Author Topic: Great Dojo  (Read 47425 times)


  • Moon Cancer
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Great Dojo
« on: May 02, 2019, 08:06:19 PM »
    The Great Dojo District:

    Speed, power, endurance, skill: these traits are desired by all at some level.  However, only the strong of mind can truly attain greatness.  People in this district respect and strive for one thing, power through honor.  However, while this sentiment is easy to comprehend to those in the outside, it means something else to live by it.  Those who incorporate this philosophy into their daily lives will forever be considered resident of this district.  Those who pervert or follow the opposite ideal are seen as less than trash and to many, not worthy of life.


    To say this town has laws is a misnomer.  Instead, it would be more accurate to say the district has guidelines.  Depending on where you are, these rules could mean something entirely different.  However, there are are a few that are constant across the entire district.

    1. Do not steal: Stealing is seen as cowardly and not suited to a warrior.  Not only will you be seen as weak, but many see it as cowardly.

    2. Murder is only allowed through honorable duel:  While this is one that changes based on the leader, honorable duel refers to depends on the place.

    3. Home is sacred:  This is an example of a guideline more than a law.  Things such as arson, vandalism or unsanctioned destruction will earn the ire of the full force of the district.  However, if you have lost your home in a duel, it is as good as destroyed if one chooses to do so.

    4. All major conflict must be solved through duels:  The culture of this district is dedicated to strength.  If you are strong, you get what you want.

    Guidelines are enforced universally by the 4 great dojo’s of this district.  Each one is comparable to the strongest of elites.  Together, they are seen as a rival to the police themselves.  However, because they supply the city with loyal, reliable and easy to predict bounty hunters, the relationship between the police and this district is positive.
    The first of the dojo masters is a martial artist who incorporates magic into his fighting style.  His name is Bahadur Klearjaac.   It is said that when he fights, his entire body shines, radiating a warming light like the sun itself.  The area around his dojo follows tends to favor those with magical combat abilities and the accumulation of knowledge.   Fair trade and commerce is also important, so this the most economically booming. 

    Name: Bahadur Klearjaac

    Race: Human

    Age: 25




    Attributes (with chi enhancement)

    Strength: Incredible (Fantastic)

    Agility: Incredible (Fantastic)

    Incredible (Fantastic)

    Willpower: Zen

    Magic: Extremely high

    Magic Resistance: Very high

    This style of magical resistance allows him to hold hostile attacks in his palms, such as fireballs and lightning strikes, so long as his chi is active.  His extensive knowlege of magic allows him to physically knock back magical attacks.  Weaker spells he can parry as if they were the fist of a baby.  Stronger spells he can block, but at the cost of his very body.

    Other Abilities:

    Way of the mage:  This is a martial art practiced by Bahadur.  It allows him to seamlessly integrate magic into strikes, practiced by integrating magic spells with katas.  Eventually, the practitioner is able to cast spells while striking their opponent.  A one inch punch can become a one-inch flame fist.  An axe kick can become a thunder strike.  An upper frame-block can become a wind-blasted block.  This allows him the rare ability to attack and defend at the same time.  He can cast spells and stike his opponents in one move easily, so long as he is able to use his mouth.

    Elemental magic: Bahadur has master the use of fire, water, lightning, wind and earth, allowing him to conjure these elements freely from his aura. Examples of low-level attacks include fireballs, lightning strikes, conjured earth, and wind blasts.  At his highest potency, Bahadur can summon tornados, create fireballs, rain down dozens of bolts of lightning and create massive water dragons.  These spells are all very high potency.  Of course, the most powerful attack is a massive laser beam fired from his palm that utilizes all five elements.  This attack is the only one that hits at extremely high potency and requires charge time, even with his speed chanting.

    Chi enhancement:
    Like many in the district, Bahadur Klearjack is capable of enhancing his body with chi.  What makes his version of the power unique is how he specialized in modifying his chi to better utilize his "magic".  By channeling it through his aura, he is capable of resisting magical attacks and channel magical attacks through his fists necessary for way of the mage.



    Lesser ties: Other dojo heads (Rivals)
    Lesser tie: Followers of his quadrant
    Lesser cause: Unite the dojo
    Greater principle: “I shall not give my great dojo to anyone, no matter the cost.”
    Greater cause: Integrate all magic into fighting to create the ultimate warrior

    The second dojo is run by a man who favors instinct.  To Ferrison Monroe, skill comes not from vigorous exercise but from the thrill of battle.  Power is not attained through knowledge but experience.  Many of the people in this territory sleep outside and the only buildings here are shops, fitness centers and restaurants.  The rest is open fields decorated with tents and planted trees.  Using a car or truck in this city is considered weak and you may be given looks pulling up in a vehicle of any kind.  However, because of the embrace of the harsh environment, no one in this town steals, though there are lots of fights.

    Name: Ferrason Monroe

    Race: Human

    Age: ???

    Height: 6’ 7’’


    Describe what your character looks like, such as hair and eye color and body type. Pictures are welcome too.


    Strength: Incredible/Heroic

    Agility: Incredible/Fantastic

    Durability: Incredible/Fantastic

    Willpower: Zen

    Magic: None

    Magic Resistance: Medium

    Chi protection:  Through battle with various mages, Ferrison Monroe has learned to adapt his ki against most forms of destructive and non-destructive magic.  Non destructive magic cannot penetrate his aura.  However, destructive magic interacts with his aura in accordance with the regular properties of magic resistance.

    Other Abilities:

    Ultra Instinct: Ferrison is an experienced fighter who’s instinct is absolutely inhuman.  His intuitive sense for battle allows him to adapt to fighting styles that he hasn’t even heard of in mere moments as if he had been practicing against them for years.  Every strike gets him closer to understanding the weakness of an entire martial art.  As is his life philosophy, the experience is his greatest weapon.  If he fights a style he is unfamiliar with for a long enough time, he may even be able to mimic it.  With enough time during a fight with a stronger opponent, he can learn their entire style, growing faster, stronger and more evasive.

    Chi enhancement:  This is the martial art taught by the first district.  By drawing on the energy of the environment, he has granted his body freedom from the prison of age.  This allows him to project an energy field created from his own life energy that protects against magic and enhances his physical body beyond its natural limit.

    Chi blasts:  This one is fairly simple.  By harnessing the power of chi in his palms, he can fire destructive blasts of chi with fantastic power from his fingers, palms, feet and even mouth.  He can use feet blasts to propel himself at heroic speeds, but these are tiring and can drain his stamina faster. 

    Experience of the martial artist: Ferrason Monroe is a man born from battle.  He has fought thousands upon thousands of different masters, accumulating countless priceless experience.  Victory, defeat, draws: it doesn’t matter the outcome.  With every battle, he became much stronger than before, able to craft his own style from a combination of street fighting and professional martial arts.  Thanks to the sheer diversity of styles, he has grown even further beyond that, able to pull off moves that defy physics themselves.  This allows him to keep up with fighters far stronger than himself as if they were physical equals.

    Equipment is for weaklings.

    Origin: Provide the character’s backstory. No need for an essay, but make sure that others can get a general understanding of the character’s identity.



    Lesser tie: Other dojo masters (rival)
    Lesser tie: The people of his section
    Greater cause: Achieve the highest level of human instinct.

    The third dojo is run by a woman known only as Seras.   Legend has it that when she was only five years old, she defeated a master martial artist in a fist fight.  Those who reside in his district tend to be incredibly intelligent, with divergent ideas about how the world of martial arts should be run.  They are united by their talent and those who work hard to achieve their goals are never truly on their level.

    Name: Seras

    Race: Human

    Age: ???

    Height: 5’11

    Weight: 192ib


    Physical Attributes (With chi enhancement)

    Strength: Exceptional (Fantastic)

    Agility: Exceptional (Fantastic)

    Durability: Exceptional (Fantastic)


    Magic: Extremely high

    Basic elemental spells: Seras is capable of casting fire, water, wind, darkness, earth, light and even grass spells.  The following are examples of her absolute best spells.  She does have access to weaker spells such as fireballs, water blasts, wind slashes, dark beams, light beams, conjuring earth and conjuring vines.  All of these attacks strike at high potency. Unlike Klearjack, she is not as good at integrating magic into her fighting style.  She is a mage and a fighter, not someone who has created a martial art of magic.

    Fire dragon of desire: A giant flaming dragon spell emitted from her soul.  Its size can be controlled by Seras, its maximum is the height and width of a building.  It strikes with very high potency.

    Whirlpool of fate: More than a tornado than a whirlpool, this spell generates a tornado of water capable of tearing through buildings.  Its direction can be controlled by hand gestures from the user.  This also strikes with very high potency.

    A powerful spell that creates an orb of mana that turns dark from the sheer density of the magic.  It draws in anything and everything regardless of whether they be friend or foe, crushing them in the center.  This is another example of a very high spell.

    The sun: Combining fire and light magic, Seras generates a mini sun.  This miniature sunburns so hotly that it raises the temperature to around 100 degrees regardless of what it was before.  Natrually, burning in the center of this massive fire means death for most.

    Magic Resistance: High (with chi enhancement)

    Other Abilities:

    Chi enhancement: Chi is the ability to use the strength of one’s own soul to draw on the energy in the environment.  Seras’s soul is so innately powerful that she is able to draw on far more power than any other martial artist in the entire district.

    Well read: Seras’s entire philosophy revolves around education and the gathering of information.  While the other dojo masters engage in espionage to an extent, Sera’s network makes up almost all of the information gathered by the district.  Sera’s knows almost everything there is to know about other districts, whether they want her to or not.

    Body projection: This is a special ability Seras has in which she is capable of converting her body into a ghostly form and flying directly into another’s mouth, taking over that body.  Those with average willpower or below are fairly easily taken over.  However, Seras can take over another with gritty willpower.  She cannot take over the body of someone with equal or less willpower. The cost of this ability is that it destroys her current body in the process.

    The final dojo is the spiritual center of the district.  Meditation, martial arts forms, the power of nature itself is what guides this area’s culture.  Headed by Sethrol the Calm, every meal is a picnic and every spec of earthbound dirt is a bed.  These people are most comfortable sleeping in the city streets or in the luscious fields of their section of the district.  In this place, spirituality is king.

    Name: Sethrol the Calm

    Race: Human

    Age: 1,000

    Height: 6 feet tall

    Weight: 210ib

    Appearance: Describe what your character looks like, such as hair and eye color and body type. Pictures are welcome too.

    Attributes (With Ki)

    Strength: Fantastic (Heroic)

    Agility: Fantastic (Heroic)

    Fantastic (Heroic)

    Magic: None

    Magic Resistance:
    High (Very high)

    Willpower: Determinator

    Other Abilities:

    Peaceful mind:
    If one were to read his mind, they would find a person who has complete and utter control over their emotions.  Fear, anger, sadness, joy, anxiety: over the years he has mastered them all through intense meditation.  Sethrol alone decides when he feels anything.

    Master of mediation: The type of meditation Sethrol practices is a stillness of the soul.  By emptying ones own thoughts and hear the “sound of the world,” Sethrol becomes hypersensitive to the world around him.  He can feel any and all hostile intent, which has kept him from being assassinated many times in his life.  This particular ability also makes him sensitive to chi and ki, adding to his skill in that area.  This meditative awareness is a sixth sense, allowing him to “feel” the world around him.

    Chi enhancement:
    The martial arts taught by the first district is woven into the daily life of Sethrol.  Like all practitioners of chi, Sethrol is capable of using his soul to draw upon the natural energy of the world around him, enhancing his body far beyond their natural limits.  It also gives protection from magical power.  Similar to Yamada, Sethrol is so proficient with chi that he preforms enhancement as simply as breathing.  It affects all of his stats, giving him fantastic power across the board.

    Ki enhancement: Ki is the power to enhance one’s own body by drawing on the power of one’s soul.  Similar to Yamada, Sethrol can enhance every stat, magical resistance included, by one.

    In the event that any of the laws are violated, citizens are required by the heads of their dojo’s to fight for the sake of upholding “the law of the land.”  For this reason, outsiders such as the police do not interfere without risking causing unnecessary unrest.  The people of this district hold the law in their hands, just as they do their own lives.

    No matter what dojo you belong to, your occupation will be similar.  People work in this town tend to work in a field that requires battle.  Bounty hunters and body guards are about as common as a teenager working as a cashier or busser.  Those who work the shops are typically commuters, but as a result they are often treated as second class citizens.
    Dueling: In this district, conflict is settled through battle.  If you have a problem with the way you are being treated, beat them up.  If you win, you are right, if you lose you are wrong.  In each duel you wager something.  This wager can range anywhere from a promise to say hi when you see your opponent to betting one's life.  It is seen as cowardly to fight someone without a duel and full on riots have broken out in the past when the district residents failed to live up to this policy.


    Bound to code: If someone manages to defeat a dojo master in a duel, they can request anything they like, so long as the duel was judged as fair and honorable.  It is entirely possible to have the full power of the district at someone's disposal if they managed to defeat all four dojo masters.  However, there are some interesting mechanics to the loyalty of the dojo masters.

    The first mechanic is that dojo masters will only obey the person who defeated them in battle.  For example, if a person sends a servant to defeat a dojo master, they will not obey that servants master, only the servant itself.

    The second mechanic is that loyalty for long term requests can be lost if the dojo master deems that person dishonorable.  At best, that person will have their ties cut and at worst they could become enemies of the entire district.  However, if the request is small, the dojo master may not take worth into honoring said request.

    Easy to manipulate: People in this district have a natural disdain for politics, so while many are smart, they do not have the life experience nor skills to whether the world of politics.  This means people here can be played.  However, be warned, if they do catch wind of your ploys, you will be relentlessly hunted by the entire district.  In many cases, bounty hunters from this district have been killed or worse through manipulation of their code of honor.

    Other Masters

    Once a stray, late-budding talent sheltered by Sethrol the Wise, Zhang Liu is infamous today as the Source-Melting Hand, for mastery of his unique technique. Fashioning himself as the merciless enforcer of the Dojo heads, he targets those who especially disrespect the spirit of the district. To most martial artists in the area, he is a boogeyman with the ability to destroy their martial and spiritual gifts to the root.

    Name: Zhang Liu

    Strength: Fantastic
    Agility: Fantastic
    Durability: Incredible
    Willpower: Zen

    Other Abilities
    Martial Hero: Zhang Liu’s physique is suffused and fortified by the spiritual power of qi, which he developed through years of grueling physical and meditative training. Aside from the fighting skills and techniques he’s mastered, he’s capable of sensing spiritual power and lightening his body to enable gravity-defying acrobatic feats.

    Fighting Expertise: Zhang Liu has honed his unarmed martial arts with ruthless dedication. He is the equal, if not superior, of any master in striking techniques in the Nexus. His instinct and reflexes are sharpened to a fine edge, to be directed against whatever needs crushing.

    Source-Melting Hand: Zhang Liu's unique technique. A flow of red energy concentrated on the palm and fingers, which upon striking a target directly in the center of mass will permanently dissolve the foundation of their inner energies. This melts the spiritual core and meridians of martial artists, destroys the magical capacity of sorcerers, and evaporates circuits and pathways of mystic power. The victims have their internal source of supernatural might severely weakened or erased completely, and for most this is irreversible.

    He can also emanate this destructive power as a close to medium-ranged wave which does not share the same dissolution properties but can wash away attacks and constructs of spiritual or vital energy with High or Fantastic power. Likewise, he can use these techniques to tear into barriers of spiritual energy, dispersing or breaking them.

    Weakness: When his hand flashes red to use his unique technique, anyone who would be susceptible can instinctively tell that this move is dangerous, as their mystical channels in some way sense its abhorrent nature.

    Greater Cause: His duty to the Great Dojo
    Greater Tie: Sethrol the Wise (Only my life may repay this debt)
    Lesser Cause: To be recognized
    Lesser Principle: Showing weakness is unsightly.

    Other related NPCs:

    One of the loudest and most ardent students of Bahadur Klearjacc, the Horned Butterly is a common sight at his dojo. She is fiercely proud, enamored of beautiful swords, and insufferable about her height.

    Name: Aira
    Race: Demon-blooded Gnome

    Attributes (with Chi Enhancement)
    Strength: Exceptional (Amazing)
    Agility: Amazing (Incredible)
    Durability: Exceptional (Amazing)
    Willpower: Gritty

    Magic: High
    Aira's combat arts are a combination of complex footwork and specialized magic following in the example of her master, which combine into a deadly sword style.

    She dramatically enhances the cutting power of swords that she wields along with their durability, bringing ordinary blades to an Incredible edge and exceptional masterworks to Fantastic power. When entering combat or setting up iaido moves, she instantly transmigrates her sword between the state of "sheathed" and "drawn" or from a slashing to stabbing motion, reducing these movements to effectively zero delay.

    Flowering flashes accompany her strikes along with illusory butterflies that partially obscure her small frame. She can dodge attacks beyond her Agility's usual ability to respond or instantly close short distances through momentarily becoming a butterfly of light that flicks away at Heroic speed, though will tire herself out by doing it in rapid succession.

    Dance of Yomi: A iaido technique with a slight delay combined with a forward dash. The cut extends 10 times past her standard reach in a single instant, and she vanishes into the slash itself for a hanging moment, reappearing at the end of the attack.

    Other Abilities
    Chi Enhancement: The martial art taught by the master of the First District, passed on by his students. By drawing on the energy of the environment, Aira enhances her body far beyond its natural limits. She can perform chi enhancement as easily as breathing, but an extended fight against a superior or equal opponent will cause it to falter eventually.

    Acrobatic Fighting: Aira can twist, flip, and twirl through the air with masterful skill, taking advantage of her size to make acrobatic attacks and reversals that would put to shame ordinary swordfighters.

    Enchou: A masterwork katana with a beautiful fuschia blade.

    Greater Tie: Bahadur Klearjacc (Admiration)
    Lesser Tie: Swords (Infatuation)
    Lesser Principle: "My height is of no importance!"
    « Last Edit: July 21, 2020, 08:35:21 PM by Bern »


    • Moon Cancer
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    Re: Great Dojo
    « Reply #1 on: May 02, 2019, 11:40:27 PM »
    The Colusieum that resides beyond the Heavens

    "Bulls?" One man shouted.  "We have to watch bulls?  I don't train all day to watch damn bulls!"

    Amoung a filled stadium, the most elite members of the district stood.  The people in this part of the Nexus were thought to be the most noble of all, or at least they considered themselves as such.  Warriors of distinguished accomplishments were all invited to this battleground to settle the major differences.  This crowd of stressed martial artists and proud warriors could only be satiated with the most intense show of battle.


    Two lone bulls wander around an enormous square arena, their feet clacking along the ground, only to be drowned out by the angry roars of the crowd.  "I heard there was supposed to be a champion here?  A duel between two warriors?  WHERE IS THE DAMN DUEL WE WERE PROMISED?!"

    In a magical bubble floating above the center of the ring, four figures stood.  "Ahahaha look at them.  They want blood," said Ferrison.  He was a large man who looked like he could fit in as a tank in an rpg.  He had huge muscles, a huge beard and armor befitting of a modern day god, glorious and shiny, especially within the light of the magical barrer holding them aloft.

    Another man spoke, his words soft and calculated, something that would be drowned out by the crowd if they were closer to the ground.  "This event was meant to help calm their warrior hearts, not feed their bloodlust,"  The voice came from a middle-aged man, Sethrol the Calm.  He glared down at the crowd, sighing before continuing his words.  Sometimes, I wish we could just sit down and meditate rather than fight these pointless testosterone-fueled battles."

    "Agreed," Seras said.  As the only woman in the group, she sat at the edge of the bubble, one hand on her hip.  "This is just barbaric."

    Bahadur Klearjaac let out a hearty laugh.  "HAHAHAHA.  You all are simply too harsh.  The restless spirit is part of battle too.  I think we have done well for them to be this impatient."

    Meanwhile, a blue haired girl stood in the center of the ring, microphone in hand.  She had a petite build, wearing a gee and bandages for shoes.  "I SEE WE HAVE SOME GOOD ENERGY IN HERE TODAY.  FEAR NOT, THE FOLLOWING EVENT WILL NOT DISAPPOINT."


    • Panda
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    Re: Great Dojo
    « Reply #2 on: May 03, 2019, 12:19:23 AM »
    11:30 AM


    Amidst all the cheering and shouting, Nanako sat in the middle rows of the Coliseum, oddly subdued. Not that it was odd for the squirrel girl, that is. The past couple days, she hadn't had much luck sleeping, and even using Justice as an oversized pillow that almost smelled like a forge only helped so much. Not that she'd been going entirely sleepless, managing a few fitful, dreamless hours. The strangeness of the city around her certainly helped in distracting her, but every night...there wasn't much chance of avoiding it. Just the thought of it left her feel deflated for a few moments before she managed to distract herself again.

    Still, she'd never seen a matador show, and when she'd spotted flyers for one while wandering around a new district, she'd figured it couldn't hurt to take a look around, even if she'd had to beat someone up to haggle a decent price on some snacks. Looking around, the squirrel girl popped open the tiny tin she'd carried in and popped some nuts into her mouth as she looked around. The squirrel girl stopped short for a moment at the sight of the group floating above the stadium that looked like they'd been pulled straight out of some budget RPG, glancing between them with a small smile before turning her attention back to the ring.

    Granted, the flier had mentioned bulls, but she couldn't help wondering what the deal was. It seemed like everybody expected a duel, and the flier had mentioned as much. If they were expecting a duel between two warriors, what were the bulls doing here? Unless they were supposed to be some kind of stage hazard, like the were-direlions in that one arena back home. Nanako watched on curiously, munching on some nuts as she did.
    « Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 12:20:25 AM by Panda »
    [8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
    [8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
    [8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                          I seeeee what you did there

    [11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
    [11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
    [11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
    [11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

    francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
    i litterally
    not penetration

    Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
    don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


    • Moon Cancer
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    Re: Great Dojo
    « Reply #3 on: May 03, 2019, 12:52:02 AM »
    The Colusieum that resides beyond the Heavens


    As the blue haired girl continued, spotlights formed at the edge of the arena, down at the gate of the stadium.   "NOW.  WELCOME YOUR CHAMPION.  THE WONDERFUL, THE GRACEFUL, THE INVINCIBLE VEGA."

    "Invincible my ass!  Who the hell is that!?"
    « Last Edit: May 15, 2019, 02:05:56 AM by Aiden »


    • The God Tongue
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    Re: Great Dojo
    « Reply #4 on: May 03, 2019, 01:06:43 AM »

    11:34 AM

    A young man wearing a beautiful coat made of black silk and gold stepped into the light of the arena. The blue sky was clear, and the sun shone bright above him. A good day for a performance, yes. A rose laid between his lips, and he smiled waving at the spectators. His golden locks shone like a treasure, and his skin glistened under the hot sun. To call this man anything less than strikingly beautiful would be an insult, his body was chiselled and firm, yet relaxed. A perfectly aesthetic set of clothes decorated him, but did not detract from his appearance. But most striking was the one thing no one could see. His eyes, they were sapphires. Blue, like the sky.

    Gorgeous. And cold, so very cold.

    There is no beauty in this place, nothing more than decrepit vessels of blood and bone enjoying their bread and circus.
    His eyes did not even look at the beasts he was sent to slay. He cared little about this place's politics, or the barbaric people who wasted its precious oxygen. But a request was a request, and there was a sentimental charm to this. How long had it been, since he stepped into the grounds of the corrida?

    Smile and wave, smile and wave. It was the show, only the motions. And yet, his smile was the sort that would make any lady who saw it swoon.
    « Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 01:07:52 AM by francobull3 »


    • Panda
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    Re: Great Dojo
    « Reply #5 on: May 03, 2019, 01:53:26 AM »

    Nanako was settling into her seat, tail swishing curiously behind her, when someone new came out into the arena. Someone downright gorgeous, at that, Nanako perking up in her seat as she leaned forward. The squirrel girl might have laughed a little at the idea of some guy prancing out with a rose in his mouth and a smile and a swagger normally, but somehow, this man managed to make it work. As it was, she found herself having a hard time taking her eyes off him as he waved to the crowd, Nanako taking in the man's chiseled form and handsome smile with a slight blush dusting her cheeks.

    Still, she could feel the anticipation building all around her as she wondered what was next. Where was the other contestant? Or was this man going to fight the bulls? She wasn't sure how the latter might be entertaining, but she was interested enough to give it a shot at least.
    [8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
    [8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
    [8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                          I seeeee what you did there

    [11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
    [11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
    [11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
    [11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

    francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
    i litterally
    not penetration

    Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
    don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


    • Moon Cancer
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    Re: Great Dojo
    « Reply #6 on: May 03, 2019, 06:32:24 PM »
    The Colusieum that resides beyond the Heavens


    The light of the man's aura practically filled the stadium.  Even the announcer was tripping over words, thoughts blocked by her brain's inability to process anything beyond the man's handsome face.  "Eee- I mean.  YOUR CHAMPION EVERYONE."

    There was a pause from the crowd, a moment of pure captivation.  And then a roar of boos and jeers filled the air.  "Oh a pretty boy huh?  What your late and now you wanna steal our women?!  Go to hell!"

    The bulls snorted, thier target imprinted in their eyes.  The two creatures circled their prey, each one looking for an opportunity to attack.  Unable to wait too long, one of the bulls charged, its feet clacking on the ground like harsh rain striking the earth.   Would this dashing champion be able to dodge this mighty beast or would he fall to its horns?


    • The God Tongue
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    Re: Great Dojo
    « Reply #7 on: May 05, 2019, 02:46:39 AM »

    "Hmph. It is the prerogative of the filthy to claim stolen what was never theirs." Despite the rose, his lips found no difficulty uttering those words, silent yet loud enough for the audience to hear. Perhaps it was what one would call the loudness of one's spirit. A loudness that ill needed something as brutish as the roar of one's lungs. But, well, he doubted a mere swine would understand.

    His eyes were cool and disdainful. This meaningless noise was nothing short but auditory vomit spewed by the masses. It was ugly, filthy, and tainted by a disgusting emotion. The fear of creatures aware of their simple mindedness and inferiority. Perhaps he would cull that corruption out too. But first...

    His smile and gaze turned triumphant and warmer when he glanced at the bull rushing at him. For a moment, the horn looked so close one would imagine it piercing him vividly. Alas with a dance-like turn of his body, he swayed his cape and flowed away from the bull like water, releasing the read cloak that waved against the wind like a flag. His smile was cheerful and proud as he looked up at the croud, ready for yet another charge.

    But was this all? He thought they could unleash more than mere animals, creatures that might challenge even him. How sad, though expected.
    « Last Edit: May 05, 2019, 02:47:23 AM by francobull3 »


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    Re: Great Dojo
    « Reply #8 on: May 05, 2019, 04:46:05 AM »

    Even from here, Nanako could practically feel the contempt coming off the man, though she wasn't sure if it was directed at the crowds or at the bulls he was faced again. And speaking of them, the squirrel girl watched intently as they circled him before charging the man down. Though they moved like they were underwater, the man didn't seem to be moving at all. It was almost like watching a train crash in slow motion, Nanako unable to look away as the bulls drew closer and closer.

    And then, right before they would've gored him, he moved, practically flowing like water as he slipped away, leaving his cloak in his wake as he dodged them smoothly. Meanwhile, Nanako's eyes lit up as she leaned in, now well and properly interested in what the man might do next. Though she certainly hoped it would do something. She imagined it might get dull rather soon if he just kept dodging them. Still, it was strange. Why use seemingly normal bulls with someone like that? Was it supposed to be more like a dance? The crowds around her practically felt like they were expecting a fight.
    [8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
    [8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
    [8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                          I seeeee what you did there

    [11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
    [11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
    [11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
    [11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

    francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
    i litterally
    not penetration

    Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
    don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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    Re: Great Dojo
    « Reply #9 on: May 05, 2019, 08:35:38 PM »
    Messing with the bull

    The bull snorted, shaking its head as it struggled to orient itself.  Meanwhile, the other rushed the man, intent on skewering him with its horns.

    "Oh my," Seras said.  She and the other four leaders of the district stood in silent anticipation for most of the preformance, but the graceful movement got a reaction out of her lips.  "Odd... he doesn't seem to be enjoying himself...."

    "Bah.  Everyone enjoys battle at some level.  The boy probably just doesn't like the crowd jeering at him BWAHAHAHA."

    While the guys in the bubble could see the cracks in his mask, the audience could not.  The men in the audience continued to boo, while the girls blushed their faces off. "You think your so cool?  I bet anyone could do that!"

    The blue haired announcer put her lips to the mike and shouted, "THEN HOW ABOUT WE GET ONE MORE BULL?!  A BULL TO END ALL BULLS"

    A whistle followed the sight of smoke entering the arena air as a giant mechanized beast entered the arena.  It was a massive beast the size of a shed.  It had golden horns decoreted with dried blood from the many champions who had fallen here.

    The crowd silenced.  "Oh god... its fluffy."

    "Fluffy?  Ha.  That show off will learn today."

    The ground shook as the bull emerged, its white metal eyes glaring at the man below.
    « Last Edit: May 05, 2019, 08:36:27 PM by yinsukin »


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    Re: Great Dojo
    « Reply #10 on: May 06, 2019, 03:37:41 AM »

    With another step, he tangoed between life and death while the two bulls tried charging at him once more. His feet clacked, his body spun with the world, and all the horns struck were the spirits of the air. Once, twice, maybe a dozen. The beasts were quite dull compared to his movements, even he found it boring. But he smiled. His body glistened and shone while the scarlet cape flowed like water, like a dance, and with a graceful step he dived right under the charging bulls, sliding on the ground fantastically only to  surge back behind them. Only then did the earth shake.

    The third centrepiece of this lousy play finally entered this scene. This... fluffy? Despite having such a cute name, it was quite unsightly. But no matter. Ten, twenty, even a hundred of these bulls were no match to him. He would paint this stage with the most wonderful of colours. Thus, he bowed and tossed a rose at the middle of the arena, right between him and the giant beast.


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    Re: Great Dojo
    « Reply #11 on: May 06, 2019, 03:56:11 AM »
    Anticipated crowd

    As the crowd watched the bulls, the jeering became more intense.  Although something interesting was happening.  The men in the crowd were booing even harder than before, despite the man's grace.  Meanwhile, the woman cheered even louder, attempting to defend the man's honor.

    "Cocky bastard!  Your not special!" One man said.

    "Oh he is so graceful!" A woman added to the fuel of the crowd.

    Sera. the only woman of the leaders folded her arms.  She was clearly the most engaged in the match.  "Do you think he has calculated his odds or is merely bluffing before the crowd."

    Meanwhile, Ferrison Monroe, the man who responded her comment before, indulged her open curiosity once again.  "When a man faces down a beast, regardless of his skill it is not about experince.  Rather, it is a dialogue between man and beast. It is not about mere calculation, but a heart to heart."

    "Agreed.  This is not a mere faceoff, just simple communication between man and beast.  The calculations of battle come down to not the mind, but experience itself.  There is no doubt in the world who will be victorious," Sethrol the Calm added.



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    Re: Great Dojo
    « Reply #12 on: May 06, 2019, 04:11:55 AM »


    He took the first step, a simple step forward, and drew his sword for the first time. Slowly, surely, he unsheathed it with a small smile. But if his words were quiet and calm, the tension in the arena became a veritable storm.

    "This tomb well suits a beast like you. Let the sound of scattered petals be your requiem, and this flower be a parting gift from me to you. I will make this a song worthy of a beautiful heart." His eyes glanced to the crowd, and almost absentmindedly he blew a kiss to the audience. He paid little mind to it, but a fluffy haired spectator managed to catch it first, much to the dismay of thousands of young maiden hearts.



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    Re: Great Dojo
    « Reply #13 on: May 06, 2019, 09:51:52 PM »

    The golden bull snorted, pushing shrapnel into the air as it charged forward.  As the massive beast galloped across the arena, the entire coliseum shook with the vigor of an earthquake.  It put its head down, showing the matador its horns as it threatened to skewer him alive.

    Even with such a maddening figure approaching the smaller man, the great battle for the rose was far greater.  The girls all began fighting over the rose, the shape of the crowd folding in as bodies fought for supremacy. Even the announcer was distracted by the rose, unable to speak into the mike without producing strange fangirl like sqeels.

    "Ohoho.  The boy is going for the direct approach," Bahadur Klearjaac said.



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    Re: Great Dojo
    « Reply #14 on: May 07, 2019, 12:37:51 AM »

    Nanako's confusion only grew as the crowd's jeering intensified, even as the man made a graceful showing of practically dancing between the bulls. It certainly lent credence to the idea that this was some weird dance, but the crowd seemed set on a fight. Just then, the announcer spoke up again, and a new contender entered the arena. Instead of another normal bull, however, this time it was a large mechanical bull. That was also golden.

    The squirrel girl looked at the newcomer incredulously, canting her head to the side as she watched the beast storm out, her tail twitching indignantly. A tiny part of her felt a little offended by the name, as that bull wasn't at all fluffy. In fact, it was an affront to all things fluffy!

    Nanako watched out of the corner of her eye as the rose flew into the crowd, provoking a small fight among the girls in that area that quickly spiraled out of control. She didn't pay it too much mind, though, focused as she was on the events playing out before her as the blonde man drew a sword at last and faced down the charging golden bull.

    Man, why didn't the flyer mention anything about this?
    [8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
    [8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
    [8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                          I seeeee what you did there

    [11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
    [11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
    [11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
    [11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

    francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
    i litterally
    not penetration

    Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
    don't see anything that triggers my gm senses