Author Topic: Xibalba  (Read 18512 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #120 on: September 24, 2019, 01:11:51 AM »

Oh well. He only needed to blink a few times to get his bearings in order. Joseph was no stranger to slow progress. "That was pretty interesting. I don't dream much, but it was worth seeing a bit of that. What else can you do?" Almost like he was asking a dog to show him a new trick.


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #121 on: September 24, 2019, 01:59:40 AM »
Zeke blinked. Once, twice. Only to respond in, honestly, the only way he could.


For a moment, one had to wonder if Ezekiel... no, that thing, was truly sane. It was often temperamental and irascible, ever a slave to its whims... and its as well. However, there was something undeniable about him, it was that it was impossible to truly pin down what he truly felt. The old man, the visions, his current self, even the beast from earlier... it was as if he was a living contradiction. But even so, even so!

"Um, are you... okay?"

He just looked down on Joseph with the same smile as ever. The same, as if nothing ever changed. "...I mean, you just passed out on me all of a sudden, and one second later you start rambling about tricks and shit? I was honestly freaking out there..." He patted Joseph on the head.

"Are you sure you aren't trippin' or something? I mean, it's cute, but don't freak me out, haha."

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #122 on: September 24, 2019, 02:47:38 AM »

The alchemist took a moment to consider the situation. Then a sad smile appeared on his face, and the closest thing he'd felt to pity for another creature in an age moved over him. So he patted Zeke's head in turn, having to push himself up and lean over the table considering how short he was.

"Poor thing."


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #123 on: September 24, 2019, 02:54:49 AM »

His eyes popped wide open, and a sudden red wave flushed over him, all the way to his hair. "Eh? W-what are you doing!?" He squinted and nearly shrank back from the pats, shocked and looking fearful for a second until he realized what he was doing. Stupid, how stupid. Just what the hell was he trying to do?

"This is weird. You're weird!"

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #124 on: September 26, 2019, 02:03:12 AM »

Then he pulled back and got comfortable again in his seat. There was a slurping sound as he drank from a straw before he finally finished his drink. "Alright, should we get back to work now or is there something you wanted to discuss. Last time I was here they put me in a trea y'know."


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #125 on: September 26, 2019, 03:22:11 AM »

"Oh, I know that. It was kind of funny." He dangled his legs before jumping down, stretching his arms behind his large back. "Atta boy! That's it for our unpaid lunch, now we gotta get down to business. So, you think you got enough materials for a prototype body? Or at least some useful chimera."

He turned his head to glance at Joseph.

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #126 on: September 30, 2019, 12:03:45 AM »

"Yeah, probably." It wasn't as if it would be a hard thing to make. Depended on what you considered useful anyways. "I don't know if it's what you expect. It definitely wouldn't be anything on your current body from what I've seen. Not unless I have a lot more to play with."


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #127 on: October 21, 2019, 05:55:53 AM »

"Hmm. Actually..." He acted like he suddenly remembered something, and reached for his picket. Sticking his tongue out, he scurried and reached deep into the cloth, as if looking for something. Only then did he reveal something most curious.

It was a bullet. A rather large one, but not something too strange. From the look of it, it looked like it was a high caliber handgun bullet. Why would he show something like that in the first place?

"My old man had a sick sense of humor. Even now he still sends schmucks to kill me from time to time. Well, I figured this was some kind of message. Here." He tossed it at Joseph casually.

Upon closer inspection, that thing was no bullet. It was a capsule. One that had been shot straight into his eye. That was the message. And inside...

"Think you can work with that?"

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #128 on: October 23, 2019, 02:14:22 AM »

"Of course! There's a lot I can do with something like this... Thank you, Zeke." Somehow, despite the smile on Joseph's face, it sounded utterly insincere. But perhaps that was simply because he always sounded like that.

Nexus Time: 1:30 AM

It was refreshing to work with a cooperative subject. Especially one with such an adaptive biology as well. That was sure to be useful later. But for now they had that new fully operational. He tapped Zeke on the head before handing him a mirror. "That wasn't so difficult, although if you don't mind I did take a few samples for myself."


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #129 on: October 23, 2019, 02:32:44 AM »



The man laid relaxedly on the operating table, arms behind his head as he seemed to be resting. It was truly odd just how relaxed he could be, despite the blood all over the table. It had been a wonderful surgical procedure, he really was grateful for the experience, truly. He felt like he'd die any moment now.

He smiled and sighed.

"Man, you've got the hands of an angel, that barely tickled. Are you sure you didn't slip something in me to knock me out?" It was hard to tell if he was serious or joking at times. His eyes seemed to be closed and...happy.

"Do as you will kid. Not like it's my body anyways. Just be careful, just because it's made from the same cells as I won't mean it'll be as docile."

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #130 on: October 23, 2019, 03:22:47 AM »

"Don't worry about it being dangerous. I am counting on a degree of variability. Stable choices don't lead to the results I want." Joseph's hands were stuffed in his pockets as he lightly swayed forwards and backwards. "What are you planning on doing now?"


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #131 on: October 23, 2019, 03:49:04 AM »

"Beats me. I've never been a plan sort of guy." He shrugged and swung his chest up, sitting upwards with one good motion. His fingers tapped his temple, and he slowly opened his eyes. No, his eye...

He blinked dorkishly and just swallowed the sight all around him. Huh, so that's what this world looked like? To be honest, it was kind of nice.

"Phew. It's like putting glasses on for the first time in years. Sure beats being stuck in one perspective." His lips were slightly curled in a calm zen sort of smile. He slowly turned his head to look at Joseph.

"I might go test the hardware a bit. See if it's stable enough. Oh, you added the see-through functionality, right? Not that I plan to peek through our master's skirts or anything."

He might have forgotten to ask that part. Oh well. Also, that part was totally a lie. Probably.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2019, 01:24:02 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #132 on: November 17, 2019, 12:34:41 AM »

Nexus Time: 4:00 AM

He had already gotten so much done! These elves were certainly helpful beings. Within his lab culture pits had been set up for as far as the eye could see, filled with new and developing material. Flakes of flesh, drops of blood, or other larger parts had already began developing. Half formed human-esque creatures were growing, fit for harvest soon enough! His limited base of material didn't matter too much in the moment. There was enough to explore given his existing tools, and reusing was an excellent strategy! In fact, he was doing it right now!

"I understand how much this hurts," he said almost gently, "but it's just not efficient to partially revive someone." The body before him was splayed open, as if someone had unwrapped the person. The skull was split, the flesh sheared from the torso to expose the organs, bones were cracked open for marrow extraction. With surprising deftness his scalpel cut samples. A chunk of lung, a slice of liver, a piece of the brain, each were delicately and perfectly removed. Then, as the specimen gave out, he gave it a slight touch and it shuddered to life. Blood flowed, severed pieces regrew, and the pinned thing began to shake. It couldn't really thrash with the cuts made to its spine. Once he had categorized, copied, and preserved every inch, he would finish and move on to the next one. Really, Joseph considered himself quite lucky to have gotten at least a few whole specimens from that raid.

"Only a little more now..."


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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #133 on: November 23, 2019, 07:08:41 PM »

Nexus Time: 4:00 AM

A rodent scurried in the dark, a pitter patter bereft of communications. Joseph knew no living beast would be as such, not as it began a climb to a precarious perch upon his shoulder. It was a small thing, malnourished and decayed but also seemingly... dried out? It was like some of the other lifeless things he had witnessed behind the half-erected walls of the fortress of Xibalba. A malevolent light shone in the rodent's eyes as it took in the sight of Joseph's specimen.

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Xibalba
« Reply #134 on: November 26, 2019, 02:52:20 AM »

The twisting mass that had once been a human... mage of some sort? He hadn't really identified exactly how its power worked, but he was so curious to know. The subject was capable of interfacing and using magical artifacts on instinct, a useful skill as they dived through the libraries archives. He reached over with a bloody hand to pat the rat's head as it perched on his shoulder.

"You're pretty cute. Did you just want to see me work?"