Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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"...Family, huh? Now ain't that a funny word." He grinned nonchalantly and stared off at the distance, before glancing at his hand. Such a nice word, and it rolled too easily on the tongue. No wonder humans were attached to it.

Ain't that right, old man?

"So what about that Hallow Queen?"

Fox Girl

The fox girl cocked her head at the man, wondering what he could possibly be thinking about.  It was possible that it was something traumatic, a lot of people here had such backstories.  "The Hallow Queen is our benevolent overlord.  She runs this place in a utopian monarchy, putting our needs above our own.  Some say she has been around since the start, others say she was born a generation or two ago.  One thing is certain, she is an old and powerful spirit, able to subdue even the strongest monsters in our district with her bare hands alone.  Her pumpkin magic protects us and keeps humans from ruining our homes.  Honestly, I can't imagine life here without her."


"ARE YOU INSANE!? YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE!!" Fiery wings flapped over the air, and a scalding beak cawked and pecked right at the side temple of a disheveled figure. The pallid man was limping, but there was a small strength left to his stride. A resolve.

The bird was mostly loud.

"Look, I know you've got this whole macho bravado thing going princess, but hellooo? Newsflash missy, maybe if you actually followed through and got the sword built, and maybe if you weren't built like a stick, you'd have a chance. But as we are right now, we'll just end up hamburger just like last time! Why did you go all that way only to call it quits? Why!?" Its voice cried to the point the man's head flinched to the side, and his hair whipped against the voice. Even so, he seemed.... distant. Nonchalant. Like he just didn't care. Or like he was missing something.

On his cane, held by that steel of old, the ashen man walked alone.

"I hesitated. I have used someone once already in the past, sought her for my own ambitions. The result.... was not kind. "No. I must go. I should be able to reach her before he does, and hopefully warn her. I... I don't want anyone else to die anymore."

But he lacked the strength. The strength to do anything.

So he sought the place where the lord of this place resided, racing against the clock.


A smile moved across Serana's face as she considered the attitudes of this place, and seemed to listen intently to the fox girl now. The precious chilliness faded. "She sounds rather wonderful, really. I would much desire to speak with her when time permits."

Outside the palace

Grand colums framed the door of the building connecting to the marble peristyle, the man landing on the marble floors.  The front was practically decorated with candlemen, each one having an eerily identical face.  Their heads turned, their torso's continuing to face foward.  Well, except for the one that approached him.

"Sir.  Whats wrong?" he said.  It was as if he were trying his best to sound concerned, but his voice remained uncaring, almost overly polite as if something bad happened to a new acquaintance he did not care for.


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