Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Nanako's eyes narrowed as Ivanna asked her to stand down, shaky resolve hardening into something else.

"Can't say I've ever had an easy time just watching someone die in front of me," the squirrel girl said, tail swishing behind her as she tensed up, ready for any sudden motion from the seraphim. Instead, Zeke broke the tension first. Nanako gave him a confused look, the tension slowly draining from her like a water balloon with a pin prick.

"I...a theory?" Nanako gave the silver-haired man a wary look from behind those massive wings, "Anything else you can tell us about this place?"


"I won't say I'm a music snob, because I will admit one of the best heavy metal acts that came from the states in the last twenty years has been a cartoon based parody band," Forest gnashed her teeth and narrowed her eyes.

"However, what that hack DJ Glitter Tits did on what he called a remix should have him locked away for assault, battery, and second degree murder!  I have been around to know what sound musical quality and technical ability sounds like, and that bawbag did not have it!"

She pressed her lips together, looked at the other vampire and chuckled. "Maybe I am a bit of a music snob."


--- Quote from: Kotomine_Rin on January 15, 2021, 10:24:11 PM ---Zeke

"Lectures are for those with a mind to listen. Those who have time. Those who have options. You have neither." A cruel gleam flashed in his gaze, now far sterner. He towered over the holy creature, but even that didn't make him seem greater. No, this was something beyond physical appearance.

Like two titans baring their maws at one another.

"Hmph." Yet, he shook his head and laughed it off, along with the finger pointed at him. "I've only shared facts, It's not up to me how you interpret them. But know this, I have toiled with the likes of these Graces, learning their secrets. I know them. Do you?"

He smiled at her. His arrogance and avarice were self-evident, but his heart? Not so.

"I know of a ruin in the far reaches of the sea, but I'm unable to unlock its chambers myself." He brushed his silver locks back with a pensive look. "Without the knowledge locked there, you cannot truly kill those tools. You cannot even understand them. As for me... there is something I'd like to confirm. A theory."

It was a shaky premise, an uneasy alliance to be sure. But even Ivanna could tell he was sincere in his own way. In his own words, this was a win-win.

"It might also hold the answers you both seek."

--- End quote ---


Ivanna felt a dull throb in her chest rising to her forehead. Why? Why was this squirrel so intent on leading herself to her own death? Foolishness. Insanity. A misguided sense of justice. Ivanna had the impression it was all three of those most-troublesome qualities merging into a hard-headed idiocy which was dragging her down towards oblivion.

After all, she wasn't wrong herself. This was the only way to move forwards.

A small ring of fire began to circle around her feet, and a dense white flame, pure as a sunrise, began to coalease in her hand. "Perhaps if you engaged in more than base sophistry, I would be willing to listen. I have many options, many choices which I can make at any given time. I did not need to engage in this dialogue in the first place, and it's arguably put me at quite the disadvantage. I could throw this sun at you, yet I refrain from doing so. You will speak. You shall say what you wish to say, and I trust you know the punishment you will recieve for wasting my valuable time."

As if to accentuate her words, Ivanna's entire body burst into flame, emenating a powerful heat from the core of her form. Underneath her, the asphalt began to soften and melt, boiling into a molten mass of tar and dirt.


He rubbed his chin pensively, admiring the soft-looking wings. Would they be just as soft once ripped out of her like a chicken? As he wondered, his darkness flared to match her fire.

"You could. You most certainly could." Shoddy self-pity, making excuses for himself... that was never Zeke's style, let alone his style. It wasn't in their nature.  "But that won't fix a thing, walking calamity.  If only you knew what you've done, you'd be on your knees apologizing. Don't worry, it's too late for that."  His dark eye pulsated with burning energy, even when he stared her down like a statue.

"You've been bold, pridefully so. But it's wrath that'll be the end of you."

He learned of freedom, and he had the power to exert it now. Why should he kneel and be a slave to nature?

The darkness ate every shred of heat from their vicinity. Still, it wasn't cold. And yet...

"And you come here and enjoy spilling my comrades' blood, and dare threaten me with impunity? Just like you enjoyed listening to helpless babes scream and cry out - without them fighting back. They didn't stand a chance... they didn't even fight. I like that."

Zeke wasn't smiling anymore.

"But your prayer might be answered - if an enemy is what you want to find. An excuse. Your desire will make you correct, no matter how wrong you are. Don't lie to me, you've been pushing for this outcome from the start. Do you even have any other way to live? What would you be without a convenient enemy to save us from?"

Fangs bared at the Seraph.

"Is that what your God tells you, or what you tell yourself?"

But he did smile at the end. Not at Ivanna, but the person behind her.

"Who needs a God so fixated on taking lives anyway? If it were up to me... I'd rather everyone have a chance to live and fight for their desires. Even those who didn't have the chance to be born."


--- Quote from: Kotomine_Rin on January 19, 2021, 04:07:03 PM ---Zeke

He rubbed his chin pensively, admiring the soft-looking wings. Would they be just as soft once ripped out of her like a chicken? As he wondered, his darkness flared to match her fire.

"You could. You most certainly could." Shoddy self-pity, making excuses for himself... that was never Zeke's style, let alone his style. It wasn't in their nature.  "But that won't fix a thing, walking calamity.  If only you knew what you've done, you'd be on your knees apologizing. Don't worry, it's too late for that."  His dark eye pulsated with burning energy, even when he stared her down like a statue.

"You've been bold, pridefully so. But it's wrath that'll be the end of you."

He learned of freedom, and he had the power to exert it now. Why should he kneel and be a slave to nature?

The darkness ate every shred of heat from their vicinity. Still, it wasn't cold. And yet...

"And you come here and enjoy spilling my comrades' blood, and dare threaten me with impunity? Just like you enjoyed listening to helpless babes scream and cry out - without them fighting back. They didn't stand a chance... they didn't even fight. I like that."

Zeke wasn't smiling anymore.

"But your prayer might be answered - if an enemy is what you want to find. An excuse. Your desire will make you correct, no matter how wrong you are. Don't lie to me, you've been pushing for this outcome from the start. Do you even have any other way to live? What would you be without a convenient enemy to save us from?"

Fangs bared at the Seraph.

"Is that what your God tells you, or what you tell yourself?"

But he did smile at the end. Not at Ivanna, but the person behind her.

"Who needs a God so fixated on taking lives anyway? If it were up to me... I'd rather everyone have a chance to live and fight for their desires. Even those who didn't have the chance to be born."

--- End quote ---


The seraph flapped four of her wings once, the top and bottom set, generating a great gust of wind powerful enough to force lesser mortals to the ground. She rose off the ground, her small, childlike form dangling loosely from her wings. Her brow contorted; creased with barely contained fury and thin lips curled downwards into disgust. "You assume much of me, Zeke." She opened up her palm. A second burst of flame erupted into a facsimile of a sun, slowly compressing into a solid white blob of plasma in her palm. Ivanna then clenched her small fist, crushing it in her palm. "I enjoy none of this. I loathe every moment of my duty, but I do it because it is what must be done. It is what I have been commanded by my lord to do, for it is what he has said. And so it shall be—whether or not I myself undertake such a burdensome task."

Ivanna scowled, turning her head away, but never allowing her focus to waver. His words served as little more than a deception, designed to wound and distract her. Little knives which dove into her psyche and threatened to tear her apart.

"Agní Parthéne Déspina, Áhrante Theotóke, Hére Nímfi Anímfefte. Parthéne Mítir Ánassa, Panéndrose te póke. Ipsilotéra Uranón, aktínon lamprotéra, Hará parthenikón horón, angélon ipertéra, Eklamprotéra uranón fotós katharotéra, Ton Uraníon stratión pasón agiotéra."

And so, she began to sing, calling upon her greatest weapon she had in her time of need.


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