Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Valarie took off, left him alone.  In truth, that was always a possibility.  He didn't mind.  It was a risk with consequences he was prepared for.  Thats what it meant to gamble with high-risk situations.  The strange part to him is why she didn't finish him off.  As usual, the demon was just thankful to have walked away with his life.  Shapeshifting allowed him to avoid a fatal blow but having someone pierce ones torso was still a painful injury.  Maybe in a town like this, they would be willing to heal a demon like him.

That is how he found himself in this strange town.  Everyone in the street wore masks of humans as if it were Halloween and the roles were reversed.  The only time they seemed to take them off was indoors.  It was almost humorous in a way,

Aruna opened the door to a place called the lazy monster.  The second he entered the door, he could feel this strange weight cast onto him.  Looking around, he could see people staring at this one woman.  Even he himself found himself drawn to her presence, despite the overwhelming power that he felt.  This was... an angel. Aruna froze in place, staring at the woman with wide eyes, ready to get out of there if the situation called for it.  In fact, he was already moving his lips, chanting a spell.



"Another one!"

The blonde Angel slammed down the empty shot glass next to the small mountain of empty glasses besides her with enough force for the glass to crack down the middle. Her cheeks were completely flushed ans she wasn't sitting straight anymore, not for the past half hour that is. Being in a room with so many egomaniacs was a complete drain so she left that palace and had come here to drown her annoyance and hopefully have something fun happen but-

"How come a drunk girl like me haven't been taken advantage off yet? ISN'T THIS A MONSTER BAR ?? WHAT! Am I not hot enough for you lot?? I thought you'd be all over defiling me!"

She shrunk down in defeat, deflated by the lackluster response she'd gotten so far.

"....Why don't anyone like me?"


The demon wandered over to her, perhaps morbidly curious, perhaps something else.  Either way, he had finished creating a portal he could use to escape so there was no harm right?

"I don't think asking a bunch of horny men to rape you is going to make you liked," he said, sitting down next to her.  "Bar tender, the next one you give her is on me."

The man behind the counter nodded.

Fear.  He wasn't afraid of the light, not like he was before.  However, he was afraid of dangerous people, those like the angels who sought to destroy demons like him.  The power, he could feel the power radiating from her.  It was like a neon sign declaring her existence.  But angels were supposed to be all-powerful, ruthless and bound to the light, yet this one was sitting here alone just hanging out, feeling down like any other human.  It hadn't tried to kill him so.... maybe it was ok to be kind.

Aruna patted her on the back.  "Do... do you want me to get you out of here?"


"Ahh, don't just pat me down the back like that...." Lulu breathed out as fingers sat into her back right where here wings would come out. She squirmed a bit and downed the glass that he had offered to pay for her. She didn't calm down, a slight shine was the only warning as warmth flowed from her back and down his arm, giving the fallen one relief as his wounds begun closing themselves slowly.

Her eyes widened and she stared at him with sudden clarity, or so it seemed except she didn't say anything for several moments. She merely blinked as her blue eyes regarded him with a growing haziness.

"Only if you let me treat that!"


The dark angel retracted his hand immediately, feeling an unfamiliar mana coursing through his body.  Aruna closed his eyes, inspecting his body for some form of holy curse but... instead, he realized that the pain in his torso had faded.  The internal damage began sticking itself together, the hole in his chest had closed just a tad.  Now he kind of wanted to touch her again, just so the stinging would stop.

"Your drunk and already healing me...." he said, trying really hard not to sound like a smartass.  He really didn't want to get into a fight with her.  "Sure sure whatever you want but.. lets get out of here."

This was strange.  What was even going on?  Why was he helping her?  Why was that his first instinct?


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