Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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The blonde raised an eyebrow at the other woman's words before tilting her head and folding her arms across her chest.

"Yeah, I visited the Columbia District yesterday.  It did seem very Septic, and not in a good way.  Normally I'm fine with Americans, but that place was too capitalized for my taste.  This seems to be more of my speed."

Forest looked around at the monsters around them and smiled.  "The monsters are hiding in plain sight here at least."   


The other vampire just nodded along in agreement, as they seemed to both have their grips with Columbia.

"I love hoarding money like a dragon sometimes, but you've got it right. Living there would be like living in a middle of political cartoon, and I cannot imagine how to kick back there and relax with all that cult of personality around. But here, monsters like us don't stand out even if we go against the flow without costumes and masks."

The woman flashed the telltale smile, exposing her sharp canines as if she cared not for keeping up a disguise, and offered her fellow monster a handshake. "You can call me Nika. My full name is a bit more grandiose, but it's best to trade life stories stories in some decent bar. Shall we look for one?"

Undoubtedly there was already one open somewhere at this hour. She was ready to follow the woman's lead about this, but just as ready to take the charge if the other vampire was out of ideas.


Nanako's ears perked up as Zeke said his piece, slightly concerned by how excited he looked despite everything that was happen. That she could imprint on the Grace had her a little concerned of what it might learn from her, but also wondering what it could do if she allowed to grow, whatever that meant. What he said to Ivanna, however, rang familiar to her, an old memory clawing for the surface before Nanako pushed it back down to keep her focus on the here and now.

Her concern only grew when, for all of what Ivanna said, she didn't deny what he'd said. "A forest? Figure it'd be different for one growing from a person as opposed to dirt and trees and probably some wildlife in the mix," she said, slowly edging back cautiously, "You're making some good points, but I'm still not liking the idea of being set on fire to have it burned out."

"More importantly," Nanako turned back to Zeke, "What makes this thing grow, anyway? Did the one in the forest just go out of control for some reason, or...?"


"I mean, I had a fair share in savings at home, but the whole capitalism thing is sort of not working for the Yanks right now.  At least it was already starting to crumble when I accidentally drove here."

She did smile back as Nika exposed her fangs and shook the other vampire's hand.

"I go by Forest, but my friends call me Fore, and getting a drink seems like it could be a good idea."

Just as long as they don't have that orange juice from a can.  That stuff is bullshit.


The vampire gave Forest slightly skeptical look as she mentioned the very notion of things going downhill in America. This was the nation that fought a war on scale unimagined before, pulled through through a crisis that made it on brink of annihilation and then put those dozen or so guys on the Moon. But maybe she wasn't one to argue about the state of her adopted homeland as she took the nap around the peanut farmer's inauguration, and clearly long time must have passed by the time technology got so wondrously fascinating. 

Speaking of the devil, she of course had her smartphone around, a new useful tool in her wanderings. It certainly could be handy for the bar crawl.

"This neighborhood looks pretty great, no doubts, but let me look real quick for some place with this baby and save our time." She grinned, brandishing her smartphone with pride in one of her newest toys. "Just tell me what kind of stuff you're raring to see. I love the unknown so much when I'm fresh off grave like this that I love to go with people's flow."

Long nap syndrome, she loved to call it. Nika loved to live in the moment, let herself sweeped by the currents of society, human one and otherwise, unless she had a firm goal before her eyes. And the midnight was far off enough to not flip yet that tunnel vision switch on in her brain.


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