Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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María Aipárthene kósmu pantós Kiría, Áhrante Nímfi Pánagne, Déspina Panagía, María Nímfi Ánassa, harás imón etía, Korí semní Vasílissa, Mítir iperagía, Timiotéra Heruvím, iperendoxotéra Ton asomáton Serafím, ton Thrónon ipertéra.

As Ivanna continued to sing, reality continued to respond to her calls for help, warping around them and weakening the rules of reality. The rocks hurtling towards her stopped, refusing to interfere with the works of the Seraphim. They hung stubbornly in the air as floating platforms, ignoring the calls of gravity and momentum in favor of Ivanna's voice. She stopped ascending when she reached an aitutude equal to that of the highest arches, slipping up out of the way of the scorching-hot plasma hurtling towards her.

She reached out into the air with an outstretched hand, clasping down on a seemingly invisible object which flared to life, generating an immense axe bathed in fire and soaked in the blood of her Lord's enemies.


Nanako frowned as her projectiles simply stopped in mid-air uselessly, held in place by forces she couldn't understand and had no time to figure out. Lacking any other options to get at the Seraph without simply being blasted out of the air, Nanako tore up more of the ground, darting about the tallest pillar and hurling clusters of it straight at Ivanna from various positions. Even if she could catch it all, every chunk of earth would hopefully be another blind spot.

...because I was born into this world...

This foolishness wasn't worth Ivanna's life, even with her rejection of a chance to learn more. So much for informed choices.


Forest bit her lip as she looked at their place in the line and then back at Nika.

"There's that, or we could just walk up and charm the bouncer."   Forest wondered if she could focus what Taro called her "sexiness" like she knew Gabe could do with her Lure.  "Or we could just pay the bouncer a tip and go in."


The reaper's eye whirred and worked like clockwork, observing all of his surroundings in moments to calculate the optimal trajectory - moving his body above and beyond its parameters. Every blind spot of hers, he'd take advantage of.

He wouldn't defeat her by running about.

As he dashed past another column... he disappeared. As if he never exited the arch he ran through. Before a normal fighter could realize what occurred, two things happened:

1. Zeke emerged from another pillar, shrinking the distance with surprising tenacity - simultaneously followed by a dozen more of 'him', each from the previously approached structure's blind spots. One of them moved unlike the others, flicking his fingers back towards him as he ran.

2. The sun that shot past Ivanna slowed down and stopped alarmingly, moving back as if pulling whatever was next to it back into its gravity - circling into Ivanna's orbit with no delay, expanding rapidly until it'd reach the size of a house. Its brightness and power, both comparable to the morning star.

Both leaving room for the third act.

Swords gnawing at the skies from every direction, seven in total.


Two distinct voices intoned from within the angel's form. The first was the one whom continued to chant, singing praises of her lord and lady above. It stopped the rocks which Nanako had continued to throw, before they slowly reversed their courses, falling harmlessly downwards and melting back into their proper places as if Nanako hadn't torn them up in the first place. The second was a deep, churning, powerful chuckle. It resounded throughout her entire form, quickly morphing into a manic sort of laughter that came from deep within herself. It sent chills down the spines of all creatures within earshot. All beings with even an ounce of sanity knew that something deep within her was fundamentally wrong.

"Come at me, then!" She roared. With a flap of her wings, she soared downwards towards Zeke's many bodies, her own wings flaring outwards to meet him in mortal combat. Her wings shielded her from the infernal fire, and she began to spin. She wrapped herself up with two of her wings, spinning at him like a drill which would pierce the heavens!

She would defeat this great evil in front of her, much as she'd done before. Her blood boiled with righteous fury, and her voice had a mornful, uncanny edge to it. "Today you shall breathe your last, demon!"


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