Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Forest tilted her head as she sensed something coming from Nika.  It felt like the other blonde was pushing her will out in sort of intimidation method.  To a human, Forest reasoned it would have been pretty damn terrifying and made that instinctual part of the brain want to run in terror from what ever was doing this.

Some of the beings were becoming uneasy, but not enough for them to just cut their way to the front.  She did tilt her head though, it also meant that Nika wasn't one of Valerie's vampires.  Which could be a good thing all on its own.

"That leaves the normal way." Nika sighed. "Things like this remind me I'm just one of many sharks in the pond. I'm fine with getting carried by the currents then rather than going against the flow, this one time."

Forest was about to reply when she noticed the bouncers were checking others for weapons and making those that were armed check their weapons.  She saw Nika look her over to see if she had anything when she noticed the Colt Nika had holstered.  It was a nice gun, one that probably had a lot of memories and history behind it.  "You may not have to check it," Forest said in a soft voice as she began to tap her feet to the beat of the industrial rock of a band who liked NIN a little too much.

She didn't want her .44 taken away from her, that was sure as hell.  The two of them walked closer to the bouncers at the bar.


The seraph slipped away from the burning blow - but its destructive nature wasn't halted. The explosion shattered everything around him, burning the beautiful pillars and arches in an instant. Thus, the nuclear waste impacted, and thousands of molten droplets launched straight at Ivanna, obscuring everything behind for a second. Without delay, Zeke zigzagged behind the burning trails, hiding behind the waves of lava with compact and focused footwork.

"But I suppose I'm no different than you... Nanako."

After all, he was an outsider.

The thought managed to make him smile a bit.

With a dark wave of his hand, he channeled more of the plundered energy he robbed thus far. Before one could even gasp, three suns were launching into the skies in quick succession, orbiting around each other as they flew towards her other blind spots with monstrous speed. However, two of them were deceptively weak, and the third flew past Ivanna entirely, missing its mark.

Ivanna could feel the fist approaching from her left side, where the weakest sun hit.


To Nanako's consternation, Ivanna flew up out of her reach while the squirrel girl was recovering from the spear in her flank. As Zeke flew up to follow, the squirrel girl was left at ground level with little recourse to follow them and only the dark man's words. Only his claim that they were the same.

" the hell is that enough to make us the same, idiot," Nanako shot back. They were out of her reach now, both in the literal sense, and the figurative one, tearing at each other like wild animals. Shaking her head, the squirrel girl turned her back on them, zipping off into the distance as their duel continued.


--- Quote from: Kotomine_Rin on February 08, 2021, 03:10:16 PM ---Zeke

The seraph slipped away from the burning blow - but its destructive nature wasn't halted. The explosion shattered everything around him, burning the beautiful pillars and arches in an instant. Thus, the nuclear waste impacted, and thousands of molten droplets launched straight at Ivanna, obscuring everything behind for a second. Without delay, Zeke zigzagged behind the burning trails, hiding behind the waves of lava with compact and focused footwork.

"But I suppose I'm no different than you... Nanako."

After all, he was an outsider.

The thought managed to make him smile a bit.

With a dark wave of his hand, he channeled more of the plundered energy he robbed thus far. Before one could even gasp, three suns were launching into the skies in quick succession, orbiting around each other as they flew towards her other blind spots with monstrous speed. However, two of them were deceptively weak, and the third flew past Ivanna entirely, missing its mark.

Ivanna could feel the fist approaching from her left side, where the weakest sun hit.

--- End quote ---


Ivanna's flames coiled around her wings like a spring ready to burst outwards. She soared upwards into the sky, followed closely behind by Zeke.

<GOOD> Ivanna thought. He was exactly where she wanted him to be-flying, in her domain, where she held the advantage, and away from the boorish squirrel. Her flames burst outwards to meet the suns arcing towards her with biblical fury, enveloping the weak attacks and pushing them back, keeping them away from her wings.

She soared down towards him with a raised fist and an outstretched spear.


The abyssal man and the holy seraph were already far from the ground when their bodies collided, shaking the clouds away from each other. Yet it was a strange sight, oddly hopeful in its own way. As the two reached each other, what kind of expressions did they make? If their fists could connect and bump like this... could their hearts as well?

Of course not.


Ivanna's fist shattered under the weight of Zeke's ambition, pulling bone straight out of her knuckles. The arm Nanako buttered up was ruined by that well-placed strike, but Ivanna's lance lived on, a chunk of his breast off with a burning slash.


The line went down from his left shoulder to just above his liver, and would have burnt viscera, muscle and bone alike in a moment. The fact he used his own punch’s momentum and reflexes to turn away and fall from the thrust’s range certainly saved him the trouble of being poked on a stick.

Zeke’s blood vaporized in a split second.

But instead of falling, he used his spinning momentum launch a kick at the back of Ivanna’s head.


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