Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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"I might have slept longer than twenty years. It doesn't sound to my ears like a crime against humanity, but then I'm not human anymore in clinical sense, so what do I know?"

She joked at her own expense. In more than many ways, she wasn't a human. But a different place in the food chain didn't remove her from wanting the same fun as any mortal heeding the same destination. If having fun with other people made one human, then maybe she was one when she enjoyed themselves the same fashion. But hey, she wouldn't pass on occassion to have a drink either. It was after all a place where monsters pretended to be human, so she didn't have to perfect about it.

"And you know, considering this district's demographics, any complete disaster of a musician might be just chased out by the more impulsive locals. Heh, it'd have been fun in its own way if people just kicked out a wannabe musician in front of our eyes."

They were nearing the club, crowds lining up in front of the entrance, though not as bustling with visitors this late afternoon as at the peak during the nighttime. Lots of partygoers in this district must have had downright nocturnal schedules, waking up late. It was amusing how the natural night owls like the two vampires were the early birds here.

Now all they needed to do was to take their place in the line, pay the bouncer and get in. If they wanted to wait patiently. Patience wasn't Nika's best virtue, but she usually tried to obey rules of society she was involved in. But this neighborhood was quite different from your usual law abiding society.

"Wanna just rush past in a blink of eye and drop the money by? If we can be ourselves here in the town, we can as well show off a bit. Unless speed ain't your forte. Everyone has their different strengths."

If Forest had a different solution to the queue, then even better. Every bloodline and lineage had their own quirks and talents, and while no scholar of the vampiric condition, she watched how other vampires did things with interest.


The cursed man... Zeke... watched in awe. The shining form rising, the flames, all of it. Amazing. Such power, it's even more beautiful than I thought. He stifled nervous laughter, barely restrained in its hunger. Like a convict looking straight into the gallows. Did that thing have to fight her too? Heh... I wonder if we'll survive longer.

"Ridiculous. If you don't enjoy it, why bother? We forge our own choices... our own destiny. It's what makes us real - our reason for fighting."

Slowly, the man's body started to float, barely above the ground. A single motion was enough - as he extended its arm sideways. For the world screamed, and seven blackened swords gaped open. Their shine was tainted and pure in its emptiness. Like dark portals into the nether, which he wasted no time throwing her way.


A single command was delivered to his comrades. Evacuate the area. Ensure the people remain safe. Against a calamity like this... it wasn't possible to tell what'd happen to the land around them.

"All things end Ivanna. Even us."

What will you do, Nanako? A signal jolted in her head like electricity.


--- Quote from: Kotomine_Rin on January 20, 2021, 06:07:50 AM ---Zeke

The cursed man... Zeke... watched in awe. The shining form rising, the flames, all of it. Amazing. Such power, it's even more beautiful than I thought. He stifled nervous laughter, barely restrained in its hunger. Like a convict looking straight into the gallows. Did that thing have to fight her too? Heh... I wonder if we'll survive longer.

"Ridiculous. If you don't enjoy it, why bother? We forge our own choices... our own destiny. It's what makes us real - our reason for fighting."

Slowly, the man's body started to float, barely above the ground. A single motion was enough - as he extended its arm sideways. For the world screamed, and seven blackened swords gaped open. Their shine was tainted and pure in its emptiness. Like dark portals into the nether, which he wasted no time throwing her way.


A single command was delivered to his comrades. Evacuate the area. Ensure the people remain safe. Against a calamity like this... it wasn't possible to tell what'd happen to the land around them.

"All things end Ivanna. Even us."

What will you do, Nanako? A signal jolted in her head like electricity.

--- End quote ---


Ivanna continued to sing. Her voice rang out with the fury of a thousand men, echoing through the air and drowning out all other noise in the area with the volume of an airplane taking off. It was beautiful, somber, mournful and full of joy all at once, and yet, there was something more. The ground around them began to shake, reforming with miraculous intent around them. A stone arena formed out of the ground, morphing into wood, and then into marbled arches. A flame burst forth between every stone arch, pure as the angel's wings and as scornful as her glare.

Today, Ezekiel would die.

A flap of her wings send her soaring into the air. The swiping of her wings knocked the projectiles away with uncanny accuracy, sending them hurtling back towards zeke. Finally, the swipe of her hand enveloped Zeke with purifying flames.


As Ivanna moved, so did Nanako, reacting to the sudden motion on instinct, darting back several paces as Ivanna and Zeke launched their opening salvos at each other. The squirrel girl almost tripped as she retreated, the seemingly changing underfoot as she moved. Surprised, Nanako glanced down to see that it had actually done just that, the urban ruins she'd been standing in replaced with a vast stadium, looking up to see marble and flame sprouting from the ground like artful trees.

Before she could think any longer on that, however, Zeke's words cut through the haze with a simple question. Clarity came with the shock and the chill that followed, and with clarity came that small voice from before, no longer pushing. It didn't have to, anymore. live, because I was born...

She couldn't help but agree, living was nice after all. Without a second thought, Nanako tore up chunks of ground, hurling them through the air to intercept both Zeke's reflected attack and Ivanna's fiery burst.


The twin black eyes stared up at the [heaven], hiding nor pain nor laughter. The beauty that erected around them, the magnificent palace...

It felt like a cage.

"We're digging a little deeper!"

It wasn't common to see excavation sites in the far reaches of the wilderness. But even so, to see this much manpower focused on a single deserted steppe couldn't be normal. ZR-X2 was a mercenary front of the older days, though it saw a resurgence in the past twenty years. Few men with conviction strived to push onward and fight for whatever work they could scrape.

Even something like this.

A wise, experienced soldier watched down the excavation site, accompanied by a man of pallid ash and its scornful bird.

Just what did they find, in that gaping pit?

"Your killing intent... will never reach its target." His left eye slowly burn like ember, until its shine was filled with gold. The stone was shattered by the reflected swords, but rather than being launched everywhere, their momentum halted as if swallowed by jelly. Gravity had no effect on them, and they floated back towards Zeke, who already moved accross the arches, scattering the absorbed energy straight towards Ivanna.

In the form of searing dark suns.

We can't die yet.


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