Yusho's contemplative look slowly split into a fond smile. But his stare lost none of its edge, nor did his brows soften even in the sensitivity of the moment. He answered plainly, but an ardent wind was in it. "I certainly can, but learning anything useful will be up to you! I was starting to wonder if you'd ask - I can't do miracles on my own. However, before we begin I have one more question."
"Are you certain you want strength? The kind that I help you nurture may not make for the easiest way to live." The dragon-blooded crossed his arms and stepped closer to the younger man. His voice trailed not like a teacher reading from a book, but like an elder speaking to a junior.
"The way I see it, the strong with even an inch of morals have a responsibility to the weak. And so long as you're strong, regardless of your wishes you will be called upon to exercise that strength. Simply possessing the potential will draw you into all manner of conflict, and from the moment you desire power, you are complicit in this cycle. You may gain the ability to choose, and to force choice, but only honesty and restraint can change an ill put in motion."