Author Topic: Nexus Campus Town  (Read 41407 times)


  • The God Tongue
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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #270 on: September 12, 2020, 06:52:18 PM »

He looked at her straight in the eye... And smiled.

"I told you, it's not a bribe... And ideally the contract's full time. But it's less of a business-to-business and more of a partnership. We'll pay you, of course, but we'll also invest some of our shares in your company. That means we get first bid on your merchandise... But you don't have to worry about location, marketing, testing or production fees. You'll also get to move your product safely."

He caught the key smoothly, and handed it to the coach.

"And I knew that... It's why I vouched for you actually. I believe the best defense... Is a good offense. The car and the drinks? They're on me. Otherwise, you might think I'm not serious about this."

This time, it were his eyes that focused on her intensely. It was the sort that could burn right through you.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2020, 07:16:07 PM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #271 on: September 13, 2020, 12:29:00 AM »

Entheo merely leaned back in the chair, closing his eyes as his head rested against the wall.  A man with wild hair, an unkempt beard and heavy set figure stood up and raised his hand.  "Should we be worried about another attack?  I mean, there is no assurance that if that happens again we will be safe."

There was a mutter that floated through the crowd.  "I thought this was a high grade institution.  Why don't we have better security?"

Its unfortunate not everyone can be strong or cleaver.  Maybe then they wouldn't have to worry about their own safety.

Its not that Entheo.  Your not the strongest in the city, even with me and Custard together.  You have an intimate understanding of mortality and its consequences.  These people are feeling death's gentle hand touch their backs for the first time in a while, and its a cold feeling.

Another hand was raised.  "Professor.  Aren't you scared?"


He looked, at each and every one of them, and finally closed his eyes. His tone, his heart, he was laying it all bare in the most honest of ways. Maybe that is why it was possible to trust him. He didn't sweeten his words with false anondynes.

"There is no way to tell anymore. Those born here might not know the feeling, but many of us were all stripped from our worlds and thrown into an illogical situation. If this world has a will, it probably doesn't follow natural conventions... that includes the law of the fittest. It doesn't matter how strong you are, there will always be something ready to take you down and try to devour you."


It was hard to tell... unless you had the eye to see even the subtlest movements. But there was only one person here who had that ability. That's why he could see that ashen man, shaking and clutching at the desk. Why was he trembling?

"I am scared. To be honest, I can't stop shaking. The trauma of losing something precious, the shame of having one's dignity stripped away... I know that feeling too well. I am a coward. Sometimes, even the mightiest of lions falls prey to terror. But to live... to thrive... is to overcome that fear."

His words echoed through the auditorium. There was a conviction to them, a resolve that simply couldn't be denied. And yet, even a man like this will admit that his heart will waver. But even so, that shaking... was it truly fear?

What changes the nature of a man?

"The fact that innocent people had to face that trauma is unforgivable... I can promise nothing of an uncertain future. But I swear on my life, on every drop of blood in my marrow, that the ones responsible for this will not touch a hair of my pupils again."

« Last Edit: September 13, 2020, 12:29:37 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #272 on: September 13, 2020, 12:51:35 AM »

The hands fell, as well as the chatter that filled the room.  There was silence.  The eyes in the room all focused on Lawrance, perhaps lost in his speech.  It wasn't uncommon for professors to become emotional during these times, but it was typically hidden behind a cracked mask of professionalism.  Open passion such as this was rare.  Who could really say anything in the face of such raw emotion?  Who would dare be so insensitive?

"You can't save everyone," he said, standing up and leveling his cool blue eyes with Lawrances.

Wow.  Really Entheo?

"Everyone who is given the gift of life has to one day deal with the possibility of death.  The world gives and takes on its own time.  You can't save anyone from that reality, nor should you.  Because one day, everyone here will die."

And somehow, the room became even more silent than it already was, if that was even possible.


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #273 on: September 13, 2020, 01:11:33 AM »

The room went quiet. Deathly so. But it wasn't just because of the students. The teacher himself was rent speechless by the man's comment. No, it's not that he was stunned. Lawrence was staring straight at Entheo's eyes.

Oh no.

"That may be so..." It wasn't visible to the students, but the tattoos on his body began to shift and crawl.

Lawrence, stop it. Just stop. Don't-

Lawrence was smiling at Entheo. He smiled... and closed his eyes. But it was odd, he didn't seem tense. This was more like an acceptance of the challenge... of a professor accepting a student as his peer.

"Inevitability is an unchangeable law of the universe. But we're not beasts. Certainly, we can only control our end's circumstances by a thin hair... but we can make sure to help one another in life. It's especially because people abide blindly to this cynical notion, that people ignore the other side of the coin. While everyone will eventually die, we can comfort and help one another even in our last moments. If people worked together, tragedies, where death and folly take their toll to reap the innocent, could certainly be avoided."

He waved his cane dramatically - and pointed it straight at Entheo as if it were a projector laser.

"Just because people will die should deter us from saving others? This logic is flawed. Should science not progress to heal the sick? Should people not strive to share their wealth to the needy? Boy... what you are talking about is nothing more than shallow-minded pessimism. You ignore the fact that humans can be better."


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #274 on: September 13, 2020, 01:57:49 AM »

"Smooth save hehe...." Neptune couldn't help by giggling at his sudden shift into seriousness.

"I can tell why you're the deal maker of your group, you're good but I remember what happened. You didn't research me personally or you'd known I was a cute girl instead of wearing that surprised face when you first saw me. Although I do get that look a lot, it's like people expect me to be a grumpy old man or something..."

"So what exactly do you want? I can make a lot of things, but I can't make anything if you don't put in any requests


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #275 on: September 13, 2020, 02:00:04 AM »

Entheo laughed and said, "No I agree.  Death is an inevitability, but that fact alone does not control us.  Its our duty as mortals to fight until the bitter end.  Thats what it means to be alive.  To comfort others in their last moments is the least anyone can do.  In fact, its a unique joy, but..."

Why are you-?

Because you were right Sakuyomi.  I was being ignorant to their perspectives.  They aren't used to this so a conversation like this is important.  Maybe then if I have to pass one of these people on, I can see them smile in their last moments.

The blue eyes became obscured by his eyelids as if rejecting the advance of the cane.  "...but you can't protect people from that battle.  Because death comes for all of us, you can't protect them from that fight.  Thats just misguided self righteousness."

For someone taking such a pessimistic stance your being awfully naive.

Maybe but then... should I just ignore them?

Its just an observation.

"Do you seriously think you are strong enough to protect them all?" he said, finally opening his eyes, his cool gaze focused on the teacher.

One man spoke up.  "Hey thats enough," he said, rising slightly from his seat.


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #276 on: September 13, 2020, 02:15:15 AM »

"Smooth save hehe...." Neptune couldn't help by giggling at his sudden shift into seriousness.

"I can tell why you're the deal maker of your group, you're good but I remember what happened. You didn't research me personally or you'd known I was a cute girl instead of wearing that surprised face when you first saw me. Although I do get that look a lot, it's like people expect me to be a grumpy old man or something..."

"So what exactly do you want? I can make a lot of things, but I can't make anything if you don't put in any requests


"Even the best can slack off once or twice." He shrugged. Well, it's not like she wasn't off the mark herself. Normally, his comfort zone was reserved for punching things really hard. It's not like he was some kind of business mastermind or anything, just a man trying to make a living.

"You could start with that rifle. I'm still curious, I want to see how you work." He sat on the Ferrari's hood and crossed his arms expectantly. "Think of it as a blank canvas to paint in your colors. Impress me."


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #277 on: September 13, 2020, 03:00:34 AM »

Entheo laughed and said, "No I agree.  Death is an inevitability, but that fact alone does not control us.  Its our duty as mortals to fight until the bitter end.  Thats what it means to be alive.  To comfort others in their last moments is the least anyone can do.  In fact, its a unique joy, but..."

Why are you-?

Because you were right Sakuyomi.  I was being ignorant to their perspectives.  They aren't used to this so a conversation like this is important.  Maybe then if I have to pass one of these people on, I can see them smile in their last moments.

The blue eyes became obscured by his eyelids as if rejecting the advance of the cane.  "...but you can't protect people from that battle.  Because death comes for all of us, you can't protect them from that fight.  Thats just misguided self righteousness."

For someone taking such a pessimistic stance your being awfully naive.

Maybe but then... should I just ignore them?

Its just an observation.

"Do you seriously think you are strong enough to protect them all?" he said, finally opening his eyes, his cool gaze focused on the teacher.

One man spoke up.  "Hey thats enough," he said, rising slightly from his seat.


Maybe you should take notes. This isn't doing you any good. Wouldn't it be better to just give this gig up and live a little for a change?

For a nightmare, you're awfully talkative.

Says you. Paint it as it fancies you, but it's not like this is about anyone but yourself. I should know.

...Now you're starting to sound like our other half.

Well, we are cut from the same cloth.

Do you think it's because I don't like him?

Pft. No way, you're head over heels. In fact, I haven't seen you this giddy in a heck of a long time. Just try to keep it in your pants, fuckboy.

Is that so?

Just an observation.

In response to the icy stare, he was cool and collected - but didn't look down on the boy. The truth was, it was another man who interrupted his from speaking up, and the folly of his sentimentality dawned on him once more. He shook his head and looked at the kid with mocking eyes filled with pity.

"We're getting carried away. This is foolishness, boy. But the bigger fool is I, for entertaining such a tasteless debate."


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #278 on: September 13, 2020, 03:24:33 AM »

"Yeah..." he said, sitting back in his seat, folding his arms behind his head.  Eyes closed as his mind drifted off into the blank void of sleep.

So what about the lecture?

Don't care....

The man who stopped them sat right back down.  He shot one more glare to Entheo before returning his attention to the professor and his notes.  It was hard for the man to not notice that Entheo didn't have any books out, nor a pencil.  It was as if he never even intended on studying anything.

Another student raised their hand, a young girl.  "So.. you didn't answer that question.  What are they doing to prevent another attack?  Can't we hire some bounty hunters or something for extra protection?"


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #279 on: September 13, 2020, 03:27:54 AM »

"Uhm..." She instinctively took a step back. "About that..." Neptune scratches her head in embarrassment. She wasn't sure how to say this so it was probably just best to say, but damn it this might actually ruin a good partnership deal and that was such a shame.

"You see... I get all flustered when someone sees me do my magic and it's worse if I'm not totally comfortable, I might even blow something up. I don't wanna dissapoint your expectations this early but we're not buddies yet and you're a guy too. Its kinda like having someone watch you cook while you're naked... Sorry."


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #280 on: September 13, 2020, 03:42:18 AM »

"Ho! Don't sweat it, I get that. You don't even need to apologize." He gave her a toothy thumbs up and hopped from his seat. "Lots of folks don't appreciate the pressure of the spotlight. This is pretty stressful for me too, you know? So... hmmm... how about..."

He thought for a moment, scratching his stubble until he figured it out. Of course, the moment he did he also pointed up with his index.

"I'll be back... you know, just give me a call when you're done. I'm not looking to rush you." He handed her a business card and a friendly smile. It had his name on it and everything too. "I figured it was that or put blindfolds on, but if we're not buddies yet I can't be sure you won't draw cat staches on my sorry mug."

« Last Edit: September 13, 2020, 03:43:22 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #281 on: September 13, 2020, 02:40:52 PM »



The purple haired smith grabbed him by his shirt and tried pulling him back to the shop. "Where do you think you're going after talking shit like that huh huh? You're so lucky I'm in a good mood now, so good I'm gonna show you how I do it, and you're gonna like it."

Her grip tightened on him, he was baiting ans she was gonna take that bait and devour it whole, along with the rod and the fisherman.

"Come on in... please."


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #282 on: September 13, 2020, 04:12:48 PM »

Unfortunately for her, fishing was a favorite pastime of his. Now that they came this far, he was perfectly fine reeling her in.

"Oh? Well, if you insist." He put his arms behind his head and followed along. "So, how long have you been doing this?"


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #283 on: September 13, 2020, 07:39:21 PM »

"Yeah..." he said, sitting back in his seat, folding his arms behind his head.  Eyes closed as his mind drifted off into the blank void of sleep.

So what about the lecture?

Don't care....

The man who stopped them sat right back down.  He shot one more glare to Entheo before returning his attention to the professor and his notes.  It was hard for the man to not notice that Entheo didn't have any books out, nor a pencil.  It was as if he never even intended on studying anything.

Another student raised their hand, a young girl.  "So.. you didn't answer that question.  What are they doing to prevent another attack?  Can't we hire some bounty hunters or something for extra protection?"


"We will be ready next time. And with the security forces from our campus combined supporting the headmistress, we will not lose. Security measures will be heightened considerably, and we will be prepared next time. Vigilance is the first key to victory, remember that." He pondered pensively for a second. "But for now, we must not neglect our studies! Knowledge is the difference between man and beast, and a powerful weapon against those who wish us harm."

"I shall go over the past notes on morphogenetic links and life-force manipulations. Now, may I have someone remind me, what is morphogenetic theory?"


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Re: Nexus Campus Town
« Reply #284 on: September 13, 2020, 08:04:23 PM »
Students (And Entheo in the back)

"Its the practice of understanding the information necessary to shape the form of a living thing and using magic to construct that thing," one girl said, standing up.  She had orange hair, a bow and a slender frame.  She sat down the second she finished speaking.

"Its used in necromancy right?" one kid said.

Hey dumbass wake up.  They are teaching necromancy here.  You should be paying attention to this..