Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Nanako wanted to respond to Ivanna, but Zeke's words rattled in her mind. Indeed, what did she want to do with it? Her mind wandered, the squirrel girl crossing her arms under her chest and falling uncharacteristically silent and still as she thought back to her previous battles, back to the vague helplessness that had crept into them. Those still would've happened, with or without the Grace, and it would be foolish to think she wouldn't get into more fights while she was here. If it was a question of what she wanted to do with it...

"I'm not sure. This is a lot to take in at once," she admitted, "I think I'd use it to be better. Like you said, I'm not supposed to have this thing, and it'll be shaped by me. Might not even be able to go wild like it did when its host was literal dirt."


--- Quote from: Panda on January 09, 2021, 05:43:49 PM ---Nanako

Nanako wanted to respond to Ivanna, but Zeke's words rattled in her mind. Indeed, what did she want to do with it? Her mind wandered, the squirrel girl crossing her arms under her chest and falling uncharacteristically silent and still as she thought back to her previous battles, back to the vague helplessness that had crept into them. Those still would've happened, with or without the Grace, and it would be foolish to think she wouldn't get into more fights while she was here. If it was a question of what she wanted to do with it...

"I'm not sure. This is a lot to take in at once," she admitted, "I think I'd use it to be better. Like you said, I'm not supposed to have this thing, and it'll be shaped by me. Might not even be able to go wild like it did when its host was literal dirt."

--- End quote ---


"Maybe does not cut it when it comes to natural disasters and supernatural threats."

Ivanna's response was instantaneous, her tone was potent, and a ruffle of anxiety and fear ran through the pristine feathers adorning her wings. Her form began to glow with divine power, and her two back wings flapped in a show of force. She did not consider Nanako's thoughts on this matter to be responsible nor acceptable. As the protector of her people, she could simply not abide by one woman's selfishness in this moment. She had to act for the greater good.

"This dirt you speak of has already created a great threat to my people, and possibly to the Nexus as a whole if it is allowed to continue to propagate. Maybe it won't cause a great calamity is only one side of the argument. It naturally follows that perhaps this parasite of yours isn't so benign after all; that it might take over your body, corrupt your soul, and turn you into a raging beast thirsting for lust and fighting. Maybe it won't go that far, but it will still push you in a corruptive manner—I can fully admit that I do not know every possible outcome. What I do know is that there is a significant potential for harm, and I have to follow my duty to act, swiftly, expeditiously, and without prejudice. Whatever lies he may say, and yes, whatever truths he says, are simply him attempting to lead you to indecision, so he may see how things play out, however the cards may fall."


"Amazing. Every word you just said ... was wrong."

The emptiness in Zeke's eyes shifted for a second, filled with pity. Lazily putting up with whatever scorn was thrown at them - at Zeke... was still one of their good points.

"You? Without prejudice? Yes, yes, I can't deny I'm curious. But curious enough to put up with your constant bloodlust? No." An incandescent swirl of mud and life formed on his very fingertips, in the form of a raven. "Even if you knew our goal, you don't know our motives or anything about those Graces. A war based on ignorance is no war, it's bloodletting."

He smiled patiently and waked up the Seraph, shaking his head.

"Thus, my truth is manipulation, and children are monsters to be feared. I can assure you though, between us three, you're the one I'd call monster." He said that without hatred, without contempt... but there was bitterness in his words.

It was frustrating to deal with a child so unwilling to see beyond their own truth.

"Either way, this isn't something we can solve or base with words alone."


"I don't look like that, but I used to be decent at old style dances. I don't particularly miss times when I used to mingle with people as higher class lady. When I learned swing from people, I never looked back."

She put back the smartphone in her pockets, as she didn't think she'd have to stare at directions to get there.

"Here I ramble about old times, but we were meant to go to the club. They converted an old factory that got absorbed by the neighborhood into a dancing club. Great acoustics, I bet, lots of space, with local bent of course. Heheh, jumping around to the loud music sounds wild, from what I've seen on a profile."   

She could see a vague shape of a factory hall in the direction where the place was meant to be. She swore she could already hear some music being played when she focused on hearing the noise, though partly drowned by the noisy and lively district itself.


Where once the squirrel girl had been still in contemplation, the sudden movement of Ivanna's wings flaring out had her moving without thinking. Instinct took over and sent her back three quick steps before the squirrel girl managed to slam on the brakes. Her eyes were narrowed now, ears swiveled forward, to the sides, and then back as her tail swished rapidly behind her. At the back of her mind, something started to surface, something new, something that hadn't been there before. It was faint at best, but...familiar. Familiar in a way that sent a chill through her spine.

Before she could respond, however, Zeke spoke up instead, Nanako's gaze flitting over to him for a brief moment, noting that he seemed more focused on Ivanna, then going back to the petit winged being.

"Alright, then what are your motives?" Nanako asked after he'd finished, "If it's not just to see what will happen, then what?"


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