Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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"It seems we cannot coexist, beast. I had hoped to be able to avoid violence today, but it seems the time for talking is rapidly coming to a close." The angel laughed at Zeke's comments about her. It was a derisive, sarcastic laugh, filled with pain, long-neglected feelings, her shattered conscience, and more. She thought back to times which were simpler, when executing God's will didn't leave the bitter taste of bile in her mouth which she had to refrain from even thinking about. Behind the veil of her wings, protected from the prying eyes of the world, Ivanna bit her lower lip, grinding her teeth.

She couldn't help but feel as if she'd been wronged. Not by Zeke, not by Nanako, but by her Lord. She knew it was incorrect, borderline blasphemous to even think such thoughts, but now more than ever before, it was hard for her to refrain from doing so.

Not after having had the smallest sip of freedom and relaxation. She clenched her small fist, took a deep breath, and buried her feelings once more. Just one more time.


It takes a strong man to deny what's in front of them. Even stronger to keep fighting regardless of it. Was that why Zeke's eyes were so sad? "Can't we? That is your choice, not mine. Many of my past selves chose the path of bloodshed. I don't know... just what did they see, beyond the hell they created? I don't think it brought them anywhere. And it will bring us nowhere."

The moment he closed his eyes, for a second, you could see a person. It shook its head.

"I have my truth, and you have yours. We could fight over it, repeat the same mistakes of the past. But for once, just this once, can we not seek common ground? Challenge our conceptions and notions, and learn from one another?" Dark eyes looked down for a second, as if lost and aimless. Or rather, he wasn't looking at either of them, but the endless horizon.

Just what kind of truth did Zeke see?

"A towering weapon built on the shells of old worlds? If there existed, there wouldn't be a strand of hair left in this Nexus. Centuries of child experiments to create the perfect hero? That doesn't sound very likely, does it? A fallen hero who'd destroy all that the Gods have created, just to snuff out the fires of vengeance? Can't say I've ever heard of anyone like that. A living calamity that wants to assimilate anything and everything? I'd hope people come up with better movie scenarios than that."

The man sighed tiredly, smiling with a hand on his side. No, he couldn't say he was any of those things. All this time, he had always been himself.

"No. I think truth is something you decide for yourself, the beliefs in your heart. For my dream, I might perpetuate someone else's. But let's work together, just this once. We might just discover our truths aren't so different. And if not, then you can steel your resolve and end the enemy in front of you."

He turned to Nanako and looked at her with an odd sincerity. "If my head doesn't fall from my shoulders, I promise, all your questions will be answered."


The squirrel stood still, tense, almost quivering with restrained energy, ready at any moment to zip off whichever way she needed to go. Ivanna was clearly past the point of talking and committed to the coming fight, but Zeke surprised her. After everything about him being curious to see how things might play out, he was the one to try to de-escalate. Still, it was oddly comforting in its own way. For him to try to slow things down instead of letting them go where they would, if Ivanna had been wrong about that, it reinforced the idea that she could be wrong about more than that. That new presence at the back of her mind pushed again, more insistently now, but still only barely registered to the squirrel girl, her focus almost entirely on the confrontation between Ivanna and Zeke.

...want to live...

"Might be a big if," the squirrel girl said, tail swaying behind her, shifting her weight slightly as she slowly shuffled closer to Zeke.


The angel took a step forwards, interjecting herself between Nanako and Zeke. No, she wouldn't be allowing them to group up, to coordinate, when it looked so likely that her target would be forcing her to resort to violent measures. The faint white light of fire arcing along the lengths of her wings didn't grow in intensity, however, her movement should have made her stance clear.

This cannot continue.

Her silence would give the beast the opportunity to carry on, say whatever he needed to say. She would not interrupt him, not yet.


A curious glance darted at the short Seraph, intrigued and aware of her - and what she wanted to do. Even if the air was tense, his attempts to settle down and befriend her were genuine. However, so was the hunger in his eyes. For in kindness and in evil, he was himself. Not some dark tool, not a disposable lump of meat. Even if the will of the world was in his way, he wouldn't accept anything less.

Not even if it came from God's judgment.

"Come on, don't be that way. Wasn't burning my friends enough sport for the day?"

He smiled and put a hand on his side. He never felt a need to hide his emotions, but it was a testament to Ivanna's stubbornness - that Zeke managed to show anger of any sort, however small. And yet why was he smiling?

A message sparked inside Nanako.

Unfortunately, the path of retreat is not something I can take right now. This creature is a threat to me and my people. If you want to flee, I won't hold it against you. I've never fought her myself, but I know just how monstrous this thing can be.


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