Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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"I am offering economic assistance I think you may find helpful after this."

With but a wave of her hand, Serana made her point. The hydra and the chaos accompanying it had already caused an extraordinary amount of damage to the surrounding area, and to the people who lived in it. Vehicles had been crushed and knocked aside, people splashed and sick with vile fluids, bystanders trampled and wounded - one of Halloween Town's centers of commerce ruined. The sounds coming from the casualties were like sweet perfume to the lich's senses, and she soaked them up and knew the hearts of this queen's people.

They were counting on her for more than just protection right now.

"I can have your forum here fixed in a matter of days."

Hallow Queen

The Hallow Queen frowned.  "Economic assistence is good and all but..."

She turned around, her back to the mysterous woman.  Her palms began to radiate with a crimson light.  Starting from her hips, she raised her hands upwards over her head in a circular arc, a trail of light following her movements.  With the extra power, she had just consumed, raising new buildings was child's play.  A massive dust cloud kicked up as a large buildings rose into the sky, even bigger than the last ones.  The cloud engulfed the two of them, separating them from each others feild of view.  When the dust cleared, the Hallow Queen was facing Serena, flashing her a proud smile.

"As you can see, we don't need such things.  You see every time we have been attacked, i've made it a point to rebuild bigger and more impressive than before.  It is a display of our perseverance and power against our human oppressors.  Is there anything else you can offer?"


Oh, so this queen was competent.

Serana took the time to look it all over, obviously checking for signs of illusion but not expecting to actually find any such thing. She did not go very far in her stroll around the plaza before letting out a sigh of dejection. "I suppose all that remains is to ask you if you have anything you would like to be offered by a good neighbor."

Hallow Queen

The hallow queen put a finger on her blank smile.  "I suppose I wouldn't mind a little military support if things get... out of hand.  Although I think the most important thing to me is to grow our community."


Serana's own smile was equally as polite as she literally looked down to the Hallow Queen. "I would be more than willing to agree to providing military assistance against the threat of an unfettered humanity. Community may or may not follow thereafter in the wake of our cooperation."


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