Author Topic: Swole City  (Read 24181 times)


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #210 on: March 22, 2020, 07:06:23 PM »

Richard thrusted in her mouth, using his hands to hold her head in place.  "Shut up."  She wasn't wrong.  He wasn't a virgin, but he wasn't the most charming kid in the world.  Living in swole city meant all the kids his age were smoking hot, in great shape and usually stronger than him.  The only reason he wasn't a virgin was because he happened to be rich and smart.

It was after a few thrusts he realized, she couldn't do her work properly like this.  It was hot to make her react like this but what was it?  Was she cumming?  But if he released the tail, she might pay him back hard for all the bullying.  Well he was paying her so maybe...

Richard released the tail and her hair.  "It does huh?  In that case, get on my bed," he said, mustering his most commanding voice.  "I wanna go inside you."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #211 on: March 22, 2020, 07:30:35 PM »

The redhead collapsed on the floor with a mean cough and remained unresponsive for a few seconds before she spoke up. "Th-thank you Lord Richard." She slowly got up on her knees and gave him a beaming smile. It was completely opposite to how she had been a few seconds ago, maybe she had enjoyed the abuse after all.

She slowly crawled onto the bed as he whole body was still shivering but she still managed to kick off the high heels before she went on it and spread herself out erotically. It was quite clear she was putting on a show for him as every action was slow, deliberate and exaggerated to emphasize every bit of curve she had. Then Lily turned to him and grinned. "You sure you wanna nut inside my tight cunt so early? We got all day on us~"


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #212 on: March 22, 2020, 08:10:46 PM »

This is amazing.  This was the moment, his eyes taking in her wonderful tiny form.  The chest was small, firm looking, begging for him to touch it.  Those legs were strong, firm, arms shapely and feminine.  Richard could see the immense detail on her abs.  Some of those lines he had never seen on a real person.  He could be close to her heart or crushed by her might.  It was hard to believe she was calling him master.  Today, she was his plaything.

Richard's eyes widened as he realized the obvious.  Thats right!  I paid for her all day.  She's not just a prostitute, but an escort. he thought to himself.  I wonder what else she will do for me...

All a sudden a buzz went off on his nightstand.  It was his phone.  Since their mansion was so big, his parents often communicated with their phones.  Earlier they had left to on a run to get some food.  That probably meant they are back.

"What else can you do for me?"


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #213 on: March 22, 2020, 09:19:54 PM »

She sat up straight at that question. "Oh that depends on what you want to do. But you can do anything to my body short of killing me. I could cook for you too if you wanna be served that way, or beat you into the ground and make you the strongest one around....we could also just go on dates, you have me for the foreseeable future with how much you paid."

The quivering of her form wasbeggining to subsume as she felt some of her power return to her.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #214 on: March 22, 2020, 09:45:08 PM »

Richard's head tilted back, taken away by the sheer breadth of options he had.  She could train him, cook for him, even go on dates?  So its anything outside of killing her huh?  With someone as powerful as her as his human escort, he could do whatever he wanted.  "Well, I told you, I don't need to be the strongest, I'm smarter and wealthier.  In fact, I just bought something interesting that makes it so I don't have to train.  My parents are home, so lets introduce you to them.  We should get you into something more presentable though."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #215 on: March 22, 2020, 10:05:21 PM »

Lily raised an eyebrow at the final remark of his clearly amused by his lack of foresight despite him claiming to rely on intelligence. She stretched her arms and legs as feeling properly returned to her. "Your bed is really nice..." It was way better than any one she'd ever been in. Or could remember being in, the other times back at the pleasure palace she'd been too busy getting railed to take note....

"Do you actually have anything that fits me, I don't mind wearing something less feminine but we aren't exactly the same size. How were you planning around that?"


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #216 on: March 22, 2020, 10:40:24 PM »

Richard sighed, reaching for her bunny girl ears and taking them off.  "There," he said, a smirk coming to his face.  "Now its not super obvious that your a hooker.  Besides,  I managed to do all this with their money.  I wanna show every inch of you off to my family."

The other hand rubbed the bed.  He was never sure what the material was made of, some ungodly substance found in the blessed woods, made from the fur of some magical beast from there.  They were so expensive because they required the services of both a bounty hunter and a furniture store to create.  Considering how much sleep matters to health though it was a good investment.

Moving to the drawers, pulling out a loose shirt black T-shirt and sweatpants.  "Would you hurt someone for me if I asked?" he said, slipping the sweatpants onto his toned legs.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #217 on: March 22, 2020, 10:53:25 PM »

A faint blush covered her cheeks as he took the fake ears off. "Mhm... Of course I would, I'd beat them up, extort them or even make them disappear if thats what you want." She stood up but didn't put the heels on again, instead she gathered them up and placed them neatly next to his bed.

"I could change into my regular outfit but yiud get to see a lot less of my legs and ass then and I don't think either of us wants that."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #218 on: March 22, 2020, 11:57:55 PM »

Woah, she's really cute when she blushes, he thought.  I wonder how much i'd have to pay her to stay for good.

"Oh yeah, neither of us want that," he said, slipping on his shirt.  "Just keep in mind, I have some different views from my parents."

Chandlers with glimmering crystals shined down on a massive room.  Four chairs made from leather-lined a table.  The best way to describe the room is massive and pristine.  A kitchen counter surrounded the eating space with a TV at the end of the room.  Already sitting at the table were the two parents.  Black hair, green eyes, strong cheekbones and the body of an accomplished body builder.  He looked like he was about 220Ib of pure muscle, with his chest and arms pressing snuggly against his T shirt.  Meanwhile, the other woman had orange hair, green eyes and an equally fit body.  A sports bra hid her large chest, but her yoga pants highlighted her thick muscular thighs.

"So what did we get?" he asked, coming down the stairs, one arm wrapped around her waist.  Truthfully, it felt like he was basically touching her skin.  The suit was so tight.  Maybe this wasn't a good idea...

"Lots of calories," his father said.  "You need to get some more meat on you son."

"Who is that?" the mother said, a some glint of interest in her eye.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2020, 12:09:44 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #219 on: March 23, 2020, 02:13:27 AM »

"Yo, I'm Lily~" The redhead was Waving her right hand at that them in a greeting. "Hmm what I am.. Friend, girlfriend, fuck buddy? No the second isn't really right, we haven done it yet... What do you say?"  She glanced over at her supposed boyfriend. Her heat could be felt even through the fabric and walking all the way over here with her so close would no doubt have him work up a sweat.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #220 on: March 23, 2020, 03:06:46 AM »
Richard family dinner

And Richard could feel it.  Her extraordinarily warm body, combined with the genuine tension caused by having someone so powerful next to him stacked on top of showing this person to his parents forced sweat to emerge on his brow.  A hand wiped his forehead clean before he smiled at his mother.  "Girlfriend," he said, walking her over to a seat next to his father. 

"Girlfriend huh?" she asked, sizing her up.  Good lord.  That suit was so skimpy.  Even so, the muscles on that girl were respectable.  Of all the girls brought in, she was by far the most defined.  "She's got a little more meat than the last one you brought home."

"Please Mom.  She's far stronger than you.  Bigger muscles than you and enough raw strength to manhandle dad.  Oh and she's got a nice big firm ass.  Lily, get on the table and show mom.  She's the hottest girl I've ever scored."

"Stonger than me.  Please.  Son, why are you so brazen all the sudden?  Where is this coming from?"

« Last Edit: March 23, 2020, 03:14:37 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #221 on: March 23, 2020, 03:56:08 AM »

The redhead blushed slightly at the praise and shook her head. "Hey hey you don't gotta lay it on so thick, I know you like me already geeez... Fine fine I'll do it but just because you're so cool ok!" She took the last steps onto table and begun crawling towards his mother while carefully avoiding all of the food. Her hips swayed hypnotically, it was easy to make them move like crazy on their own when you had as much muscle control as she did.

She pushed her ass out and flexed her muscles for them, putting on a very slutty show. "I have him some pointers on how to be more manly and it's working wonders hehehe."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #222 on: March 23, 2020, 04:37:08 AM »
Richard and the Family

Oh good lord.  Its huge! the mother thought, her pupil's tracking Lily's hypnotic hip sways, her gaze lost in the girl's asscheeks.

Richard reached into his pocket and grabbed a bottle of pills.  The purpose of these pills was to maximize noob gains but he had recently found out they could bolster weaker bodies, so long as they were still within human limits.  While both of his parents had eyes on Lily's body, he slipped the pills into his mouth and took a sip of some water on his table.  Already he could feel his muscles growing inside his clothes, filling them out.

"Oh and its firm," Richard said, reaching out to grab Lily's ass with the biggest, stupidest smirk.  Even with his large hands, it was too big to fill them, his hand sinking in only as he squeezed as hard as he could.  Hopefully now he could make her a feel that without using her tail.  He finished the ass massage with a well place spank that echoed through the dining hall.  "Oh and her abs!  Even Lexxi doesn't have abs like hers."

Its bigger than Sherry's Richard's father thought.  He was glad the table was covering his crotch.  The older man was stiff.  Gathering himself, he glared at Lily.  "Teaching him to be manly?  C'mon son we are at the dinner table. Show some respect."

"Oh please dad.  You told me not to waste time with girls out of my league, so I got a girl who's actually worth my time.  Even you want a piece of her.  Oh and not only is she hotter than mom, but she's stronger than both of you combined."  Richard handed her a knife, one placed at the center of the table that was used to cut exotic meat.  This one was specially smithed so it could dig into powerful monsters.  It could take punishment even from his dad's pressure.

The mother was silent, just staring at Lily's ass.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2020, 04:57:28 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #223 on: March 23, 2020, 07:37:41 PM »

Lily quite happliy pushed her ass back into hands, enjoying the feel of his touch and letting him grope her to his heart's content. "You should play with it more Richie, I love feeling your hands on me." Then she blinked as the fine knife was suddenly handed to her. At first she didn't get what he wanted her to do but there was really only one way to show off strength here with it and it was a real shame to do it.

That's why she grinned and crushed it completely with her hand. The edge dug into her palm only to not pierce her skin at all and for moment it looked like nothing would happen, until the blade suddenly folded in half as she closed her fist followed by the sounds of metal snapping. She opened her fist and dropped the now two seperate pieces of the knife that was left.

"See... Is there something shameful about how I look? I'm proud of my body and my gains, and so should you two be. Just look at how beefy you are!"


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #224 on: March 23, 2020, 09:08:56 PM »
Richard and the Family

"Oh trust me I will," Richard said, smiling at Lily.

A natural primal fear reached into Richard's father's heart as he heard the metal groaning and breaking against the simple pressure of her hand.  Even he couldn't do that to the knife, let alone with just the strength of his forearms and the durability of his skin.  What the hell was she made of?  That hand squeezed and sank his heart into the floor along with the falling metal.  He could feel himself stirring, the kind of excitement that only a mixture of fear and arousal could possibly bring.  He stared up at what would be the shorter girl and...

He forgot why he was upset at his son, the compliment washing over him.  "Me? Beefy?  I mean I'm no where near as strong as..."

The old man stopped, feeling the eyes of his wife who was peering at him from behind Lily's ass.  "Its just so skimpy!" the wife said.  "That outfit.  But I suppose your strength is so respectable but this audacity!  I mean this is no way to speak to us!  And uhh... where did you meet her Richard?"

"A fighting arena," he said.  "She was so passionate and.... powerful.  I had to have her."

"Don't talk about woman like they are property Richard!  This woman clearly works far harder than you!  I'm sorry," the mother said, bowing her head a little bit.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2020, 09:37:05 PM by yinsukin »