Author Topic: Great Dojo  (Read 47596 times)


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #150 on: December 04, 2019, 10:06:57 AM »

The headbutt landed cleanly, but before Nanako could recover, she felt an impact against the back of her leg. The shadow wound up with spiderweb cracks running through it when it hit her, shattering as it hit her, but it still gave the blondie an opening. An opening he quickly took, pulling her close and simply raising his knee up. The surprising force of it tore through her, bending the squirrel girl over his knee as she gagged with the air and spit blasted out of her, lifting her off the ground briefly. The feeling of a hot lance being shoved through her was met with something else, heating her up more and more as her eyes rolled up to meet his as a breathless moan slipped out.

Her grip loosened, Nanako fell back, dropping to a knee a few meters back, gasping for breath and grimacing at the brief taste of bile. His words gave her pause, however, the squirrel girl going still with one hand on the ground and the other on her bruised abs. She looked up at him, a gleam of recognition flashing as a wild grin split her face, gut-wrenching pain be damned.

Her first urge was to reach for the wings, make herself more maneuverable, better able to get through, but she stopped short, reaching out for that shard buried deep in her mind only to hesitate. A vision of wings and drenching torrents of blood and screaming flashed across her mind before she let go with a shudder.

"Man, whose deadbeat dad did you steal that line from?" Nanako shot back, putting both hands on the ground, fingers plunging through soft asphalt and concrete to get a solid grip. She forced herself to move, shoving herself further back and up to her feet while she tore sizable chunks out of the ground, hurling them right at the blonde with gunshot cracks, one after the other.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2019, 10:14:38 PM by Panda »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #151 on: December 05, 2019, 01:24:11 AM »

"Are you sure you're not forgetting anything?

The blonde Angel leaned forward, still keeping up the reassuring act with both her appearance and her aura. If her benevolent aura wouldn't be enough to make him lower his guard then perhaps an added layer of sensuality would. Her blues eyes sought his and they showed a level of compassion you just didn't see amongst your average person in this city.

In truth she was peering past his eyes and directly into the window of his soul, searching for the memories that the conversation had surely brought to the surface.

The Criminal

"I... maybe? I don't..." The man's face scrunched up in confusion, and he began to sweat in a most pungent and terrible manner as Lulu's presence pressed him to try to remember. His mind didn't want to, didn't want to recall the reasons or details of the most horrid experience to which Vega had subjected him. But it was there - flashes of youthful flesh, metal coins and paper currency. A great gate, looming in his mind with wonders and horrors a low-minded mortal like him could scarcely imagine.

"... I just wanted to move some product..."

Young ladies, almost identical to one another like carefully crafted dolls, stared out from his eyes with nearly dead ones of their own.


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #152 on: December 05, 2019, 01:25:17 AM »





The chains followed his every move or seemed to.  Higher and higher they followed him into the sky.  Some chains emerged from the buildings to attack him, others from the trees.  Most came from the ground below, some not even bothering to chase him. 

All the while, the man smiled, soaring through the air like a bird.  There was a moment, a strange moment where he locked eyes with her or at least appeared to.  In that moment, time seemed to stop and there was nothing.  Those eyes that seemed so free belied a soul that felt nothing, static.  If the bird did not wish to be free, then she couldn't feel bad about this next part.

The chains which had been following Zeke at multiple angles had formed a sort of net in the sky.  All the while the other chains not following Zeke had flown above him, hanging over him like a building ready to tip over.  It all happened at once, the chains crashing down on Zeke like a wave, the net tightening around him.  Aruna flew behind him, her arms morphing into blades.  A slash came down, intent on cleaving through his spine.

A bird without passion might as well have its wings clipped.

"How dare you wear that smile as if it were your own."


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #153 on: December 05, 2019, 01:37:25 AM »

So the information was locked away, sealed even from the man himself. She could probably attain it regardless but she did wish to tear his mind asunder, this would require a more delicate approach. The sight of the women angered her immensely but she pushed that aside with a simple shove, she couldn't afford to show that right now. So she kept her gaze locked into his, and displayed the same unwavering kindnes as before.

"Any particular street you were moving them or neighborhood perhaps?" Whoever had done this to him had sealed some very specific memories, but younger people tended to make mistakes. Mistakes like not considering that your base itself still exists as a part of a greater whole no matter how hard you try to hide it.


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #154 on: December 05, 2019, 02:16:29 AM »

Nexus Standard Time - 9:00 AM

Chaos had settled upon the outskirts of the Dojo District in its early hours. Reports of brutal beatings had quickly hit social media for the many people who got up early to practice their fighting styles and get ahead of the competition. A few posts from the local perverts had been gushing over a white haired warrior crushing them beneath her heel before discarding them like trash, but the rest were simple complaints about people who'd been on their morning marathons and ended up on the ground. It was on just such a morning marathon that Mira had the fortune to stop in front of her favorite cafe to check her phone and take notice of this.

And when she looked up, the white haired devil was standing across the street from her, blood staining her nails. Mira's nostrils flared at the sight of her, and she began to slowly put her phone back into her bag.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2019, 02:17:33 AM by Aiden »


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #155 on: December 05, 2019, 02:47:02 AM »

Vanilla clasped her fist, shaking the blood off of it onto the street.

"It's no good!" She shouted. "This is no good at all! I thought you lot were supposed to be strong!" She slammed her fist into her palm, sending a shockwave through the air, knocking a passerbye down. "But you all are just too damn weak!"

She reaaallly hoped her outburst would provoke somebody, anybody, worthwhile.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #156 on: December 05, 2019, 03:08:45 AM »

Mira abruptly dropped her bag on a nearby table at the cafe, and leaped over the suddenly hurrying pedestrian foot traffic to stand mere meters away from the ranting battle maniac standing across the street. "Yo!" She shouted at the white-haired woman, glaring fiercely at her. The martial artist's muscles flexed and tightened, the ones in her legs covered by her tight running pants and the ones in her arms open for all to see. "Maybe if ya did this at a reasonable time you wouldn't have a problem, lady!"


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #157 on: December 05, 2019, 03:11:06 AM »

Mira abruptly dropped her bag on a nearby table at the cafe, and leaped over the suddenly hurrying pedestrian foot traffic to stand mere meters away from the ranting battle maniac standing across the street. "Yo!" She shouted at the white-haired woman, glaring fiercely at her. The martial artist's muscles flexed and tightened, the ones in her legs covered by her tight running pants and the ones in her arms open for all to see. "Maybe if ya did this at a reasonable time you wouldn't have a problem, lady!"


Vanilla glared at her with a dismissive, superior sort of look that utterly put off anybody from her, at least, anybody sane. She radiated a sort of erotic aura, and one couldn't help but find her to be attractive.

"I know well that these places accept challenges all day and night.' She cracked her knuckles. "Will you be any better than the last lug, I wonder..."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #158 on: December 05, 2019, 03:23:07 AM »

If Mira was allowing her challenger's attractiveness to bother her in any way she didn't seem inclined to show it. Instead she rolled her arms in place, flipped her hair back over her shoulders in one smooth motion, and pointed up with her eyes. "How about this - ya leave the rest alone, and I'll meet you on the roofs."

Before her challenger could properly respond she took a standing leap up to the top of a nearby building, leaving cracks in the pavement beneath her as powerful legs pushed like pistons.


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #159 on: December 05, 2019, 03:26:03 AM »

If Mira was allowing her challenger's attractiveness to bother her in any way she didn't seem inclined to show it. Instead she rolled her arms in place, flipped her hair back over her shoulders in one smooth motion, and pointed up with her eyes. "How about this - ya leave the rest alone, and I'll meet you on the roofs."

Before her challenger could properly respond she took a standing leap up to the top of a nearby building, leaving cracks in the pavement beneath her as powerful legs pushed like pistons.


Vanilla's eyes gleamed for a moment, staring at the damage left behind. "Finally." She muttered. Large, reptillian wings sprouted from her back, and with a might flap that brought on a great gust of wind, Vanilla shot up into the air, following Mira. "Feh. Are you sure the rooves won't collapse under the fury of our duel?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #160 on: December 05, 2019, 03:50:04 AM »





The bullet bounced like wildfire, soaring towards the heavens. As it did, the chains it evaded all this time coalesced, following him relentlessly. No, calling them chains would be a disservice at this point and calling him a mere burning bullet would be like spitting at the void. It was as if the night was trying to swallow a star from all sides. Bloody and dressed in wounds, his world upside down, the boy had pushed his luck and was about to be swallowed by the sea of chains. His limbs snapped back gruesomely by his bind's pull. "Damn."

He had nowhere left to run.

Her sword was to pierce his back cleanly.

And so the nightmare begins.


He waited for the lass to get back up, if only so he could kick her back down the curb again. But before he could, he heard something that made his spine chill and his face flush.


Wait, no, no way! He must have heard it wrong! Haha, well, he was a healthy young man, in the heat of battle, of course, he'd imagine things like that! H-hey, why was she staring at him like that? Wait, no, this isn't what this meant right? He wouldn't be able to get married if she kept looking at him like that! Oh no! Nope nope nope!

If she hadn't taunted him, he'd probably had never snapped out of it. A blink later, and he snapped back to reality. Despite being invisible, his eye glowed with fiery retribution. Invisible, he struck first with a lunging strike!

Right past Nanako. Her hair just fluttered behind his movements. The crash behind her and the explosion was the one tell of his advance. However!

"This is much better, eh?" He flexed in the middle of the ruined car, ripened and burst open by his strong hands. No, the motor had been totaled, and the oil was pouring all over... all over him! The madman was using the oil in order to mark his presence! She could see him now, even despite the invisibility, because the motor oil was revealing his body! At the same time, the sky burst in a horrific black explosion of tendrils that washed away the stars.

Wait, did I do that?

WAIT WHAT!? He glanced behind him for but a second, a moment of distraction!


She was rushing towards him. He could feel it. So before she could slash him... the abyss glanced back.

It wasn't that it was too fast. It was all a matter of timing.  As she felt her weapons connect with something, a living horde of beasts crawled out- no, erupted out of the nether! And these countless creatures sundered the chains, gnashed at the magic, and rushed to shatter her energy, her body, her very spirit. To devour it all for their own. The call of the old world would have its answer.

A small glance, if she could afford it, would reveal Zeke's body, falling like a ragdoll... It was torn from the ligaments down, his arms and legs flailing like a bird's shattered wings. Her slashes had cleaved down to the shoulder and arm, but his heart was untouched. Faster and faster, he'd reach the ground and splatter spectacularly.

The bird would break its own bones instead of suffering its cage.

And the void in its heart was not an absence of a will. She could feel it now. The desire inside him. He wouldn't stop until he had everything, forever plundering until he was satisfied. He just looked up to where Aruna once was as he fell, with the same empty stare and emotionless smile. But there fire was rising.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2019, 04:43:55 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #161 on: December 05, 2019, 12:12:15 PM »

If Mira was allowing her challenger's attractiveness to bother her in any way she didn't seem inclined to show it. Instead she rolled her arms in place, flipped her hair back over her shoulders in one smooth motion, and pointed up with her eyes. "How about this - ya leave the rest alone, and I'll meet you on the roofs."

Before her challenger could properly respond she took a standing leap up to the top of a nearby building, leaving cracks in the pavement beneath her as powerful legs pushed like pistons.


Vanilla's eyes gleamed for a moment, staring at the damage left behind. "Finally." She muttered. Large, reptillian wings sprouted from her back, and with a might flap that brought on a great gust of wind, Vanilla shot up into the air, following Mira. "Feh. Are you sure the rooves won't collapse under the fury of our duel?"


From her new perch atop a nearby store Mira was able to take in the sight of her airborne opponent. Aside from a slight widening of the eyes she didn't seem too concerned, but rather smirked. "I don't think our feet'll be touching the ground all that much." She took a loose stance that suggested a readiness to leap again at a moment's notice, but didn't visibly unbalance her enough to make a leg attack an obvious choice.

"Name's Mira. I'll ask yours once I've shown you some manners."


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #162 on: December 05, 2019, 12:23:22 PM »

So the information was locked away, sealed even from the man himself. She could probably attain it regardless but she did wish to tear his mind asunder, this would require a more delicate approach. The sight of the women angered her immensely but she pushed that aside with a simple shove, she couldn't afford to show that right now. So she kept her gaze locked into his, and displayed the same unwavering kindnes as before.

"Any particular street you were moving them or neighborhood perhaps?" Whoever had done this to him had sealed some very specific memories, but younger people tended to make mistakes. Mistakes like not considering that your base itself still exists as a part of a greater whole no matter how hard you try to hide it.

The Criminal

"Just from the Citadel, that's all!" But then he looked over his shoulder, past the vehicle the two of them had transported him in, as if concerned someone was about to appear right over his shoulder. "Weren't really sure who was gonna buy this time. Not a lot of... frequent repeat customers in this line of business, you understand."

He laughed nervously, with a hint of mania lurking at the edges.

"I'm kinda like a new car salesman. Work on commission."

But then his eyes shot back in Vega's direction, and he made as if to try to stand on his newly regenerated legs. He stumbled.


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #163 on: December 05, 2019, 02:43:03 PM »

If Mira was allowing her challenger's attractiveness to bother her in any way she didn't seem inclined to show it. Instead she rolled her arms in place, flipped her hair back over her shoulders in one smooth motion, and pointed up with her eyes. "How about this - ya leave the rest alone, and I'll meet you on the roofs."

Before her challenger could properly respond she took a standing leap up to the top of a nearby building, leaving cracks in the pavement beneath her as powerful legs pushed like pistons.


Vanilla's eyes gleamed for a moment, staring at the damage left behind. "Finally." She muttered. Large, reptillian wings sprouted from her back, and with a might flap that brought on a great gust of wind, Vanilla shot up into the air, following Mira. "Feh. Are you sure the rooves won't collapse under the fury of our duel?"


From her new perch atop a nearby store Mira was able to take in the sight of her airborne opponent. Aside from a slight widening of the eyes she didn't seem too concerned, but rather smirked. "I don't think our feet'll be touching the ground all that much." She took a loose stance that suggested a readiness to leap again at a moment's notice, but didn't visibly unbalance her enough to make a leg attack an obvious choice.

"Name's Mira. I'll ask yours once I've shown you some manners."


"Hahaha. Alright. Don't say I didn't give you the option to find a ring."

She flew up further, waiting at a safe distance for the other woman to leap. Two glowing orbs of energy began to gather in her open palms.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #164 on: December 06, 2019, 02:40:34 AM »

"Hahaha. Alright. Don't say I didn't give you the option to find a ring."

She flew up further, waiting at a safe distance for the other woman to leap. Two glowing orbs of energy began to gather in her open palms.


The sight of what Mira's opponent was holding in her hands made her stare for a brief moment before she shot off like a rocket after her foe, leaving a dent in the roof.

"I really need to figure out that move out!" The martial artist shouted with a fierce scream, hands up and seemingly ready to either grab her foe - or her foe's attacks.