Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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The dark man noted a lack of response, of impact. A dispassionate glance shot at the wings wrapping around and circling his frame. But what kind of expression did the body express, when the soul was wrapped by God's ghastly flame? The terror of heaven was something even he couldn't ignore.

But they could.

"How long are you going to keep playing a part?" Someone suddenly jeered, but its tone was oddly affectionate. A mass of burning, black mud. Zeke's visage didn't twist or change, but something grew in the corner of his eye - someone. Only for them to be swallowed by the flames.

A Prayer of Hope

Among the stars, sleeping by the End Sky, stories weave and glitter freely. They move with the roll of a dice, casting countless possibilities on the board. Beauty, ugliness, happiness, despair... all mix and swirl to become colors that paint many tales.

This is one of them.

Spoiler for Hiden:

The boy sleeps peacefully, swimming in a cradle of aqua vitae. As the incomplete body rots and regrows, new pains and sensations fill the boy's eyes. But even something no woman hoped for... can carry hope of its own. It hopes that someone will break this glass ball. That it could grow strong enough to make the voices go away.

It never knew words or concepts, so it isn't able to pray for a God. But if it could, it probably would have given up by now.

Instead, the broken body dreams. Of unknown colors, of bright dragons, of vivid sights and happy sweets. Of love, of somebody's touch, of little joys it will never have.

It stares at the empty white wall. The emptiness stares back.

What is the price of freedom?

The one who fell to the Holy Sovreign.

The first may not have been the first who took its breath, but it was the first whose breath was seen. It had been kissed by Ivanna's flames already, so it was fine to vanish by them. It smiled and burnt to nothing. The hopeful mud dissolved one last time.

You can hope for your tomorrow, I'll show you something beyond that.

Zeke's darkness swallowed the flames aimed at him, even when they licked his shut eyelids. A flinch was all Ivanna needed to destroy him. Instead, a compact stance kicked off, far less wild than the spread of corruption. The punches hurled at Ivanna swallowed up the fire with fervor, ripped it from her wings, and drained them dry. It only made his incoming blows stronger.

"I know you're great, Seraph. But your sword is aimless. You don't even know who you're fighting. Can you even say why?"

Punch. Punch. Punch. And so the glowing horn bled his face, ever so slowly - while his body rushed the attack. The next impact will be beyond heroic.

Outsider, you should leave. This battle will only bring you suffering.


The foot of the foolish child smashed into her arm in a moment of weakness, diverting her blow and causing the scalding heat to brush past Zeke with little more than a burn to show for it.

The angel's head turned with unnatural fury. Her eyes gleamed with anguish and self-loathing. How could she have allowed herself to fall to this level, how could she have lowered her guard for this precious moment.

She continued to sing, calming herself with the repetitive actions. She was at a disadvantage, and could not allow herself to lose her cool. One clean hit from either of them onto her vulnerable body could spell her defeat in the state which she remained.

"FOCUS!" She roared, ignoring the dull thudding pain of repeated punches against her wings. The tip of one of her wings came hurtling out from a small opening between them, impacting his face with enough force to break out of his grapple. She spun around in the air, pulling back to gain distance from him, and to take the foolish squirrel out of the fight while she was still open. Even if she could divert her course midair, all that meant was that Ivanna needed to counterattack with that in mind. The axe vanished from the arm which Nanako had kicked, rematerializing with a burst of flame in the hold of one of the pristine wings behind her with the scorching heat of the tip facing down towards Nanako's back. It seared through the air, and with a brilliant conflagration, sought to pierce through her back and send her hurtling downwards to be buried into the ground.


Nanako's momentary thrill at successfully deflecting Ivanna's strike didn't last long as instinct made her turn in the air, trying to dodge the retaliatory strike. It was to little avail, the squirrel girl's next breath filling her mouth with blood as she flaming spear pierced her lung instead of her spine. Searing pain spread through her back an instant later, Nanako grunting through the mouthful of blood, catching herself on the arches, and spitting it out.

"So that's it? Some disagreement and you're fighting to the death?" Nanako called out, reaching back with her free hand and yanking the blade out, skin crawling as her healing tried to cope with the damage she'd just taken, "What happened to informed choices?"


The fists connected, impacted. Ivanna's godly defense was crashing against the waves, it was clear they would relent - they couldn't.

That's when a lance slipped from behind her shield, blowing Zeke's head back with a smoking blow. The reaper's eye whirred... up was down, left was right, and senses mixed while the brain shook inside the skull. Zeke's whole body arched backward, seemingly falling, his toe alone keeping his body connected to the ground.


Like a spring, Zeke shot back with that momentum, launching a nuclear kick straight into Ivanna's side in a surprising instant.

"Keheeeeheheehe~! Iiiiidiot! Silly silly woman! There is no better way to prove your thesis... than to roar it through another's ribs! Rip and tear your point into their bones!"

As Nanako's burning guts and gore exposed themselves, something crawled from the puddle of filth. A sneer. A cackle. It must have been a trick of the mind, perhaps it was inside the beast girl's mind. No...

Perhaps it was in his.

A Prayer of Health

You could never understand, the pain of being denied even a chance to fight.

Spoiler for Hiden:
A body too weak to live, a sickness too harsh to bear. A rot that could never embrace anyone.

A rot that would be embraced by no one.

Ring-a-ring o' roses,
A pocket full of posies,
A-tishoo! A-tishoo!
We all fall down.

How unfair this world could be, to carve such sickness into a boy so young. As he walked down his final road, children laughed and cast their stones, drawing filth and pus from the breaking body. As the men and women of the hamlet made their prayers and shuddered in disgust, the penitent spat at the thought of God.

If only this body were fierce enough to break the ropes.

If only...

Ring-a-round the rosie,
A pocket full of posies,
Ashes! Ashes!
We all fall down.

The stake was set ablaze. What did the boy see within the flames, as his skin and guts kissed the pyre?

It was nothing at all, just the sight of cooked meat - and the laughter of sizzled fat. Zeke's blow bridged the distance - carried a burst of explosive power that'd devastate whatever was in his way. No, it was the fact he didn't hesitate or give his body a second to pause. Driving his flesh and bones to the edge of their limits.

"Words prove nothing, fists scream louder."

Against the Seraph's attack, the crystal inside him reacted - and a second shard tore out of Zeke's skull painfully.


She felt the halbard bury itself inside Nanako's lung. It pierced all the way through her body, melting through her sink and even the bone underneath. It was impossibly hot, scorching heat emanated from the blade buried inside of her. It burned, seared, and cooked her flesh from within.

In these briefest of moments, Ivanna took the chance to pull back and gain some distance.

"Beast! Deceiver!" Ivanna roared with the fury bourne from disgust. She needed to drag this fight into the sky, out of the reach of the interference if this idiotic squirrel.

She could, no, would, deal with her later. Now, this abomination came first.

The weapon buried inside Nanako's back disappeared, reappearing in her left hand.


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