Author Topic: Halloween Town  (Read 28621 times)


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #30 on: June 25, 2019, 11:41:57 PM »

"Hmm. An interesting premise to build a kingdom upon." Serana's voice gave away nothing of her feelings on the matter, but she was indeed taking in every sight with a keen eye. "How are criminals dealt with in this place? And what of humans who find their way in?"


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2019, 01:36:48 AM »
Fox girl

She gave him the cold shoulder.... guess they were fighting?

"Even if humans aren't welcome, they are allowed to be here," she answered, turning around and walking backwards, her tail swishing with a bit less enthusiasm.  Her whiskers twiched as she spoke.  "Although, their crimes are treated with much more weight.  While murder results in jail time for us monsters, it often means death for humans.  Sometimes, overzealous people get to the humans first, torturing them before handing them anonymously over to the authorities.  It is a practice we are trying to get rid of.  It makes our district look bad."


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2019, 03:05:55 AM »

Pffft. Classic, boss. If her ignoring him bothered him, he either was really good at hiding it.... or just didn't care. Either way, he laughed it off and grinned all the same, and stretched his arms behind his back. "How droll. Death is so final and grim, while life is full of possibilities. Even if you do end up getting rid of the practice, you're still clearly discriminating against humans. That's just going to point their daggers and fingers against your lot even further."

Well, it wasn't like he could blame them. They were victims of discrimination all the same, its that sad circle of hate and vengeance that caused them to lash out in the first place. BUt then why bother acting civilized about it? It just didn't make much sense to him. Go ham or go home.

"What do you think though?" He raised an eyebrow to the fox girl.


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #33 on: June 27, 2019, 03:44:15 AM »

Serana waited, and listened, and took in what they were both saying even if she decided to keep teasing torturing her servant for a while longer. Its opinion on death was so strange for something that reveled in it as much. "And why not simply forbid the humans from entering?"

But then, the elf tilted her head and looked. Were there any in this shopping district?

"Or, are you dependent on them... economically?"


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2019, 04:42:27 PM »
Fox girl

Placing a finger on her bottom lip. "Me?  I hate humans, but I don't care so long as they don't get involved in my personal life.  We aren't reliant on them economically, but we want them to see that we don't need them.  We monsters are more than enough to thrive without their help.  The inclusion of humans in our district is to avoid becoming too isolationist.  Plus, some of our citizens have family in other districts.  We don't want to cut them off from that."


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #35 on: June 30, 2019, 02:12:59 AM »

"...Family, huh? Now ain't that a funny word." He grinned nonchalantly and stared off at the distance, before glancing at his hand. Such a nice word, and it rolled too easily on the tongue. No wonder humans were attached to it.

Ain't that right, old man?

"So what about that Hallow Queen?"


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #36 on: June 30, 2019, 03:01:52 AM »
Fox Girl

The fox girl cocked her head at the man, wondering what he could possibly be thinking about.  It was possible that it was something traumatic, a lot of people here had such backstories.  "The Hallow Queen is our benevolent overlord.  She runs this place in a utopian monarchy, putting our needs above our own.  Some say she has been around since the start, others say she was born a generation or two ago.  One thing is certain, she is an old and powerful spirit, able to subdue even the strongest monsters in our district with her bare hands alone.  Her pumpkin magic protects us and keeps humans from ruining our homes.  Honestly, I can't imagine life here without her."


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #37 on: June 30, 2019, 03:21:10 AM »

"ARE YOU INSANE!? YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE!!" Fiery wings flapped over the air, and a scalding beak cawked and pecked right at the side temple of a disheveled figure. The pallid man was limping, but there was a small strength left to his stride. A resolve.

The bird was mostly loud.

"Look, I know you've got this whole macho bravado thing going princess, but hellooo? Newsflash missy, maybe if you actually followed through and got the sword built, and maybe if you weren't built like a stick, you'd have a chance. But as we are right now, we'll just end up hamburger just like last time! Why did you go all that way only to call it quits? Why!?" Its voice cried to the point the man's head flinched to the side, and his hair whipped against the voice. Even so, he seemed.... distant. Nonchalant. Like he just didn't care. Or like he was missing something.

On his cane, held by that steel of old, the ashen man walked alone.

"I hesitated. I have used someone once already in the past, sought her for my own ambitions. The result.... was not kind. "No. I must go. I should be able to reach her before he does, and hopefully warn her. I... I don't want anyone else to die anymore."

But he lacked the strength. The strength to do anything.

So he sought the place where the lord of this place resided, racing against the clock.


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #38 on: June 30, 2019, 03:33:09 AM »

A smile moved across Serana's face as she considered the attitudes of this place, and seemed to listen intently to the fox girl now. The precious chilliness faded. "She sounds rather wonderful, really. I would much desire to speak with her when time permits."


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #39 on: June 30, 2019, 04:05:54 AM »
Outside the palace

Grand colums framed the door of the building connecting to the marble peristyle, the man landing on the marble floors.  The front was practically decorated with candlemen, each one having an eerily identical face.  Their heads turned, their torso's continuing to face foward.  Well, except for the one that approached him.

"Sir.  Whats wrong?" he said.  It was as if he were trying his best to sound concerned, but his voice remained uncaring, almost overly polite as if something bad happened to a new acquaintance he did not care for.


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #40 on: June 30, 2019, 04:19:55 AM »

The bird squaked in surprise when a... thing (candle?) suddenly talked. Grr, how dare it! Some crappy furniture had no right talking like that to a gorgeous beast like him! It soared along the halls, its eyes and path bright coloured flames of orange. It was more hard to tell if that creature sounded panicked or haughty. Probably both.

"Hey hey hey! 3 to the 1 to the 2 to the 3, this ain't no way to speak to your M.V.P! Make way to the prince of fire! We've got an A case of emergency goooing through! Now if you'll excuse me-"

Until a cane hooked its throat right in, pulling him back to the earth where he belonged.


His grey eyes looked down, then up to the man who spoke to him. He tried taking a step to bow but suddenly, he tripped, and nearly fell down his knees. It was almost pitiful, the way he tried to keep himself standing. Trying so hard to stay afloat. But for a moment, it wasnt sure if he did fall or simply used it as an excuse to kneel and implore.

"There is no time to explain. Your lord is in danger."


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #41 on: June 30, 2019, 04:36:55 AM »

The candleman did not seem to care about the squaking of the bird, although its pupil's did track its movement.  However, when the man spoke of his master, his entire body started to shake.  In fact, all of the candlemen watching the interaction started to shake.  Their torso's matched their heads, swinging around as they all formed a circle around the two.

"What do you mean?  Be warned, lying about dangers to the queen are dealt with harshly."


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #42 on: July 01, 2019, 12:04:02 AM »
Fox girl

These two seemed really interested in their queen.  She wondered if they were politicians or something, someone from the outside interested in their queen.  Perhaps there was a little hope they were just colleagues.  She strutted along the cold sidewalk, her bare feet feeling the chill of the concrete.

"Well, the queen is very busy.  As I said, her magic provides for the entire district.  Getting an appointment with her is the hard part.  I suppose if you want I could take you to the town hall."


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #43 on: July 04, 2019, 04:41:17 AM »

The void vessel mused, but was it the boy or the draken who smiled. "Who knows? We might get to meet her today after all..." He spoke as if it was an uncertain guess, and not something that he had decided already. Just what was going in that corrupt skull of his?

He ruffled the Fox Girl's head with a friendly grin, not much differently than an older brother. It was the same kind of mannerism he'd sport with his master when he was in a good mood, and most aware of his own state. You could almost say this kind of act was usually reserved for her. At least, until now.

Among the streets, masked beast walked where their hearts led. But whether they are human or monsters, all bear a mask to begin with, don't they? Some on their faces, others in their hearts. It's not like it was unusual to see unusual people around these parts, but even so...

"Oh right, Hallow Queen. Town Hall, yes! Um, where's that?"
« Last Edit: July 04, 2019, 04:43:07 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #44 on: July 04, 2019, 04:47:22 AM »

"I fear we are already too late. I can feel him, just as he can feel me. And unlike Little Russia, he'll know better to strike this domain alone. This might be too much, even for all of us..." He closed his eyes, and struggled to raise from his feet. Meanwhile his fiery bird perched on his shoulder.

"You must evacuate the people. We cannot give them another second to strike..."