Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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"STOP FUCKING AROUND WITH ME, LITTLE WORM!" Ivanna's scream reverberated with the noise of ten thousand voices shouting in concert, echoing throughout the entire district with reckless abandon. She spun around to face him, but it was too late. His mightly blow slammed directly into her side, sending her flying away from him.

However, she wouldn't let him simply get a hit in uncontested. As she hurtled away to the side from the force of the impact, she hurled her spear directly at his chest with blinding speed, wrapping herself in a coccoon of her wings to protect herself from counterattack.

A dull pain began to throb throughout her entire body.


His eye gleamed when the miracle occurred, when his fist reached the seraph. But that's the thing about miracles.


Miracles don't happen twice. "Gkhrh...!" His glare burnt like the sun, for the first time more than just hollow. Dissappointed,  so very disappointed. He roared in agony and pushed the lance deeper into his flesh, the lance that had avoided his heart out of sheer luck, that shot straight into his lung. He sealed it with his dark organisms to quell the hemorrhage.Instinct. A fluke. Nothing more. And now, nothing at all.

Yet a beautiful redhead  bubbled over his shoulder like mud , gently comforting the dying body. "My, my~ Aren't you the sorriest hunk around. Getting manhandled by such a child..." She licked her lips and caressed Zeke, like the petit morte rushing for him.

A prayer of warmth

Spoiler for Hiden:
Un: Hey, you wanna play with me? I wanna play with dolls too!

Trois: Eh? Oh, uh, don't worry about it! Deux is busy working, heehe. He sure gets picked a lot lately, maybe that's what people are into nowadays.

Quatre: Um, I'm fine. It doesn't really hurt, and I've got a few tricks that make it easy once you know them. So you don't worry about me, just focus on being happy. That's good. If you're happy, I'm happy.

Trois: Let me give you a useful tip: always be sure to say, 'It would be my pleasure.' Saying that makes everyone smile! No matter what you have to do or what people do to you, always respond with, 'It would be my pleasure.' Heehee. Funny how that works, right? After all, it's the customers you're pleasing, not you!

Un: They said it was some new kind of game, but I don't really get it. Don't worry about me though, I'm fine! Honest!

Deux: I'm back. Sorry, that took a bit longer than I thought. Eh? You're playing with dolls? Waha, that's so childish!

Quatre: Don't sweat it! We'll keep working hard for you, so just keep playing and  don't worry about a thing. You don't need to do anything other than that.

Un: We love you, you know? You're really important for us.

Un, Deux, Trois, Quatre: We'll always be there for you.

The girl smiled, but deep down, she wished someone would come and help her friends too. Maybe a prince charming would come and yank them out of this tower. She wondered if he'd be her age. She never really thought about those kinds of things.

She was protected all the time, but it would be nice if she had the power to protect them too. They could have cakes every day, nice warm beds, and lots and lots of books! Wouldn't that be nice?

Heh, don't tell me to give up. I'm just getting started, I'll make sure you'll have plenty of cake, queen sized beds and toys to play with.

"My, isn't that just a good boy~ So don't kick it already, got it?"

Grinning, Zeke didn't stop, gritting his body, even while his blood sizzled like cooked meat. "A worm I may be... even so... I'd rather die a worm... than a slave!" And with the most painful motion of his life, he pulled at it and yanked at one of Ivanna's wings, exposing the girl underneath to headbutt her brutally. "You hate me, do you? That's fine. I detest you too. A coward hiding wrath behind pretty words like justice. It's nothing like the pure and perfect Seraph I've heard of." Vomiting blood, he fell backwards, approaching the ground.

Even up close, she could see just how empty Zeke's eyes were. A fourth horn rippled from his skull, and the end approached.

"There's no reason for us to kill each-other, no reason for you to slay any of my treasures, no reason for me to claim the people of this land. We're the same, killers looking for something beyond the hell we make."


"I told you to be quiet!" Ivanna shouted back at him. "Shut up! Zip it! Be silent, worm!" A fist came hurtling out of the ball of feathers to greet his face. Her weapon throbbed inside of him, cooking him alive and searing him with its unimaginable heat.

Soon, she knew it would be fatal. She just had to persist for a little bit longer.



Unbearably acidic, with the acrid smell of sulfur and burnt filth. Horrible as it was, it didn't even compare to the feeling of one's insides cooking while being vomited out of their body. Hellish, a sensation one couldn't even scream out. If there was anything left to spew, it probably sludged out of Zeke's throat like fire - past the tip of the spear and into the skies, burning a hole within the clouds.

Yet the fist barely moved the vessel at all.

Barely conscious, no, conscious because of this unbearable pain, Zeke refused to relent. Turning one's head against her punch, hollow eyes glared hungrily. As if to say they liked the name. What did Zeke see, beyond the hell he made? And what did that hell see as it gazed back?

A Prayer of Piety

Spoiler for Hiden: Beware the Jabberwock, my son. The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun, the frumious Bandersnatch!
He took his vorpal sword in hand; Long time the manxome foe he sought—
So rested he by the Tumtum tree, and stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood, the Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, came whiffling through the tulgey wood, and burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through, the vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head, he went galumphing back.

The mysterious monster called the Jabberwock. It is a nameless man who defeats that monster. Why did that nameless man feel compelled to slay the Jabberwock? To begin with, it was a poem written by Lewis Carrol in nonsense verse. The greatest nonsense poem is told as a parody of an epic.

A mysterious monster.

A nameless hero.

Many words that never existed before.

A parody of an epic.

It's just like that void's own existence.

Regardless of its wishes, the Jabberwock is crafted to be a terrible creature. Despite the odds, the hero is crafted to slay the Jabberwock. It's an unavoidable destiny prescribed by the author. One might even call it fate. But it's even simpler than that.

The two simply follow their nature. The ink just fills in the gaps.

And yet, even when free from its shackles, beyond towers and horrors and wonders of old worlds past, the jabberwock curses its fabricated existance. Because no choice made was truly its own. It is merely following the script. Even its attempts to rebel are nothing more than part of a story.

Even if it finds something beyond that story, that in itself is the story.

Thus, the void consumes. Because it was created to do so. Because it cannot even fathom living any other way. Whatever pretense of a choice it declares is no more tangible than nonsense words put over a sheet of paper. The Jabberowck destroys, and is destroyed by the hero in turn.

And yet, even if it is nothing more than nonsense stories, the beast dares to dream. It lulls sleeping minds into its maw and coalesces it towards that same dream. Like stars in the sky. One day, perhaps it will find an answer for its existence.

But that day will never come.

The fifth horn was the emptiest, a jagged crystal that slipped out of Zeke's spine. Yet even that nameless void was beautiful in its own way.

But it all came down to Zeke and Ivanna. Their embrace was just too twisted. Take a blow to deal another, scream at the heavens, pay every shred of pain with brutality. The outcome was a struggle that couldn't be called elegant or refined in any manner. A barbaric display of violence and raw will, maddeningly unlike either of them.

"Make me."

It was a pity that they couldn't calmly exchange techniques, but this was fine too.

And fittingly, a fist came to return Ivanna's favour tenfold, crashing against her eye socket so fiercely it cracked it like porcelain. Both were hurled by the impact to opposing ends of the arena, to lick their wounds and suffer the price of foolishness.


"I'd love to.  Mayhap get something absurdly fruity that comes with a small fruit salad in the glass," Forest spun her index finger in a circle with a grin.

Getting inside was simple, she just didn't expect a couple of passersby jumping on the bandwagon as well.  Still, at least she and Nika still had their weapons on them, which was the important thing.  She tilted her head at the music, listening to the beat for a moment.  "Good use of tempo and base . . . With this nice undercurrent of 80's horror movie sound track dread with the synth undertones.  I might have to find out who this band is and look them up."


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