Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Hallow Queen

The woman sighed.  "I suppose you are right," she said.  "Even I can become afraid.  But no matter.  Come.  Fight along side me.  If this threat is as bad as you say, we will need all the help we can get."

Doors slammed against the wall, revealing the Hallow Queen's short figure.  Within her palm, a pumpkin grew from nothing into the size of your average jack o lantern.  She looked down, only to see another pair of newcomers stepping up to deal with the threat.  Perhaps she would not need to show all her cards at once after all.  All of the candlemen gathered before the hydra, lined up in formation as though they were spartan warriors.  The first row struck the Hydra's body with their fists, testing it with their strength.

The Hydra

The seven-headed serpent screamed from the chains, and lashed its tail left and right like a hammer. It tried firing a jet of acid, but the chains must've jerked its head, for it flew over the magician and instead landed right next to... wait, where was Zeke?


The fists smacked against its massive body, but the candle-men soon met a violent lash from its body and were crushed, their life snuffed out by merciless jaws like a light. It was relentlessly advancing, but the chains seemed to slow it down, enough that the terrified commoners managed to flee and take cover from its rampaging path. Heads twisted and waved about, and bit the chains in order to sever them. It would only be a few seconds before it'd break.

Meanwhile, Zeke, being a brave and supportive employee, hid behind a car and took cover with the cute girl protected in his arms. He totally wasn't sweating in fear, nope! That's just your imagination playing tricks. The trembling? Pft, it was just kinda chilly.

"Isn't my boss cool?" He grinned at the fox-girl. He looked pretty scared now, it was kind of cute.


If anything, the level of struggle the beast was able to provide put a smile on Serana's noble face. "My, what a lovely beast. You're so stubborn about your rampages!" A laugh escaped her as she channeled a tremendous amount of dark magic through the chains, inducing rapid cellular decay in the creature's thick multi-headed hide.

"Now heel."

More chains to channel her magic, and she tugged down hard on them to punish the beast.

Hallow Queen

The hallow queen stared down at the two from atop the flight of stairs, not even bothering to acknowledge the hydra, nor the small pool of bodies of her beloved candlemen scattered around the beast.  With each clack of her boots against the cold marble, her jack o lantern grew larger.  It went from the size of an apple to the size of a watermelon, to the size of a small car floating above her head. 

"My heroes!" she said, looking upon the chains that held the beast down.  "Now leave this to me.  I am this districts guardian after all."

With a flick of her arm, the massive pumpkin was flung at the beast, engulfing it in flames.  "You two better move before-"  A massive explosion englufed the entire platform, the candlemen each exploding themselves, their wails filling the air as their bodies crackled in the flames.  The fox girl huddled behind Zeke.


"Wo wo wo wo woaaaaaaahh!!" His eyes were wide open when flames suddenly surrounded everything with a massive explosion. His feet were covered in fire, the ground cracked, and he tried to back away, but the blast was so strong it sent him flying away! His head and body bounced down the streets, the fox safely curled in his arms while he got rag-dolled unceremoniously where the rest of the civilians were hiding. "Ow! Ouch! Agh..!

His shut eyes flicked in pain to look at the cute fox girl's face. With that, he sighed in relief. From her expression, his body was still in one piece. He grinned at her.

"Aw. You're still adorable."

The surrounding folks would surely blush at the very obvious romanticism... if they weren't shivering in fear!

Meanwhile the beast screamed. Its heads, its wild eyes struggled against the chains.  One of its heads was brought down to the floor, pinned ultimately with no chance to escape. Enraged, the beast moved with such fury it rippe done of the heads, but the flames and the explosion ultimately forced it back with gruesome wounds to show. Its eyes darted, until they found something amidst the crowd. Seeing it, it charged forward with even more reckless abandon, its eyes flashing with rage.

It was almost as if the two threats that were in its path did not matter. Or rather, something else was causing it to enrage. Only its ravenous fury as it lashed out towards the crowd, swelling in order to prepare a jet of acid directed at the intruding ladies!

"HyeeEEeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKkkkkk....hrghheeeekeeeeeEEE!! Zghraaaahhh!! ZeEEE-"


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