Author Topic: Nexus Campus Town  (Read 41405 times)


  • The God Tongue
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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #255 on: September 09, 2020, 11:08:46 PM »

"...Sounds like running away to me." He mused without looking like he paid much mind to the kid's words. As the sun shone through the leaves, he dragged him away and up the stairs to the academy's entrance.


"Right, I didn't ask your name." He sighed and spared the boy a glance.


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #256 on: September 10, 2020, 12:50:52 AM »

"Running away huh?" Entheo said, looking back and down at the teacher from above.  He let the phrase hang in the air, folding his arms over his chest.

They passed through the immaculate campus, passing all sorts of lovely girls in school uniforms.  Whomever designed them must have really loved legs, because the skirts were short and the stockings really only served to highlight the legs even more.  What was interesting was that the shirts were pretty tight too, so it was easy to size up a lazy from a quick glance.  The men wore similar outfits to Entheo, and thus a lot less interesting to look at.  Well at least for the young man.

"Entheo," he said, smiling at the teacher.  "What should I call you?  Professor, candy man, bird guy?"


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #257 on: September 10, 2020, 02:48:36 PM »

The scruffy man beamed and put a hand on his hip.

"Hoho! Sure! And hey, I'm kind of curious to know what the 'Forger of the Stars' is all about. Do you like working on older models?" He handed her the gun. It's not like he was worried, the safety was on.


"Some people say my eyes look like the stars on clear night or something... I dunno I just like working on weapons, old or new alike. Buuuut... There is a sort of charm to genuine older models that are maintained this well, I can tell you treasure it and don't just have it just for show." Neptune spun around as she examined the weapon, then in a swift motion she removed the safety, twirled the rifle in her hand and took a one handed shot at one of moving crates that had already been emptied...


The recoil was minimal, you could barely see her arm move, despite her firing such a high calibre weapon with just one hand, clearly something a regular human wouldn't be able to do. The purple haired weapon crafter then put the safety on again and handed it back to him.

"As cool as the pumping action is, you can't really fire it continuously with one hand, I could add an optional semi automatic mode to it though. It would really expand your options for it and wouldn't change the aesthetic at all.."


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #258 on: September 11, 2020, 04:05:34 AM »

He raised a brow at the chick - but just as he put his hand up to stop her she already made the shot. Wide-eyed as an owl, he blinked while shreds of paper and cardboard flew all across the room. Now, they were getting all over his suit - much to his annoyance. But even when he was bowing the bits out of his clothes, he couldn't help but be impressed.

First the door, and now a shot like that? That girl meant business. He couldn't help but like that.

"Wow! Are you for real!? That is awesome. You're awesome!" He grinned wolfishly, wiping some of the cardboard debris off his stubbled mug before catching the rifle with one hand. He pointed it at another cardboard box, and -

"Blam!" His eyes were focused at the target. If that were a schmuck instead of a box, well, it wouldn't really look like one after it got in the middle of that shot. "Hahah...Not bad, I like the idea. But you know, I'm not expecting you to work for free. Speaking of which... I found this key lying around outside"

From all the giddy charisma and excitement in his voice, he suddenly hushed it down and looked a bit shyer about it, though still in a good mood about it. "I'm not sure, does it look like it's yours?" He raised a brow at her.

Thing is, it probably wasn't hers. So why ask?


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #259 on: September 11, 2020, 01:53:26 PM »

"Running away huh?" Entheo said, looking back and down at the teacher from above.  He let the phrase hang in the air, folding his arms over his chest.

They passed through the immaculate campus, passing all sorts of lovely girls in school uniforms.  Whomever designed them must have really loved legs, because the skirts were short and the stockings really only served to highlight the legs even more.  What was interesting was that the shirts were pretty tight too, so it was easy to size up a lazy from a quick glance.  The men wore similar outfits to Entheo, and thus a lot less interesting to look at.  Well at least for the young man.

"Entheo," he said, smiling at the teacher.  "What should I call you?  Professor, candy man, bird guy?"


"...Lawrence will do." As he said that, a slight smirk crawled up his face. And with that, the two disappeared in the darkness of the academy's hearth.

The scholar soon dragged the boy to the lecture hall. A decorative, almost prestigious looking classroom, easily wide enough to fit a hundred people. And yet... today, it barely managed to house a quarter of that number. Those who were there looked roughed up, at least some of them.

And yet, the teacher clacked his cane against the gorgeous marble floor.

"Good morning everyone. I suppose most of you must have gotten my message last night. That is good. And that is why today will not be an official class. Instead, we will use today as an optional lecture to go over what we have learned until now. But before we begin, I would like to make an announcement."

He looked at each and every one of his students, even Entheo, and for a moment his expression darkened.

"Yesterday, as some of you might be aware, the district was attacked by an unknown entity. The damage... was not negligible, but as always we must thank our headmistress for the effort she puts in to ensure this is a peaceful den of learning. Reparations have, for the most part, been successful. But while she has the power to meld and control this school's every wall and structure by the atom... she cannot put together a broken pride."

Some students nodded in agreement... while others looked at their wounds in shame. And yet, Lawrence was looking at his very students with genuine pride from the deepest part of his soul.

"Our hearts. When those beasts attacked our friends, our families, our peers... they didn't attack a piece of rubble. Nor did they attack a mere library. They attacked our hearts. I am not encouraging anyone to seek them out, that is neither our place nor our duty. But in those times, we must be stronger than ever. We can show those who try to stomp our faces in the rubble that our hearts will not waver to their senseless violence. Against an unjust, unfair, and irresistible force, we all have a duty to oppose it with all-out might - and secure a better day for those we care for. Even if that is the will of the world. Your responsibility, for each of you, is to rest. Get strong. Those who wish to visit their loved ones, as I notified, are free to do so. This will only be a lecture to help those who need it in the moment."
« Last Edit: September 11, 2020, 01:54:27 PM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #260 on: September 11, 2020, 02:57:27 PM »
Students and Entheo

Students walked into the lecture hall as usual, large oversized backpacks in hand or for some, only a pencil and laptop.  There was an air of melancholic boredom, with a palpable tension.  The posture of most students was slumped.  Many who arrived simply put their head down.  Others began feverishly talking to one another about the incident.

"I heard it was a 17foot tall monster!"

"No thats not right.  It was a child!"

"Who cares they took out library island."

"Are we going to be able to finish our research projects?"

"Those poor families....  their students are just... gone."

Everyone stopped talking the moment Lawrance came in, hauling in some dumbass guy.  No one really recognized him, their faces confused for a moment but ultimately uncaring.  After being let down, the young man stuck his hands in his pocket and walked into the back.  He sat next to two men, who shot him a suspicious glare before removing their things, not even a greeting was given.

After Lawrance's opening speech, the room seemed to darken even more.  There was a silence that filled the space in between his words before one person raised their hand.  "I heard the headmistress fought the attackers.  Is she still alive?"

Entheo sat in the back, his arms behind his head.  The blue and red orbs that were Gezo and Custard floated around his head.  No matter how old I get, tragety never ceases to astound me.  Perhaps that is because every one of them is tinged with uncertainty and coated with the great unknown that is death.

But your dead.  Does it still bother you?

A dead man still has concerns for the living.  Death itself is not so bad once your finished, but the anticipation is horrifying.  Every living creature struggles against the monster known as death and most lose that battle.  As a ghost, I only wish people could find a way to live without being so anxious about it all the time.

Well there is nothing we can do about it, Entheo sent to Gezo as he yawned.  I wouldn't worry about it too much.  Dealing with adversity is what makes life worth living right, that includes the anxiety that comes with death.



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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #261 on: September 11, 2020, 03:35:58 PM »

"There will be accommodations in place to ensure all projects are given a fair chance to be completed. I can assure you that you will be marked with consideration in mind. As for the lost..."

For a moment, Entheo could see Lawrence's fist, trying to keep itself from clenching. It couldn't be denied... that he genuinely cared about those students.

"We will find the ones responsible for that, and make sure that they face the justice they deserve. But do not worry, the headmistress is fine, if albeit a bit overworked."

You're a shitty actor. Gehehe.

"Before we begin, I'd like to leave some time for anyone to speak freely. Whomever you are, whatever you wish to say, I will listen. This is a place of learning... not just to nurture one's knowledge, but one's heart."


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #262 on: September 11, 2020, 03:40:49 PM »

Entheo merely leaned back in the chair, closing his eyes as his head rested against the wall.  A man with wild hair, an unkempt beard and heavy set figure stood up and raised his hand.  "Should we be worried about another attack?  I mean, there is no assurance that if that happens again we will be safe."

There was a mutter that floated through the crowd.  "I thought this was a high grade institution.  Why don't we have better security?"

Its unfortunate not everyone can be strong or cleaver.  Maybe then they wouldn't have to worry about their own safety.

Its not that Entheo.  Your not the strongest in the city, even with me and Custard together.  You have an intimate understanding of mortality and its consequences.  These people are feeling death's gentle hand touch their backs for the first time in a while, and its a cold feeling.

Another hand was raised.  "Professor.  Aren't you scared?"

« Last Edit: September 12, 2020, 03:14:38 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #263 on: September 11, 2020, 10:51:30 PM »

"Of course I don't work for free! This isn't a charity.... Now what do you have there?" The blacksmith shuffled closer and leaned in close, real close, so she could have a real good look at the object he was presenting. It was a key, of that much she was certain at a first glance. There didn't seem to be anything special about though, however, appearances could be deceiving. She was herself a good example of that.

"Looks like a key to a vehicle, hmm...." Her gaze shifted from the key to looking directly at him... "Is this the beginning of a pickup line? Are you gonna say something sappy like 'This is the key to your heart?'... It's not gonna work."
« Last Edit: September 11, 2020, 10:52:33 PM by Bern »


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #264 on: September 12, 2020, 12:08:59 AM »

The redhead shook his head. "Nope. I don't mix work and love, and this is a professional transaction, my friend." He tossed the key up, giving it a closer look as if he didn't know what it was for either. Let alone whose it was. He toyed with it a bit, then-

"Weird, but... let's see what it opens." He tossed it right at the shopkeeper and shook his head to point her out the door to the vehicle parked right by her shop.

It wasn't the bike he came with. It was a Ferrari Magnum Pi. One of the classic 80's models, kept in perfect condition! No, even for collectibles, this classic was something else. You didn't just get a vehicle like this in the nexus unless you were seriously into this stuff, knew where to look for it, and had the money to get a baby like this. And the baby was gorgeous, buttered up, and brand spanking new. Inside, a coworker of his was handling the wheels to get it here. He was a regular joe, but he had good eyes on the road, which is why he paid him handsomely to put up with him.

The money he gently borrowed from generous donors. Well, that's capitalism for you.

"There might be something in the trunk." He winked at her with a toothy grin.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2020, 12:10:27 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #265 on: September 12, 2020, 03:48:47 AM »

The purple haired girl caught it by reflex and blinked before following him out, only to be met with soaring excitement which was immediately followed by soul crushing despair.

Her shoulders slumped, reflecting her internal mood clearly. She wasn't nearly as good as her new costumer at hiding her emotions. "You.... You're totally teasing me here... How can you dangle it like this before me and not even let me have a look at the engine.... You're  mean.... But fine I'll have a look at the trunk." She disappointingly slumped over to the back of the car and opened it.


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #266 on: September 12, 2020, 04:23:43 AM »

But the disappointment was short-lived. Whoever said crime didn't pay clearly didn't run enough protection rackets. That's because inside the trunk was a gift box, dramatically decorated and filled with a couple of elaborate bottles. The sort you could only find in one place in the whole damn city: The Pleasure Palace. And this wasn't any kind of cheap swill. No, those were refill-bound bottles, filled with high-grade merchandise. Unopened and with the official seal of approval, if there was one legit bone in her body, she would totally be able to tell. This was the real shit.

But whatever name brand glowed gold right in the trunk was soon met with a wake-up call, in the form of a friendly headpat. She got one thing right, he was teasing her and absolutely loving it!

"I think you're getting the wrong idea here. You're free to look at this baby as much as you like, peek at all its secret places till you're satisfied. Engine, brake systems, it's all yours." He closed his eyes and smiled, arms crossed with words that were as calm as they were proud. This was basically the most over-the-top payment in advance you were likely going to get from a guy as lazy as him. Give or take.

"That includes whatever's inside. You are old enough to drink, right?" He pulled two glass shot cups from his pocket and let them clang cheekily.


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #267 on: September 12, 2020, 03:26:48 PM »

"I'd stop doing that if you like having hands..."

If there was one thing the purple haired girl disliked more than anything else, it was being treated like a kid, and getting headpats was pretty damn high on the list of being treated like a kid.

She closed the trunk of the car and turned to him with a much more serious disposition than he had. "Why are you bribing me? Who do you work for?" Neptune took a step closer and knocked the shot glosses aside as she got right up in his face.


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #268 on: September 12, 2020, 04:36:28 PM »

"Wohoah! Sorry, got way ahead of myself there." He raised his hands in surrender and backed off as if she were a crate of TNT.

"And I wouldn't call this a bribe. It's not like I'm putting conditions here, this is a free country. Think of it more as a sign of friendship."

Well, their ideas of friendship might differ, but its not like he was heartless. In a perfect world, they'd both have a lot to gain.

"Look, the whole lying and manipulating and pulling people by the leg? That's not my style. So I'll be straight with you; I work with a security company, the sort that mainly focuses on protection. You must have seen the news, the city isn't exactly a safe haven right now. And because of that, business is booming... But the jobs are getting riskier."

He sighed and shook his head, rubbing his temple as if the thought alone was a headache.

"We can't exactly downsize if we want to stay competitive, but I don't want needless casualties. That's why we need to invest in better gear, and you're the best damn smith in town."

He made it sound like it was just about business, but you didn't need to be a genius to tell he was genuinely worried about keeping his comrades safe. If that was evil or wrong, then throw him in the 9th circle already. But a district almost totalled in an evening, monsters popping up left and right...

It was pretty scary.

"How about it, want to partner up?"
« Last Edit: September 12, 2020, 04:37:28 PM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #269 on: September 12, 2020, 06:32:00 PM »

"So you work with a protection racket. That's all fine and dandy but you've made one mistake pal..."The purple haired girl kept up her advance and grappled h by the shirt to stop him from getting away, then she got up on her toes so she could be eye level with him for the delivery of the message that he needed to head.

" You tried bribing me with a car, instead of being upfront about who you are." She said as she shoved the key back at him. "You can have your back, and don't think for a second I'm the kind of girl who's loyalty you can buy with gifts like that. Give me a sweet ride when I've earned it." She let go of him after that but didn't drop her challenging gaze.

"And if you did your research then you should know I specialize in weapons and not protective gear
So how is it? Is this gonna be a series of commissions or are you planning on hiring me full time?"