Cross Effects > Areas


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The elven necromancer put her arms into a position that made it seem like she was about to lecture her minion for that one. She even held a finger up in front of her face.

"Even with all the knowledge and skill in the world, the living cannot go without food and water. So it is with magic - ever reliant on the powers of the world."

And then she pointed at it.

"Tell me of what you found, then."


He smirked devilishly and bowed.

"The largest magic source in the city would be the Omphalos in the Citadel of Sorcery. It's an old district, which is where all of the great wizards of old and new pour their knowledge into. If you could get your hands on that place, you would have nearly limitless magical power. Then there's Pine Garden. A smaller, more modest spot surely, but maintained by potent magic. Drawing on it would not be the worst idea, I think..."

Right, there was still that place he tried to use. But thinking back on it, he winced in pain and had to shut an eye as he tried recalling the name. Right, yeah, that was also an option...

"There's a few more. Really, it's not like it's choice that's lacking. This city might as well be a chinese buffet when it comes to this kind of stuff."



Serana gently sucked in another whisper from the dying nearby, seeking the knowledge she needed, and found the definition therein. She inclined her head. "Then we are spoiled for choice. The question becomes which is the most lightly defended of them?"

She crossed her legs, and motioned to You once more.


He sighed. As much as he liked the idea, it... wasn't a good one.

"I bring fire, blood and night unending where you wish, but even if we did breach one of their defences, the others would not just sit yknow?" He looked up and scratched his short stubble, pondering with the same smile as ever. "I don't mind it myself, heck, I would welcome it but... you have something to live for, and now I do as well. Nah, too risky. I love you even more for suggesting it though."

Man, he didn't get to stretch his muscles in forever though. Maybe he should grab a bite or two after he was done...

"It'd be easier to start small and work our way up. Instead of dealing with an entire district and their forces, if you wrapped one of its lords around your finger... well, snatching the prize under their feet would be all the easier, no?"


The lich seemed to go as still as a corpse in rigor mortis. It wasn't an immediate transition, but rather the slow realization on her servant's part that she simply wasn't moving at all and the unsettling sensation that perhaps she never had been. Serana settled that way for some time until the corner of her mouth twitched upward, abruptly.

"I suppose it has been some time," she began to say in a distant, reminiscing tone, "Since I have had to indulge in the games of living politics. I do hope I haven't grown rusty."

Now all that remained was to figure out who to cozy up with.


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