Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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A thousand human souls would be sacrificed to avenge Serana's sensibilities for that sinister pun her servant saw fit to serve her. At least the drop was nothing ungraceful for one such as her - as an elf she more than possessed the necessary grace to land on her feet atop one of the many decorated buildings in this strange district. The masks... they actually drew a chuckle of amusement from her.

"How quaint. A place where humans are objects of fantasy and mockery. And yet the decoration is fit to a theme. I wonder...?"

She flipped some of her misplaced hair back over her shoulder, and took a closer look around.


His dark wings flapped until he landed down to her side, watching down from the rooftop like a wild bird, his expression beastly and fierce...

"I dunno. It kind of gives me the creeps." He grimaced, and scratched the back of his ear lightly while pondering.What was up with these grotesque disguises? He wasn't one to talk, but this was too uncanny even for him. He looked around sheepishly for a bit, confused or stressed out. It almost looked like the sight was making him nervous. Or... scared? How ridiculous!

A bead of sweat ran down his temple, but he did his best to smile cockily.

"Well, if there's anything worth mocking, it'd be humans. I guess we're not dealing with idiots at least. Question is, think they'd be useful?"


"... do you remember where we dwell, You?" The elven lich lifted an elegant eyebrow in bemusement. And yet, she took a moment to expend a minuscule portion of her mana to call forth one of the many lost souls bound to her will, and set it to wander through the crooked streets and alleys. "I wish to see more of this place. If nothing else it has a certain ambiance I might enjoy."

So then she leaped down to the ground, and began to saunter her way to the main thoroughfares.


"H-hey! Wait for me!" He blinked sheepishly and jumped off, and followed behind her swift form like her shadow. Or well, tried to anyways. It was like she was a fox, dammit!


A man walked up to the pair, clutching a spirit within his hands.  Unlike the many beasts and monsters wandering through the streets, he seemed normal, as well as one of the few sentient beings not wearing a mask.  He had sharp brown eyes, unkempt hair and a bored frown.  Really, he just sort of looked like a tired body guard with resting bitch face.  However, as he got closer, it looked as if his face was melting.

"You two must be new," he said, flinging the soul back at the elven woman.  "Welcome to Halloween Town, the district that provides a safe haven for all monsters.  Using captured souls or other such forms of human trafficking are strictly forbidden.  The hallow queen will not judge you for whatever circumstances lead to to obtaining these souls, but we ask that you not use them so openly.  Do you understand?"


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