Author Topic: Swole City  (Read 24144 times)


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #90 on: December 30, 2019, 08:33:38 PM »
Rin Tohsaka

"I'm sorry, my dearest little sister who I wronged so badly, I cannot. My mistress is currently asleep, although she may awaken soon. She fought a great battle last night where hundreds of people died before she saved the district of longdale. A dumb fool like me couldn't possibly understand it in its entirety, but she was very heroic."

Another bow.

"Any other questions for your foolish servant?"

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Cherry Lover

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Re: Swole City
« Reply #91 on: December 30, 2019, 11:09:46 PM »
Sakura and Shirou

Sakura rolled her eyes at the over-exaggerated, self-depreciating manner in which the fake Rin was apologising. Even so, a part of her did enjoy the feeling of superiority over her sister that the display gave her, even if it was entirely fake. But, even beyond that, the girl's words were interesting. On the way out, they had seen the damage caused in their district, and they had heard the stories of the battle. To find that her alternate self had apparently risked her life to defeat a giant and save their district from destruction was very gratifying, and gave her a much better impression of her than she had gotten from the ridiculously-self-depreciating Rin clone which she had turned into her personal servant.

"Oh, really? She did that?" Sakura asked. "That's quite impressive."

Then, Shirou spoke up.

"I'm not sure there's much for us to ask you, sorry", he said, politely. "But we would definitely like to meet her, if we can."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #92 on: January 01, 2020, 09:20:26 AM »
Rin Tohsaka

Rin turned her face, and stared at Shirou.

She snorted in derision at the taller man, and seemed to be looking down on him.

"And you are...?" She waved her hands, expecting him to explain just why he thought he had the right to talk to her, the tohsaka princess.

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Cherry Lover

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Re: Swole City
« Reply #93 on: January 01, 2020, 05:18:55 PM »
Sakura and Shirou

Sakura glared at the construct, annoyed by the dismissive attitude she was taking to her beloved husband. It only enhanced her impression that this was a cheap, knock-off copy of her sister, who would never normally be so rude to Shirou. Further, from the construct's behaviour, she knew that an answer from her would get a much more positive reaction than one from him, so she decided to answer quickly, before Shirou himself could respond.

"This is my husband, Shirou", she said, clearly irritated. "He's a wonderful, kind man and you should treat him with respect."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #94 on: January 01, 2020, 10:48:20 PM »
Sakura and Shirou

Sakura glared at the construct, annoyed by the dismissive attitude she was taking to her beloved husband. It only enhanced her impression that this was a cheap, knock-off copy of her sister, who would never normally be so rude to Shirou. Further, from the construct's behaviour, she knew that an answer from her would get a much more positive reaction than one from him, so she decided to answer quickly, before Shirou himself could respond.

"This is my husband, Shirou", she said, clearly irritated. "He's a wonderful, kind man and you should treat him with respect."

Rin Tohsaka

Rin blinked, and her form shimmered. "Mistress, I don't understand-what do you mean, husband?"

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Cherry Lover

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Re: Swole City
« Reply #95 on: January 01, 2020, 11:53:33 PM »
Sakura and Shirou

Sakura blinked for a moment, sure that she had seen the girl momentarily shimmer in response to to her question, before sighing at the comment.

"He's my husband. The person I chose to marry, the man I love", she replied. "I would appreciate it if you would show him the respect he deserves."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #96 on: January 02, 2020, 05:51:07 PM »
Rin Tohsaka

Rin glowered at Shirou. "My lady, what about your sister? Are you intent on betraying her as well!"

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Cherry Lover

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Re: Swole City
« Reply #97 on: January 02, 2020, 08:38:11 PM »
Sakura and Shirou

A look of utter bemusment came over Sakura's face in response to the construct's comment.

"W..what do you mean, betraying my sister? I've barely even spoken to her since I was four, and she has no claim on Sen.. my husband in any case", she said.

"Besides, your master doesn't seem like she holds her sister in particularly high regard either, judging from how she programmed you."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #98 on: January 02, 2020, 08:53:01 PM »
Sakura and Shirou

A look of utter bemusment came over Sakura's face in response to the construct's comment.

"W..what do you mean, betraying my sister? I've barely even spoken to her since I was four, and she has no claim on Sen.. my husband in any case", she said.

"Besides, your master doesn't seem like she holds her sister in particularly high regard either, judging from how she programmed you."

Rin Tohsaka

"I am not my lady's sister!"

Her eyes flashed red, and inky black tendrils sprouted from her back, pointing at the couple. "Even from you, my mistress, I cannot tolerate such a flagrant disrespect for her!" The raven-haired fascimile of her sister seemed to gyrate in an unstable manner, and her eyes rolled around in their sockets. "You must-you cannot be allowed to insult Lady Edelfeldt in such a manner, my mistress!"

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Cherry Lover

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Re: Swole City
« Reply #99 on: January 02, 2020, 11:12:47 PM »
Sakura and Shirou

Sakura's eyes widened at the construct's angry reaction and apparently breakdown, thoroughly confused by her words. Recognising the hostile intent, Sakura took a step backwards, giving Shirou a look to indicate that he should remain silent and not initiate anything. Then, she paused for a few moments, as Shirou summoned up his swords to defend them both if necessary, before speaking briefly.

"I don't understand what you mean I wasn't intending to insult anyone", Sakura said, before pausing again to consider the situation.

From the construct's reaction, it appeared that she believed that Sakura's sister was an Edelfelt. And, given the issues that her alternate self seemed to have with her birth sister, it figured that she had been given to another family at some stage, just like Sakura herself had been. In which case, perhaps she had ended up in the Edelfelt family, instead of as a Matou. Presumably, given her age and status, the "sister" in question would be Luvia.

"I don't know your creator's past, but from your reaction, it seems like she was adopted into the Edelfelt family. I was not, I was adopted by the Matou family instead. As such, I have no sister other than my biological sister, Rin. I was not intending to insult your mistress or her adoptive sister, who I am sure is a very good sister. I simply was not aware that your creator had a sister other than the one you are based on", Sakura said, calmly and carefully.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #100 on: January 03, 2020, 11:35:58 AM »
Rin Tohsaka

Rin didn't seem to respond much at all to Sakura's words. The tendrils that had sprouted from her back seemed to solidify in a way Sakura wouldn't be able to fathom, taking on the color of skin before the ends shaped themselves into hands. Clothing sprouted from her back, becoming sleeves for her eight new elongated arms. It was highly likely that every part of her was constructed in such a manner.

"Holy shit!" They heard from off to the side. An enormous, strapping man with bulging muscles and well-oiled bronzed skin and wearing a tank top dropped his latte on the ground. "That bitch just grew eight arms!"

Rin turned to glare at him, and a dark aura began to emanate from her body. The man burst off into a sprint, along with the rest of the pedestrians. Some took out their phones to call the police, others to  record whatever was going to go down, while others simply ran as fast as they could.

However, the construct suddenly went limp, head collapsing downwards and standing perfectly still, as if her power had simply been turned off.

All ten of her arms hung limp at her side.

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Cherry Lover

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Re: Swole City
« Reply #101 on: January 03, 2020, 05:23:49 PM »
Sakura and Shirou

Sakura watched with confusion as the tendrils began to form into fully-fledged arms, forming hands and, eventually, even clothing. The bystanders were equally bemused, one of them earning a dark glare from the construct as a result, causing them to all flee in panic. Seeing the potential threat, both Sakura and Shirou reacted, tensing up in preparation for a fight. However, before anything happened, the construct suddenly went limp, collapsing forwards like a robot which had been powered-off.

Sighing in relief, both Sakura and Shirou stood down.

"What was that?" Shirou said, bemused.

"I'm not sure, I guess some kind of malfunction", Sakura replied. "I think we should stay well away from it, in case it wakes up."

"You're right, but I think we need to wait for the police to arrive, at least. Otherwise it might go rogue and hurt someone", Shirou responded.

"Yes, I suppose", Sakura said. "Plus, I would like to meet with her creator, if we can."

So, the two of them took a seat nearby and waited, keeping watch over the construct to ensure that it did not awaken and begin to attack people.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #102 on: January 03, 2020, 11:04:30 PM »
Sakura Edelfeldt

12:30 PM, Nexus Time

Thirty minutes passed before Rin moved. People started to walk past her, giving her a wide bearth but otherwise ignoring her. They'd seen stranger things before. Rin stood perfectly upright, tendril arms limp against the ground and head hanging low. She didn't even seem to be breathing anymore.

But then, she suddenly stood upright, and split in half, opening up into what Sakura could recognize as a portal. And then, she saw a taller, more european looking version of herself walk out of her sister. She snapped her fingers, and Rin melted into the ground, returning to the abyss. She wore tight sweatpants and a sports bra that clung to her body, and her hair had the same drills that they had seen on Luviagelita, with her hair behind her tied up in a perfect braid.

She had well defined, striking looks-far better than Sakura. Her breasts had no sag to them, and there was no flab on her body whatsoever. Instead, she had a ten pack chiseled on her stomach, and perfect musculature showing off her impossible fitness. She turned to look at Sakura with her red, glowing eyes, raising one of them.

"So, you're the one who broke my familar?"

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Cherry Lover

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Re: Swole City
« Reply #103 on: January 04, 2020, 02:13:13 AM »
Sakura and Shirou

Realising that the construct wasn't looking likely to move any time soon, Sakura and Shirou decided that this would be a good time to eat the lunch they had prepared before departing. So, the two of them took out their bentos and began to eat as they continued to watch the motionless construct. However, even after taking the time to eat, the construct had still not moved, and the two of them began to get a little impatient.

"Senpai, I don't think it's going to move", Sakura said. "We might want to get back to searching for a gym."

"I think we should wait a little longer, just to be sure", Shirou replied. "I don't want people getting hurt because of our negligence."

They waited a little while longer, considering whether it made sense to make a move. However, before they could make that decision, the construct suddenly jerked upright without warning. Surprised, the two of them immediately jumped off the bench they had been sitting on, preparing to take action if necessary. However, instead of moving to attack, the construct simply split apart, revealing what was clearly a portal, made out of Sakura's own magic. Out of which stepped a girl who was recognisably Sakura but, yet, also clearly different. She was taller, for a start. Her hair was set into drills, like those they had seen on her presumed sister. And she was beautiful, even in comparison to her alternate self. Her breasts were perfect, her body was chiselled and completely lacking in fat.

Neither Shirou nor Sakura could take their eyes off her. Shirou couldn't help but rake his eyes over the familiar-yet-different body, his gaze lingering especially on her full, perfect breasts, clad only in a tight sports bra. And Sakura, meanwhile, couldn't help but compare herself to the alternate, a comparison which was certainly not flattering. The girl had perfectly-chiselled abs and, unlike Sakura, her body was completely free of fat, aside from in the places where it was desired. She felt utterly inferior, a feeling that was worstened by a glance as her clearly-entranced husband. Yet, as she looked closer, Sakura couldn't help but notice a small bump in her trousers, something that would not be out of place on her husband.

Is that...? she thought, feeling a little better about herself at the thought that the girl might not be as perfect as she appeared.

But, then, Sakura's thoughts were brought back to their situation, as the girl looked in her direction and spoke, asking about the familiar.

"I suppose. But we never actually touched it. It would be more accurate to say that it broke itself, really", Sakura replied.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #104 on: January 04, 2020, 05:08:55 PM »
Sakura Edelfeldt

Sakura scratched her forehead and gave her double a quizzical look. "Huh." She said quietly, happy that the overbearing bulge was shrinking away by the minute.

Usually Sapphire's medicines has far longer term effects.

"She probably got confused. Typical of Rin, really."

She walked forward, ignoring Shirou other than giving him a glance. She didn't really care about this woman's paramour and was far more interested in her smaller double.

Her red eyes twinkled with interest, stopping about a foot in front of Sakura and looking down at her.

"Well, come on. Introduce yourself. "My name is Sakura Edelfeldt, as I'm sure you're already aware.

She flipped one of her long purple drills, enjoying the feeling of superiority that came with being so obviously checked out by the two.

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