Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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"Well, it depends on if the music is good.  Like there's a difference between DJ Glitter Tits and New Retro Wave."

Forest pounded her right fist into the palm of her left hand to make her point.  "Bloody DJ Glitter Tits . . ."  She shook her head before looking at the looming building.  "This is almost cliche.  The whole club in an abandoned factory thing.  Could be fun though!"


Good news? Ivanna seemed content to listen for the moment, hadn't lashed out at either of them. Yet. Bad news? She was closer now, interposing between the squirrel girl and the taller man. That Zeke was still smiling about all this was kinda weird, but she didn't think to question it. As things were, the tension in the air only rose with each passing moment, the only other voice being that growing presence in the back of her mind, the one she could only assume was the Grace.

...was born into this...

Before she could think to respond, however, a new voice entered, much louder this time. Zeke, to her surprise, but resonating the same way the Grace had. She didn't have time to question it or wonder how he did it, however. She only ground her boot into the dirt, digging in and all but saying that she wouldn't leave him. He'd made her a promise, after all.


Ivanna could tell from simple observation and her keen senses. Zeke had said something to her through a channel Ivanna was not privy to—she'd heard the small tells of surprise from the girl, and felt the small vibrations through the earth of the other woman digging her feet into the ground, readying herself for combat. If she needed to, she would kill her without a shred of empathy. Ivanna readied herself to enact justice without mercy, to bring the executioner's axe down upon the foes of her lord once more. She steeled her emotions and prepared to deaden her heart, however...

She knew it was wrong. Ivanna could feel her instincts screaming at her to act now and remove the girl's head from her body. It would be so easy to catch her off guard and purify the sin dwelling in her soul through glorious combat. Despite all of that, Ivanna didn't wish to be the one to take the first move. If Nanako chose demise, it would be her choice alone.

I don't want this. But if it must happen, I shall be His blade once more.
"Young child whom has simply been caught up in this: I implore you to close your eyes and to avert your gaze. I do not wish to bring harm upon you, despite what you may think of my, my motives, and my actions."

With her back facing Nanako, Ivanna's wings unfurled to bare her vulnerable  body to Zeke, preparing for combat. From behind, Nanako could only see her immensely large wingspan, two meters in each direction, with six glorious wings granted to her by heaven itself as a mark of her station. From the front, she had the form of a small child with hair the color of gold itself, shining from the sun held within her body, and without a single blemish upon her perfectly pale skin. Ivanna stood tall, balanced perfectly on her toes to gain just a couple more inches of height while glaring up at the immensely tall monster.

"Do not presume yourself fit to lecture me, beast!" She pointed an accusatory finger up at his face. "I shall not stand to be guilted for doing that which must have been done! Do not presume to lecture me! Now tell me what you have in mind without deception and half-spoken truths!" Her fire burst out from within her, wreathing her body in its protective cloak as her voice grew ever more enchanting and beautiful, taking on her true form as one whom sang. "Quickly!"


"Lectures are for those with a mind to listen. Those who have time. Those who have options. You have neither." A cruel gleam flashed in his gaze, now far sterner. He towered over the holy creature, but even that didn't make him seem greater. No, this was something beyond physical appearance.

Like two titans baring their maws at one another.

"Hmph." Yet, he shook his head and laughed it off, along with the finger pointed at him. "I've only shared facts, It's not up to me how you interpret them. But know this, I have toiled with the likes of these Graces, learning their secrets. I know them. Do you?"

He smiled at her. His arrogance and avarice were self-evident, but his heart? Not so.

"I know of a ruin in the far reaches of the sea, but I'm unable to unlock its chambers myself." He brushed his silver locks back with a pensive look. "Without the knowledge locked there, you cannot truly kill those tools. You cannot even understand them. As for me... there is something I'd like to confirm. A theory."

It was a shaky premise, an uneasy alliance to be sure. But even Ivanna could tell he was sincere in his own way. In his own words, this was a win-win.

"It might also hold the answers you both seek."


"Cliche to you, new to me." She shrugged as she walked by Forest's side to their destination. "But what's exactly the difference between the two? You don't look like hyped about the DJ whatever the face. Or at least as much as about the other option."

She didn't acquire any taste or opinions yet about the music she heard in the distance. New was new, you got to dip yourself in the stream, go with the flow and just form your own tastes and opinions. Such was life.


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