Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Zeke froze up short of two meters with a dejected smile. "I think she is." And its arms crossed at Ivanna expectantly. "I'm not sure though. To me, it looks too small and cute to do any of that not as small and cute as you though. "  Their... Zeke's current body too, was born a blank slate. If it had any shred of consciousness left, did it curse its existence as well? For having a will imposed on it, as the dark dragon that preceded it...? He pulled his coat down to show them the nape of his neck. "In many ways, it's not that different from a baby right now, its own wish is yet to form. Just like Nanako."

Did he also implant a cluster in himself? Was that even safe? No, it looked... too different. The feathers were more like crystal scales, surrounding some strange bar-code.

"I don't totally disagree. But miracles need prayers in order to come to fruition. If enough people wish for it to be a cruel, ravenous tool of control, that might be the form it takes. But burn it, and you also snuff out the tool's potential for good. Would you kill a child, out of fear of an unknown possibility"

Zeke... the thing calling itself Zeke... shook its head in disapproval.

"It doesn't matter. Any answer is a good answer, as long as it is true to your ideals. I just want to understand... what makes an organism or an abomination... less worthy of your grace?"


--- Quote from: Panda on January 01, 2021, 01:48:01 AM ---Nanako

While Zeke blathered, Nanako's attention was fixed firmly to Ivanna, who kept getting closer by the second. What she said only deepened the frown creasing her face. It was more or less what Orcus had said, that time in the arena, that the Grace was a parasite, something that would consume her, corrupt her. But that was Orcus, who she wouldn't trust to get crunchy peanut butter on a grocery run even if she went with him. This woman was different, however, something about her words beckoned the squirrel girl to trust her, to believe her, feeding the confusion growing within her by the second.

"Alright, that's close enough," the squirrel girl said, leaning back another step, "Are you talking about the Grace? Because I've barely felt anything from it, and I've had it for a while now."

--- End quote ---


"You've had it for less than a month." Ivanna's responce was pointed, icy. "That can by no reasonable measure be considered to be 'a while.'" She stopped five meters away from Nanako, taking the foolish child in. "What is the proper way to deal with a tumor? You excise it immediately upon finding out it exists, of course." Now, even though she hadn't moved, she was addressing both of them. "It would be absolute lunacy to wait to deal with such a problem. Once one starts displaying symptoms, it would require the grace of the lord to burn away the tumor without destroying the host. And with something such as this, these graces, as you call them—I fear that even I would be unable to preserve your mind were we to wait. It is in your best interest to allow me to cure you without a fight."


Nanako furrowed her brow in uncharacteristic concentration as Ivanna and Zeke spoke. She'd watched the winged monstrosity that gave her these feathers fall, watched those feather spread out into her, Justice, and the land they'd fought in. Though she still felt like the shorter angel was telling the truth, it still felt off.

"Alright, look, just... You don't seem to be lying, but how do you know all this?" Nanako asked the petit angel, "I was there when the thing these feathers came from died, when they got scattered everywhere. If it hasn't been that long, then how do you know all this about it?"

"And you," she turned to Zeke, "Whaddya mean, this thing is guided by my wishes? You saying it's up to me how it grows, what it does?"


"Of course." Zeke grinned at Nanako and snapped his fingers, pointing at her... or the thing inside her. His pair of dark eyes were almost glittering, he looked like a scholar getting to share the fruits of their research for the first time in ages.

"The same way a parent imprints its values in a child, those things learn through the memes of their host. It may be a living thing like you and me, but it's really nothing more than a slave, it lacks the will that makes you special. In a way, you're almost its mother."

He took a few steps to the side, enjoying the clean air and bountiful skies by the two women.

"I think... I understand your point, Ivvy. But I can't agree with it. You fear it because you don't know it, don't you? Because it's strange, alien, and unfamiliar. Whatever choice is made here, it should be an informed one."


--- Quote from: Panda on January 03, 2021, 03:54:59 PM ---Nanako

Nanako furrowed her brow in uncharacteristic concentration as Ivanna and Zeke spoke. She'd watched the winged monstrosity that gave her these feathers fall, watched those feather spread out into her, Justice, and the land they'd fought in. Though she still felt like the shorter angel was telling the truth, it still felt off.

"Alright, look, just... You don't seem to be lying, but how do you know all this?" Nanako asked the petit angel, "I was there when the thing these feathers came from died, when they got scattered everywhere. If it hasn't been that long, then how do you know all this about it?"

"And you," she turned to Zeke, "Whaddya mean, this thing is guided by my wishes? You saying it's up to me how it grows, what it does?"

--- End quote ---


"Because, child, I have already witnessed the tremendous harm they create even in this short time they've existed. The havok that they've created. As much as it pains me to admit it, I hesitated. I waited to see what might come out of that accursed forest, and many people have paid dearly for my indecision. Have you heard about what happened in the slums? Do you seek out knowledge of all the ills of the world? Of course you don't—I can tell—you simply wish to live your own life to the fullest, and experience your own happiness. It is in your best interests to listen to me, and to allow me to protect the world for your own sake as well as everybody else's."

Then, the angel turned towards Zeke, and she seemed to be glaring at him from underneath the protection of her wings. "And you. Cur. Monster. Cease speaking to me as if we know each other at once. I do not appreciate your games nor your tricks. You wish to see and experience new and interesting things, irregardless of whether or not those things would be beneficial to allow to play out. I have met your kind before."


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