Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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It was funny.  Just a few days ago, he would have laughed at that introduction, put on that demonic face the angels loved to see so much, just to test her.  However, today, it was just too much.  It felt like a waste of time, to postulate like that just to prove a point.  The demon was growing tired of those games, tired of all the fighting.

"I get it now, so your not associated with the other angels anymore," he said with a sigh, looking down at her with a tilt of his head.  "Haven't you killed creatures like me?  Even though you are kind I cannot lower my guard.  I can still remember the holy light being pointed at my throat...  This situation is absurd, to want to heal me."


"I've killed a whole bunch of creatures, like those humans or even my own kin when they went baaaad. But I only kill the really terrible ones, your race has nothing to do with that!"

She was starting to get annoyed that. Getting accusations thrown at her like she would just flip out and kill like that. It was pretty insulting.

"Hmpf.... I don't know what kind of angels you've run into but my brethren treat everyone with kindness until they've shown they other things... I've got lots and lots friends from all over back there."


Aruna stared at her again, his eyes shimmering before he was forced to stifle a laugh.  "I see, so then you judge me as just?  I guess I won't argue with that, especially if it comes from a place of kindness.  I should just accept that kindness right?"

And so he extended his hand and laughed.  A demon extending his hand to an angel in kindness.  There really was nothing funnier.



Lulu crossed her hands beneath her ample chest and looked at his hand with some annoyance. No way was she shaking hands like this. Just how lame was he? He looked like he did yet he acted like this, no wonder he got bullied, she was fighting the urge to tease him real hard now.

"Im not shaking hands you absolute dork. I'm kind because I want to be and I'm not judging you or anything. But I'm starting to think you need a good ole beating to straighten out your priorities..." She took a step forward and brushed his arm aside with her movement.

"Why do you push people away so hard?"


Aruna laughed at her annoyance.  "Well I don't like angels.  Every single one i've interacted with harmed me at some point, most tried to kill me.  I don't see anything wrong with not wanting people like that in my life."

He took a step back as his arm was knocked aside by her chest.  "Why do you look so annoyed?"

Was it just him or was she less drunk too?


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