Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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"Hmm. An interesting premise to build a kingdom upon." Serana's voice gave away nothing of her feelings on the matter, but she was indeed taking in every sight with a keen eye. "How are criminals dealt with in this place? And what of humans who find their way in?"

Fox girl

She gave him the cold shoulder.... guess they were fighting?

"Even if humans aren't welcome, they are allowed to be here," she answered, turning around and walking backwards, her tail swishing with a bit less enthusiasm.  Her whiskers twiched as she spoke.  "Although, their crimes are treated with much more weight.  While murder results in jail time for us monsters, it often means death for humans.  Sometimes, overzealous people get to the humans first, torturing them before handing them anonymously over to the authorities.  It is a practice we are trying to get rid of.  It makes our district look bad."


Pffft. Classic, boss. If her ignoring him bothered him, he either was really good at hiding it.... or just didn't care. Either way, he laughed it off and grinned all the same, and stretched his arms behind his back. "How droll. Death is so final and grim, while life is full of possibilities. Even if you do end up getting rid of the practice, you're still clearly discriminating against humans. That's just going to point their daggers and fingers against your lot even further."

Well, it wasn't like he could blame them. They were victims of discrimination all the same, its that sad circle of hate and vengeance that caused them to lash out in the first place. BUt then why bother acting civilized about it? It just didn't make much sense to him. Go ham or go home.

"What do you think though?" He raised an eyebrow to the fox girl.


Serana waited, and listened, and took in what they were both saying even if she decided to keep teasing torturing her servant for a while longer. Its opinion on death was so strange for something that reveled in it as much. "And why not simply forbid the humans from entering?"

But then, the elf tilted her head and looked. Were there any in this shopping district?

"Or, are you dependent on them... economically?"

Fox girl

Placing a finger on her bottom lip. "Me?  I hate humans, but I don't care so long as they don't get involved in my personal life.  We aren't reliant on them economically, but we want them to see that we don't need them.  We monsters are more than enough to thrive without their help.  The inclusion of humans in our district is to avoid becoming too isolationist.  Plus, some of our citizens have family in other districts.  We don't want to cut them off from that."


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