Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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He managed a weak, hesitant smile before the orange glow. When the lord of the district presented herself, he could only kneel. She looked...beautiful. It was a shame that they couldn't have met in a different circumstance.

"It is an honour to meet you, o hallow queen. But alas this is no time for festivities." He lowered his head like a knight. "Madness. That which sleeps in the hearth of man."

That was the one answer he could give her. And it was all that could be said. For as long as that man lived, this city would have no hope. It would eventually surrender and change into something else. All because of what happened on that day.

"If I am correct, they will strike from the merchant's block." He seemed sad, troubled. "Please, we must mobilize quickly. Your people need-"


"Oh, I didn't think it'd be worth spooking you. They're just weaklings, there's no way they'd be able to get anything done unless someone gave them a whoole lot of help. And who'd be crazy enough to help a bunch of suicidal cultists anyway?" He cocked his head and waved his hand, brushing hers away with an easygoing smile. It wasn't an insincere one, it was honestly kind of cute.That is, until it warped into an absolutely  s m u g  grin

"It did get you to stop ignoring me though. My my, I didn't think you were into schlock rumors lady! Hehehehe..." He patted her on the head, compared ot her icy grip his little lovetap was as warm as it got.

"If they dare to attack in your presence, I'll crush them to burnt atoms! Same goes for you cutie." He winked gently at the fox-girl. Then, he turned to the candle-man with a friendly offering of his hand.

"Any way we can-"

? ? ? ?

"Help!" A man screamed from the distance. The sounds of people running were as sudden as they were grim. A loud crashing sound screamed through the air, and a hiss that pierced the skies. And another, and another.


Slithering from the sewers beneath the merchant block, viscuous scales revealed themselves from the cracked rubble of a store. The merchant luckily managed to flee. But the shadow of the scales grew larger, and larger, larger...

Until a gargantuan serpent revealed itself, sporting a jaw large enough to swallow a truck whole. And another appeared right next to it, and one more... no, wait. It couldn't be-


"No..." He heard the scream, and his eyes widened in horror. If his body seemed pale, by now he was truly a phantom. He rushed to see what was going on by the window. "Shit shit shit! This screams trouble!" The bird cawed, panicking all around the room. Meanwhile, Lawrence stared in disbelief. That madman, could he really have?

"It can't be..."

"It's a hydra!"


They had just had this conversation. They had just talked about not embarrassing her in front of other people like this. This time she did not visibly react, did not give her so-called servant the satisfaction of seeing her respond to this provocation. Instead she turned to the disturbance taking place somewhere behind them, and frowned. "Then I suppose you will wish to correct that problem."

It would not do for her future minions to be killed before she had moved the infrastructure into place to reanimate them.

Hallow Queen

The queen shook her head.  "I suppose I need to launch a counter offensive," she said, walking to a window and staring at the candlemen scrambling about.  Without moving their torso, each of their heads twisted towards the Hallow Queen, nodded then bolted towards the source of the rumbling.  When it emerged, there would be a small swarm of men waiting to take it on.

"Young man.  Tell me about this Hydra.  What does it have to do with this organization."

Fox Girl

The fox girl hid behind Zeke's broad body.  "Umm I think we should go.  I think something bad is happening."


He closed his eyes and pouted. "No, wow, really? You mean I'd just let that lizard run around like that? Besides, there's no way we can let the people here get in danger. Right Serana?"

His eyes gleamed when he stared at the puissant serpent, whose trashing coils began to approach their location. He cracked his knuckles and energy began to swell in his chest.

"Stand back kid, we got this. I'm still pretty roughed up, but bosslady can show you how it's done." He looked at her like it shouldn't even be a question, and grinned. "Care to take the spotlight? Every story needs a heroine. What's your plan!? We need to help the people to safety at once!

It was no order, but neither was it a request. It was the roar of something ready to be unleashed.


Lawrence stared down in shock, while his bird squawked something in the background akin to "We're all gonna dieeeeeeeeeee!"

It wasn't it.

"I...don't know. The information I gathered should not be mistaken, and yet..." Hisknuckle hit the bridge between his eyes and he thought with a pained expression. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. Unless...

"Are you just going to stand here while your people fight for you? We don't have time." He finally opened his eyes and looked at the queen expectantly.


The lich took a moment to consider this, observing the chaos from afar. Her heart was not stirred by the danger to these creatures. But her servant's words appeared to move something in her, because she began to saunter forward toward the beast. "Come forward then, creature!" Black chains seething with destructive mana wrapped themselves around Serana's arm as she pointed in the direction of the monster. "Let us see how long you may hold onto your freedom against me."

As her chains snaked out to grasp one of the beast's many heads she paused in her walk to think aloud. "I wonder how many heads a hydra needs to live in this world? It never does seem to stay consistent..."


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