Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Hallow Queen

The hallow queen stared at the body of the woman who escorted the two to her palace, ignoring the chaos in the background.  "I think i've had enough of both of your games," she said, licking her fingers.  Her massive belly began to deflate, displaying her abs once more.  However, this time, they seemed just a tad more visible.  A rush of power flowed through her body as it began digesting the beast.  She always loved when people came in thinking they could fight monsters with monsters.  She just wished the ring leader could be here to see what they had done.

"You aren't just average guests, nor are you naive heroes.  How about the you two tell me what you are really here for?"

In the background the candlemen finished up the guards.  They lined up, a pool of blood flooding beyond their feet, their expressions blank but focused.  The two were completely surrounded by candlemen.


How unfortunate. But how would a pre-recorded message be aware of Serana's own presence here ahead of time? So very strange...

Don't keep me waiting for too long, You. I will find further use for you in this sooner rather than later.

The elven monarch turned her attention to the so-called Hallow Queen with a smile, and held her hand out invitingly. "I was here for no more reason than to introduce myself, and perhaps open up negotiations regarding a mutual threat. But I see now the humans have made my point rather more directly than I was expecting to."

Now that there was nothing assuming the form of a threat here Serana took the time to look her host up and down once. She nodded in approval of what she saw.

"They are such filthy creatures, are they not? Of all other races, I find myself despising them and their arrogant hypocrisy the most."

Hallow Queen

The Hallow queen tilted her head to the side.  The candlemen encircling them followed suit, tilting their heads as well.  Then, the Hallowqueen straightened it and smiled.  The candlemen's heads remained tilted.  "I agree with you," she said.  "Its disgusting how hypocritical humans are.  The funny thing is they are just as disgusted with each other as we monsters.  Its just that they invent different things to be disgusted with."

The woman clenched her fist.  "So what, you came to work for me?  I don't mind having someone like you around to erase the foolish humans who wander into my district causing harm."


"I was actually hoping for more of an alliance." She motioned for the Hallow Queen to come closer, though it was entirely rhetorical. "You see, I just happened to come into a bit of land and troops myself recently. And I would rather not trade with the surrounding humans if I can help it."

The scrunched up look of distaste at the notion was entirely genuine. Serana didn't have to act at all for that part.

Hallow Queen

The queen shrugged and said, "And what do you have to offer hmmm?  The power of someone like you is enticing, but the power of an individual is not something I really need right now, not after those fools delivered to me that treat...."


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