Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Nanako shuddered as that manic laugh rang out, barely noticing the rubble reversing course back into the ground. She didn't have time to think about it, but pure instinct screamed that something was dreadfully wrong here. They were past the point of talking anyway. It didn't dampen her resolve, however, if anything only strengthening it. It was clear now more than ever that if Ivanna might have stopped short of killing Zeke before, she certainly wouldn't now.

Shifting her grip on the pillar to be on all fours, Nanako launched herself from the obelisk, rocketing through the air to intercept Ivanna, turning in the air and tucking her legs in. With the gunshot crack of sluggish sound far behind her, the squirrel girl crashed into the side of Ivanna's wing drill with a thunderous dropkick, trying to divert it away from Zeke with sheer force and momentum.

She wanted Zeke to survive this mess, despite the way his intrusion crawled under her skin. That, and he still owed her some answers.


The swords slammed against the invincible wings and bounced off, breaking. Only one was shred in its entirely as if it were made of mud. A chance out of six.

More importantly... Is that... a drill?

"Hrm!" Their stare intensified, and Zeke's features darkened. She was strong, absurdly so. Zeke... had to respond to that strength... with everything at one's disposal.

As muscles tightened, Zeke saw and felt everything they felt. His jewels were being butchered by the seraph; it'd be less than a second to stop her.  But if he awakened everyone in this district with his scream, he could have an army at his side. It was the rational thing to do. Thus, Zeke took a deep breath, and -

--- Quote from: yinsukin on December 04, 2020, 03:29:25 AM ---Lola

Lola looked at what could only be called zombies.  "Can you start by ceasing with that?  What we need to empower is the dead, not the corpses of the fallen.  We are going to rebuild our way."

--- End quote ---

Doubt. Hesitation. For a moment, it was enough to stop Zeke.


Dying screams couldn't even be rung. The numbers Ivanna shred to nothing soon reached double digits, with no time left. As she slammed down on him, he was also ripped into shreds of mud like all the rest. And yet he smiled peacefully.

"I've observed it."

A voice rang to Ivanna’s left, but it was already too late. Zeke’s fist clenched against a rotating wing. It was the moment she shot past him, even if his forearm had to dress with a dozen cuts. Avoiding her wasn’t enough, he had to set up fakes to distract her and dodge in the nick of time. Even the fakes he swapped with. All of this, for a single moment.

A chance out of six billion.

He stopped her deadly technique – and swung her with everything he had straight into Nanako’s foot.

"We have no interest in the current you, caged songbird.”

This emotion was impossible. Zeke was an irreverent, cavalier beast. It enjoyed slaughtering and being slaughtered. It'd gladly throw anything into the abyss if it meant being closer to its dream. So this expression made no sense on such a monster. But it couldn't be denied.



"Maybe it's time for parting the sea. You know, sometimes people just don't get into your way if they feel they shouldn't get into your way."

All things considered, would that even work in this case? The ratio of your average cog in a society to someone with spine must have been way in the favor of people who wouldn't just instinctually move away when she flexed a bit of her leashed ego within.

She did try. Few people ahead the duo suddenly started nervously looking for a reason to leave to check if they didn't forgot anything and other such excuses, but the majority of the line was unphased. Too long queue perhaps, too many monsters who wouldn't even notice the predatory aura unless she focused her attention and entered a tug of war of wills.

"That leaves the normal way." Sighing, she conceded that "defeat". "Things like this remind me I'm just one of many sharks in the pond. I'm fine with getting carried by the currents then rather than going against the flow, this one time."

And so she made up her mind about waiting in the queue. If Forest wanted to give it a go, she could be her guest, but this time she'd obey rules even in this relatively lax place. Even as the impatience set the longer she had to hear the music (industrial rock, unbeknownst to her) while waiting to be processed by the bouncer.

She could already glimpse that people at the front of the queue were being checked for guns and some were leaving their weapons in "deposit". Gah, not like that'd make her or some people who left those guns for safekeeping any less dangerous, but maybe some incident did happen that warranted such inspections. Maybe the owner of the club had to repair some holes in the roof in the past.

Again, she glanced at Forest if she was packing some heat too. The Colt in her holster was a sort of memento, so while she'd leave it in deposit, she'd move heaven and earths to get it back if it were missing.


--- Quote from: Kotomine_Rin on January 27, 2021, 07:02:50 PM ---Zeke

The swords slammed against the invincible wings and bounced off, breaking. Only one was shred in its entirely as if it were made of mud. A chance out of six.

More importantly... Is that... a drill?

"Hrm!" Their stare intensified, and Zeke's features darkened. She was strong, absurdly so. Zeke... had to respond to that strength... with everything at one's disposal.

As muscles tightened, Zeke saw and felt everything they felt. His jewels were being butchered by the seraph; it'd be less than a second to stop her.  But if he awakened everyone in this district with his scream, he could have an army at his side. It was the rational thing to do. Thus, Zeke took a deep breath, and -

Doubt. Hesitation. For a moment, it was enough to stop Zeke.


Dying screams couldn't even be rung. The numbers Ivanna shred to nothing soon reached double digits, with no time left. As she slammed down on him, he was also ripped into shreds of mud like all the rest. And yet he smiled peacefully.

"I've observed it."

A voice rang to Ivanna’s left, but it was already too late. Zeke’s fist clenched against a rotating wing. It was the moment she shot past him, even if his forearm had to dress with a dozen cuts. Avoiding her wasn’t enough, he had to set up fakes to distract her and dodge in the nick of time. Even the fakes he swapped with. All of this, for a single moment.

A chance out of six billion.

He stopped her deadly technique – and swung her with everything he had straight into Nanako’s foot.

"We have no interest in the current you, caged songbird.”

This emotion was impossible. Zeke was an irreverent, cavalier beast. It enjoyed slaughtering and being slaughtered. It'd gladly throw anything into the abyss if it meant being closer to its dream. So this expression made no sense on such a monster. But it couldn't be denied.


--- End quote ---


Ivanna was an angel of the highest order. With her full power, she'd have been able to destroy both of them with a single word. She was privy to the deepest of secrets, the darkest magiks better left forgotten else somebody actually try to use them. It was because she was trusted. He could trust her. She would get the job done, unerringly, unfaltering in her step with single minded determination to achieve her goals and by extension, His goals.

Even when she had to make difficult choices.

Even when she was forced to sacrifice loved ones.

Even when it had to be done by her hand alone.

Ivanna was an executioner angel, one whom burns. She'd worked closely with Thanatos herself. She should not have been having this sort of trouble. With her full power, they'd have been absolutely nothing!

"Useless. Your struggles are useless." Ivanna's voice deepened with her growing frustration. The fire coursing along her wings snaked up to engulf Zeke, buring with divine fury and focusing all of its deadly powers directly over his eyes. Even with his powers to consume, it would take a few precious moments to destroy her flames.

And that was all that Ivanna needed. She flapped her wing, diverting the course of her body out of the way of Nanako's impacting foot, converting the centrifugal force of her spin into a dodge, bending her wing around and bringing her weapon to bear against the unclean one.

An axe came bearing down on his shoulder, three wings accompanying them to strike different vital areas. "Underestimating me shall be your downfall!" She roared.


Rocketing through the air, Nanako's eyes widened as Zeke somehow outmaneuvered Ivanna to bodily throw her into the path of her dropkick. When Ivanna's wings flared to avoid it, however, trained reflexes kicked in, even as fire blossomed across her body, warm tongues licking fruitlessly at clothes and exposed skin. As they became seemingly more desperate to kill each other, Nanako felt all the more driven to stop them, their madness fueling a new one within her.

That presence pushed harder, cried out louder, but now it was different. Where before it might have pulled her into her past, inside herself, now it pushed her forward, pushed her harder.

The squirrel girl reached inwards, wings bursting from her back and flapping hard before vanishing in a puff of feathers, launching her right at Ivanna once more, Nanako twisting in the air to kick the seraphim's weapon arm away from an unexpected angle.


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