Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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"Huh? It's like a market where goods and services are exchanged for money. There's even entertainment and all kinds of stores. You've never heard of it?" He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

Fox Girl

Oh lord, we are going to be here all day.

"The mall is... umm... Its a building that has many stores in it and the purpose is to ummm..... allow people to visit one place for all of their needs and expose them to new products they wouldn't otherwise buy?  Most people just use it to hang out.  I have gotten hit on a few times here.  It is sort of a place for teenagers to hang out in."

Weird.  The woman spoke with authority and confidence, yet didn't know what a mall was.  She turned to the man that rushed to her aid and thought to herself, I wonder if he is into the domineering type....


"I see. It seems quite convenient in that respect." She held her chin in her hand and frowned in consideration, before nodding. "I approve of this innovation."

In fact, she was pleased enough by it to turn her attention to the vulpine girl more. "I would have you continue this tour."

Fox Girl

The fox girl turned away from the two, starting at the mall.  Her hips wiggled a little bit as her tail swished back and forth.  She was a little nervous.

"The mall isn't the important part, its the people," she said, walking away from the mall.  It was one of the first times since she arrived that she really considered the impact of the culture of the district itself.  For a while now, she had taken it all for granted. 

"The fact of the matter is that we are all monsters.  All of us were rejected from our respective districts for one reason or another.  Some of us chose to leave, others left for fear of their lives.  That label of otherworldly creature..... In the right enviroment, it has the power to crush anyone, an oppressive force on the minds of us monsters.  But here, it is a source of strength.  We are the monsters of the world and the hallow queen is our beloved leader!"

As she spoke, a bus passed by.  On top of the bus, a candleman sat perched on the roof, its butt melted and hardened, allowing it to stick to the top.  It eyed the two for a moment before casting its eyes elsewhere.  "Our public transportation used to be run entirely by the queen's servants, but now that the district is a sprawling metropolis, they are used mostly for security.  They are pretty strong, even by monsters standards, but occasionally they get overpowered by our stronger citizens and criminals but its a sight to see when a whole group of them has to put someone down.  Its best to leave the area when that happens."


He just followed along, watching silently for a moment, It was when she spoke that he closed his eyes, thought a moment. Then he answered, with a surprisingly warm voice.

"Even a monster can wish for a place to call home, a brotherhood to belong to. I understand." He smiled. "No one wants to die alone, eh?"

He couldn't say he didn't understand the sentiment. Better than anyone. After all, he too was a monster that had been cast away. He didn't think anyone would understand that.

His eye turned to his lady. But you understand, right?


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