlust continued her trek through Nexus, partly to pass time before the promised duel with the powerful rookie. She'd roam around anyway, not intent on idling through her first day since well... she's been losing track a bit. What exact year, day? No matter, present and future mattered as much as the past, even if she looked for something that looked nostalgic enough.

The ashen skinned woman seemed a bit absent minded, staring into her smartphone and browsing through an app with a map in search for interesting directions. The manner in which she just casually avoided bumping into people without seemingly paying attention was strangely graceful, as if crowds were no obstacle to her no matter what she did. One nearby location caught her attention finally. Halloween Town? If they went with that theme all year round, they must have had a dedication bordering with obsession. Those guys might be crazy enough to be entertaining in their own fashion. Besides, that festival was becoming as American as apple pie back in her previous nights. Worth a shot.

She dropped the pretenses about following any kind of gun laws and since visiting that Columbia placed she just open carried her Colt M1911, the holster firmly attached to her clothes. Wearing casual sportswear probably would stand out anyway against the whole theme of the place. Not much of a costume.

As she was sure she was on the right track, she started paying more outward attention to her surroundings. She could spot the orange, brown and green palette of the buildings from afar, the pedestrians wearing human masks (how eccentric), and hear the lively sounds of people having parties as early as this time of day. And smell vague danger in the air. Surely other monsters must have mingled in the midst of this carnival.

"Heh, maybe I'm standing out the most of all of them." The blonde vampire grinned with amusement. No costume, no pretense, she was probably too honest to mix with society like that, an oil poured into the Halloween sea. Were there any fellow creatures of the night in this town of eternal fall?


"Hm. It only happens when you get killed? That's, ah, worrying," Nanako noted, frowning for a moment before stopping short at what he said next, "Wait, they're human?"

Before Nanako could inquire further, however, he grabbed hold of her and spun her around, pulling her back against him with a surprised gasp from the squirrel girl. Nanako looked up at Zeke, finally realizing something else was off. His eyes were different, not the same as what she'd seen in his last two bodies.

"Well, your friend brought me here," the squirrel girl noted, "'re different. The last two, their eyes were the same, but yours...who are you?"


...that was scary. Heh, guess an animal does have sharper senses, or maybe intuition was a better word.

But it just wasn't that simple.

"Who knows? I don't remember ever being anyone but myself." He rubbed his chin pensively and looked away, but gave Nanako a cheeky grin. He did find something strange though... why did she get worried? It's not like he was dead now or anything.

"You're a good person." He gave her a healthy pat on the head. "I guess we couldn't be any more different. I'm a pretty bad guy, you know?" 

His smile was as gentle as they come. "That thing on your back though, that one's pretty interesting. How did you get it anyway?"

Oh Zeke knew, he just wanted to hear her side. Might help refresh some of the fractal memory.


The squirrel girl frowned at what he said, her concern growing for a moment before both were wiped away by the headpatting. Her ears perked up as warmth spread through her from his hand, the squirrel girl leaning into his touch despite herself. In the end, he was right, he really was a bad guy for taking advantage of one of her weaknesses like this.

Nanako pouted at him slightly, though the force of her pout wavered under the mighty power of his head-patting. Then his next question came, and the squirrel girl shuddered, feeling a sudden chill bloom in her chest like daisies from a grave.

"Mm, you know how, I told you," Nanako said, "Got them fighting this big angel thing, some of its feathers went into me. Looks like the stuff from the last few didn't stick around this time."


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