Cross Effects > Areas
Swole City
"All vampires are drawn to their sire as part of their biology, What you are feeling is not genuine attraction but rather an extension of our bond." The King responded swiftly with unblinking eyes. Not that her eyes had blinked since she had come here. That was a part of human nature that didn't apply to her.
"You will get to know me in time, and in time your sense of urgency will fade as well. I see you are still stricken by the impatience of the mortal races, but you should know that these emotions you feel will not be resolved by forcing through it. Instead of comparing yourself to others, perhaps you should look inwards and work towards how you want to be."
He protested, stepping up to the tree on his feet, but there wasn't any heat in it that reached Roman. "Even if I was lonely, I don't look that old. You though, how are you feeling, after this... transformation? Have any worrifying effects shown up yet?"
Roman sighed, buried his hands in his face and said, "You remember being a teenager? Because I remember why I hated it. I'm so damned horny all the time, I do stupid things to satisfy my dick and I cannot stop thinking about my master, even though I know she's probably in love with some chad of a man or woman. Was this what you had in mind when you said selling my soul? Reverting back five or ten years sexually?"
Roman's face softened, then a devious grin crept onto his face as he turned and looked up at his standing master. "Wait.... why did you try to sleep with her?"
--- Quote from: Bern on August 27, 2020, 02:31:49 PM ---Valerie
"All vampires are drawn to their sire as part of their biology, What you are feeling is not genuine attraction but rather an extension of our bond." The King responded swiftly with unblinking eyes. Not that her eyes had blinked since she had come here. That was a part of human nature that didn't apply to her.
"You will get to know me in time, and in time your sense of urgency will fade as well. I see you are still stricken by the impatience of the mortal races, but you should know that these emotions you feel will not be resolved by forcing through it. Instead of comparing yourself to others, perhaps you should look inwards and work towards how you want to be."
--- End quote ---
Sakura Edelfeldt
"Humbph..." Sakura didn't particularly enjoy the confirmation of her suspicions, and felt more than a little resentment towards Valerie for her failure to warn her of this beforehand. If she'd known, well, she'd probably still have taken the deal. Immortality and eternal youth were two tremendous assets that far outweighed their costs. If she'd known, she felt that she'd have been able to control it better and that it'd have been easier to manage her confusion, or at least to properly contextualize it.
However, she knew it wasn't fair of her to pin all the blame on her sire. It was her choice to jump right into it, and it was her emotions which she'd let get the better of her. Regardless of her lack of information, it was not an excuse for her shameful behavior. Comparing herself to him, and falling down to his levels, both of these things were completely unacceptable. And so, her annoyance passed into acceptance of her new situation. "I know." The young woman replied. "Of course not." She replied quietly with a calm expression before standing back up. "I'm sorry for messing up your date."
"Your master, huh." Yusho stroked his beard, expression flat against Roman's blustering emotions. "A mental or physical compulsion to attachment originating from your new condition, most likely. Not unlike the effects caused by the attention of certain supernatural beings."
He shook his head at the lecherous grin. "She tried to sleep with me, not the other way around. But I suppose that hardly matters when it takes two to do the deed."
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