Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Something had come up for Taro at the office, but he gave Forest leave to go ahead to Halloween Town.  She parked her car at the appointed hotel and decided to walk around until Taro arrived.  Ugg, I can't believe I said that last night, she thought as she adjusted her duster.

She was wearing her steel toed boots, but decided on clothing that would catch attention.  There was a black, pleated skirt that ended right at her fingertips if she had her hands down to her sides, a violet corset top that showed off her arms, and had even styled her hair using bits of temporary violet hair chalk to recreate a look she was fond of during the 80's.

However, this place was fantastic.  She almost expected Marylin Manson to be piped through the town, and was a little sad that it wasn't.  However, she was fascinated and slightly taken aback by the variety of beings wearing "human" masks.


Huh, another stranger in this strangeland in this place? At least that's what she deduced immediately from the lack of one of those masks. And immediately picked up on that gal's vibe. She didn't mean the 1980s look, but she could readily feel there was another vampire in the midst. She wasn't one to beat around the bush, especially given the city's downright jadeness about the weird shit compared to her previous country, so she just approached the woman without much hesitation.

"Eh, took a nap and woke up in the future too? Or that's your style?" The pale woman in a hoodie commented about the other vampire's sense of fashion with a wide grin. "Heh, you probably fit here more than I. Unless there's a gym around." 



Zeke had rarely been this calmly surprised in his life, and the man in front of Nanako even less so. But the expression came so naturally, there was no doubt there was legitimate shock in his words.

"...Nanako? That was your name, right?" He scratched his back as if he wasn't sure what to say. No, that too was genuine. "I don't know how to tell you this, but that shouldn't be the case. Those things latch on to divine constructs to take shape or turn inanimate objects into relics. You're none of those things, so why would it have chosen you?"

His... their eyes narrowed.

"Well, I guess that's a mystery for another time. Isn't that right, seraph?" He didn't even turn around when he said those words, but his draconic smile betrayed him - and the sharp glance that trailed back.

A bead of sweat dripped down his temple. He had a familiar sensation chill his body, but he wasn't able to pinpoint it exactly. They were only certain of one thing.

The ache in his body, the throbbing in their heart... that winged marvel was the source of it.


--- Quote from: Panda on December 26, 2020, 05:43:29 PM ---Nanako

The squirrel girl frowned at what he said, her concern growing for a moment before both were wiped away by the headpatting. Her ears perked up as warmth spread through her from his hand, the squirrel girl leaning into his touch despite herself. In the end, he was right, he really was a bad guy for taking advantage of one of her weaknesses like this.

Nanako pouted at him slightly, though the force of her pout wavered under the mighty power of his head-patting. Then his next question came, and the squirrel girl shuddered, feeling a sudden chill bloom in her chest like daisies from a grave.

"Mm, you know how, I told you," Nanako said, "Got them fighting this big angel thing, some of its feathers went into me. Looks like the stuff from the last few didn't stick around this time."

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Kotomine_Rin on December 28, 2020, 03:37:58 AM ---Zeke


Zeke had rarely been this calmly surprised in his life, and the man in front of Nanako even less so. But the expression came so naturally, there was no doubt there was legitimate shock in his words.

"...Nanako? That was your name, right?" He scratched his back as if he wasn't sure what to say. No, that too was genuine. "I don't know how to tell you this, but that shouldn't be the case. Those things latch on to divine constructs to take shape or turn inanimate objects into relics. You're none of those things, so why would it have chosen you?"

His... their eyes narrowed.

"Well, I guess that's a mystery for another time. Isn't that right, seraph?" He didn't even turn around when he said those words, but his draconic smile betrayed him - and the sharp glance that trailed back.

A bead of sweat dripped down his temple. He had a familiar sensation chill his body, but he wasn't able to pinpoint it exactly. They were only certain of one thing.

The ache in his body, the throbbing in their heart... that winged marvel was the source of it.

--- End quote ---


The petit blond angel stepped forwards relentlessly into the large empty lot. Her head was entirely covered by two of her immense white wings, draped around her shoulders and blocking the view of her face and protecting her torso. The remaining four splayed out in all of their divine glory, two meters each in length with a golden sheen surrounding her entire form. Still, she didn't seem hampered by the current arrangement, stepping forwards with confidence and poise.

This place brought sadness to her. There was such unnesseccary death and destruction that had been brought upon its people, people whom were already suffering under the weight of discrimination, whom were simply searching for a place in the world. Perhaps if she'd engaged in finer diplomacy she'd have been able to help them. Under a more competent leader, perhaps it'd have been possible.

"Perhaps not, Abomination." Ivanna replied to him with a cold, deadened tone to her voice—yes—this was far closer to her comfort zone. As ironic as it was, even Ivanna had to admit that their being here had relaxed her somewhat. She could allow herself to fall into old, nearly forgotten patterns and focus solely upon this most familiar of tasks-purification and culling. "The very topic you two are discussing is the reason for my excursion."

The angel reached out into the air towards Nanako, displaying her palms facing upwards in a show of good will. "You, child—Nanako. You have been thrust headfirst into something you know little to nothing about. You seek answers. I offer what little I know."


"Yeah, of course it is," the squirrel girl said with an indignant pout, her tail wiggling between them, "How much did you lose this time?"

Instead of answering, however, Zeke seemed to freeze up, the squirrel girl cocking an eyebrow as she looked up at him before he finally spoke, not to her, but to someone- something else.

"Seraph? Wha-" she pulled away from him, confusion mounting, along with something else, when she saw it at last.

It's form was that of a small girl, but the wings, the aura radiating from the being, the faint chorus ringing in her ears when it spoke, on frequencies a human couldn't even hear. Nanako swallowed hard, her throat suddenly dry as she remembered the Morningstar. At least this one didn't have eyes in its wings, so far as she could tell. Stranger still, this one hid its face, though the wings were large enough that it hid a good bit of her upper body as well. If not for everything else, it might have been funny. Despite herself, Nanako couldn't help feeling that the being was sincere with its offer all the same.

"Hm," she took a single wary step back, eyes darting between Ivanna and Zeke, fluffy tail upright but utterly still, and ears twitching, "You're nicer than the last one, at least. Last one was just plain scary."


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