Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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"You've got an odd definition of scary, girl." Zeke wasted no time looking at both and weighing his options. That voice... it was almost familiar. And yet he never actually heard it until now. But there were few if any who hadn't heard of the White Terror of Little Russia, the greatest almighty seraph.

And... interesting. So they had actually fought her before in another side?

It'd explain the throbbing sensation. But what Zeke did next... no one could explain.

He grinned welcomingly, with a smile full of fangs and fire. If this was some trickery, it didn't feel like it whatsoever. No, in good and in bad, Zeke had always been true.

"I'm impressed, you've walked all this way? Damn, I feel bad for your knees. Don't you ever get tired?" Especially with my comrades you've burnt to ash. That was you too, wasn't it? Even with the same fiery grin, his words came far calmer and reasoned than they... ever had the right to be. "If you've come to talk, I have food and drink aplenty. It isn't as nice as a royal throne, but the least I can do is welcome you with bread, salt and heart." He moved in to give her a good hearty hug.


As he moved in, ZEKE found himself halted in his tracks by one of the angel's pristine white wings interdicted in his path. She had no interest in his false pleasantries. In fact-it was negative interest—she had far more important tasks to undertake, one right in front of her. She needed to save this infected child of man, whether or not she herself acquiesced to such a procedure.

Of course, the former was the ideal outcome for Ivanna.

She walked past Zeke and continued inexorably towards Nanako. "I have no relation to his ilk. I would have been aware of one of my own siblings had entered into the Nexus. You have been infected-" Ivanna paused momentarily, as if she were wracking her brain for the best way to put it. "-by an organism which threatens to overwhelm you."


--- Quote from: Hibiki on December 28, 2020, 03:10:54 AM ---Nika

Huh, another stranger in this strangeland in this place? At least that's what she deduced immediately from the lack of one of those masks. And immediately picked up on that gal's vibe. She didn't mean the 1980s look, but she could readily feel there was another vampire in the midst. She wasn't one to beat around the bush, especially given the city's downright jadeness about the weird shit compared to her previous country, so she just approached the woman without much hesitation.

"Eh, took a nap and woke up in the future too? Or that's your style?" The pale woman in a hoodie commented about the other vampire's sense of fashion with a wide grin. "Heh, you probably fit here more than I. Unless there's a gym around."

--- End quote ---


Forest smiled as a pale woman in a hoodie approached her and spoke of her fashion choices.

"Pretty much my style.  It's a mishmash of things that generally includes black."  She grinned as she rubbed the back of her neck.  "And I kind of like the whole Goth aesthetic too, even though it's kind of cliche.  So you ended up here too?"


"I'm a light sleeper yet I haven't found anything amiss, that's for future. Last time someone robbed my place, I chased throughout half of Europe after my stuff. But nothing, nada. No robbers tampering with my treasures, no fools thirsty for revenge."

The vampire was really straightforward about her circumstances, even as she described them in vague, general terms. She indulged Forest's curiosity a bit more, continuing her story.

"Last place I had been before ending up here was called United States of America. That Columbia neighborhood is so similar yet different in certain ways, and in a way this place seems a bit more familiar. I don't think they're very into the Son of man either like those goddess worshippers, but Halloween's Halloween. But well, the way this place smells makes me feel trick people more dangerously for treats than your average kids."


While Zeke blathered, Nanako's attention was fixed firmly to Ivanna, who kept getting closer by the second. What she said only deepened the frown creasing her face. It was more or less what Orcus had said, that time in the arena, that the Grace was a parasite, something that would consume her, corrupt her. But that was Orcus, who she wouldn't trust to get crunchy peanut butter on a grocery run even if she went with him. This woman was different, however, something about her words beckoned the squirrel girl to trust her, to believe her, feeding the confusion growing within her by the second.

"Alright, that's close enough," the squirrel girl said, leaning back another step, "Are you talking about the Grace? Because I've barely felt anything from it, and I've had it for a while now."


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