Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Ivanna used her momentum to meet his foot with a wing, interdicting her holy defenses in the path of his swift attack with the expertise borne of a billion battles. It was effortless. She didn't even need to think terribly hard.

It was better this way.

The axe moved fluidly, instantly halting its momentum and arcing forwards once more towards his stomach. There wasn't even a single wasteful movement, not a single opening left for him to take advantage of.

Could he overcome one blessed by the lord? Only time would be able to tell.


There was no time to be surprised by her block. The reaper's eye whirred, and his arm swung a dark blade - conjured in an instant to intercept her fiery lance and parry it, draining whatever energy it could in the process.

Only for it to shatter.

"Kh." Zeke's fangs grit, both were launched back. The outcome was clear. Zeke's arm was broiling from the parried impact - causing the reaper's eye to gleam brighter; as Zeke fell, bichromatic black and gold met two deep orange crosses. But their gazes were too far apart. The searing pain on his chest registered barely as he fell into the peak of the tallest pillar, and the skin of his right forearm evaporated. Muscle and bone exposed, but it was preferable to losing the limb entirely.

The other Zeke would have been cleaved cleanly in two by that.

But the current Zeke's expression was also unlike before. It was a chilling stone, devoid of anything else but pity. He flipped to land on his feet atop the pillar, and kicked back to soar towards her once more, launching another sun that expanded in its dazzling flight- from the girth of a mere bear until it became as massive as a household.


--- Quote from: Kotomine_Rin on February 12, 2021, 03:51:29 AM ---Zeke

There was no time to be surprised by her block. The reaper's eye whirred, and his arm swung a dark blade - conjured in an instant to intercept her fiery lance and parry it, draining whatever energy it could in the process.

Only for it to shatter.

"Kh." Zeke's fangs grit, both were launched back. The outcome was clear. Zeke's arm was broiling from the parried impact - causing the reaper's eye to gleam brighter; as Zeke fell, bichromatic black and gold met two deep orange crosses. But their gazes were too far apart. The searing pain on his chest registered barely as he fell into the peak of the tallest pillar, and the skin of his right forearm evaporated. Muscle and bone exposed, but it was preferable to losing the limb entirely.

The other Zeke would have been cleaved cleanly in two by that.

But the current Zeke's expression was also unlike before. It was a chilling stone, devoid of anything else but pity. He flipped to land on his feet atop the pillar, and kicked back to soar towards her once more, launching another sun that expanded in its dazzling flight- from the girth of a mere bear until it became as massive as a household.

--- End quote ---


"Death. Destroy. Kill. Punish. Execute. Serve. Annihilate. Purge. Exsanguinate. Defenestrate. Perish." Ivanna's crosses glowed with divine power. Her voice was even, her actions robotic, without a single wasted movement, without a single mistake. She didn't even seem to be fully conscious anymore, instead babbling what seemed to be a prayer.

She was a killing machine designed for destruction by God. Nobody could take that away from her, nobody could seperate her from this onerous duty.

Not even her. She was bound by divine law to her job.

She instantly spun around, meeting where he was coming at her from with the blade of her scorching axe. It left a glowing streak of plasma through the air as she swung it. "DIE THE DEATH!" She shouted at Ezekiel.


Damn, she was one of those guys, huh? She wasn't overtly surprised at this twist about Forest. Mental compulsion was one of the inherent qualities of the bloodsuckers like her companion, but Nika wielded her mind like a sledgehammer. There wasn't anything subtle in approach, while this was done with such surgical precision that someone less observant wouldn't maybe even notice that.
She was in awe, honestly, but nothing like jealousy creeped in her thoughts about this useful trick. A competitive maniac like her wouldn't have even patience to begin with to try to refine her own ego to such pinpoint precision.

At least, she wouldn't have to leave her favorite gun either. If rules can be broken without repercussion, then screw rules. The bouncer was probably still confused by the mental command as he didn't bat an eye as she marched by without relinquishing her arms. At least few people in the line behind them also took that golden opportunity to walk into the bar strapped. She cared not for the consequences of armed people inside, and honestly why she would?

Anyway, triffling matters like security concerns aside, the place was already decently filled with people who just wanted to have fun and some even jump like primal beasts to the sounds of the metal jungles, a sentiment she could relate to. But for the bar was a nice destination too. A drinking hole to gather by, get some drinks (she'd not shun alcohol, but getting that other kind of drink would've been a neat opportunity), talk about their good old days and then go have more fun when the place got even more livelier.

"So, a drink before we lose ourselves to the music?" She winked at Forest, ready to sample the alcoholic beverages offered here. Last time she got some alcohol was, well, back in 1970s, pretty much.


"Kuh!" Two comets collided, burning into the skies. The roar of the heavens was clear... Ivanna's cut through the dark sun like butter. And the scream of the axe slashing at air deafened all. Not just the plasma, it split everything cleanly - and ravaged whatever was behind to nothing.  But as the two halves of the violent star swooped far past Ivanna, a dreadful sight assailed her.

The one she cut down wasn't Zeke.

Or rather, it wasn't the Zeke she pointed her blade at. As the knight, the crownless king let out its last final gasps, it clutched at the wound and smiled. In silence, it uttered its final words.

"Mission accomplished."

A Prayer of Courage

Spoiler for Hiden: Oh Lord, grant me the strength to protect the weak.

Oh Lord, grant me the power to uphold the truth.

Oh Lord, grant me the wisdom to see the future.

The young king made three prayers to God, but what he found was nothing more than treachery. His vaunted strength, for all its worth, crumpled to naught once his enemies crushed his gates. His power, despite all valour, was stripped and used against him and his people. And his great wisdom only showed him nightmares of a forbidden future. One that was rushing into the present. And yet, fearful for the first time, holding his dead lover... he dared make one last prayer.

Oh Lord, grant me the courage to see this through.

But by doing so, the knight violated the Trinity. There were no more miracles. No more blessings. The heroes ripped through his throne chamber's gates. Now, the king grips his sword and rises.

This prayer, he'd answer with his own power. If this world would deny him, if God would deny him, then...

"No." Zeke had barely dodged to Ivanna's side and delivered a tremendous slash. Looking at him, you could see the darkness stitching up his wounds, even the ear that had just been lobbed off was being sealed by many. And yet a third horn of crystal growing out his scalp.

"We're not done. Dying isn't good enough. Even when we die, even after we die, we still have something to fight for. A purpose we chose ourselves and entrusted. A purpose I will see through." Thus, Zeke speaks. Thus, he fights. A slash. Then another. And another. Until the disappointment in front of him stopped fighting. No, until he overcame Ivanna's own desire to fight.

"Pugno, ergo sum."


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