Author Topic: Cross Effects- The RP  (Read 306049 times)


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Cross Effects- The RP
« on: July 06, 2013, 04:56:56 AM »
(All OCC discussion goes on the Discussion Page.  This is the actual RP.)

Lancer was doing pretty well, all things considering.  While that castle had been burning around him, he was dying with satisfaction.  Rin was safe and that bastard Kotomine had died at his hands.  Vengeance for Bazett was served and even though he didn't get the fight he wanted because Archer was an asshole, he had saved Rin.

So the castle had been burning around him and he was dying, but that was all well and good.

Then he had woke up here, corporeal as he remembered the real Hound of Ulster in life.  He was now alive and well, with everything that entailed.  Just he didn't wake up in Fuyuki, in fact this place was like nothing he had seen.

There were men who turned into wolves.  People who were dead who still walked around and drank blood.  Monsters.  Magic and the like.   Of course a pack of werewolves had attacked him when he'd been looking for shelter. 

While defending himself, and having a blast doing so, someone had come across the commotion, and wonder of wonders, thought she could help.

Like that Emiya kid, but with far nicer legs, fair face, and arse.   Sure, she was lacking a bit in the bosom, he liked his lasses with curves for the most part, but she was one of those personalities that was fun to tease.  And she could fight. 

Then he found out she was a vampire, her name was Forest, and she filled him in on this world.  Then she gave him a place to stay with one strict rule: no smoking inside.   He was sort of trying to figure out how to get into her knickers - she was pretty and repressed - and she was a Celt.  Maybe a few generations after him, but she was kin. 

So he had someone he could speak his native tongue with, that he may roll into bed with, and there were monsters to fight.

And tonight, he was off to find what sort of trouble he could get into.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2013, 08:10:05 AM »
Even the Dark Side of the Moon seemed friendlier than this place. To all sides were the ominous walls of countless towering buildings, a testament both to humanity's attempt to defy the heavens and also to make a place for themselves in an increasingly crowded world. But despite this sprawling expanse, the feeling of claustrophobia still remains familiar, and ever present. The feeling of foreboding that permeated the place didn't help much either.

No more could that be said of than in a certain alleyway, somewhere hidden in the urban labyrinth that was the City. And in this alleyway stands a teenage girl, a confused look on her face.

Even if she felt like someone could potentially argue that the Sakura Labyrinth was potentially more dangerous, taking in her surroundings, Hakuno felt as if she preferred it more than wherever she was now. It was more colorful at least. Plus at least there she hadn't been alone and defenseless.

She'd stood there for a good ten minutes in the blind hope that she was still in the Moon Cell, hoping to hear anything from the Student Council that'd guide her back to the school. Nothing. It wasn't just feeling separated from them either- some part of her knew that she could no longer reach them. She wasn't 100 percent sure yet, but one thing seemed to be clear- she wasn't in the Moon Cell anymore.

She looked down at the Command Seal on her hand. She still felt something from it- her connection to Archer was still in place, and she couldn't help but wonder if he was around somewhere. Knowing him, he was likely frantically looking for her right now. She took a look around at her surroundings again. While it was best to wait there so it was easier for Archer to find her, she doubted that this was the safest place to stay.

Hakuno's hands balled themselves into fists, her eyes blazing with determination as she marched herself down the foreboding alley, hoping that she could find Archer again, or, if nothing else at least, some form of answers or safety.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2013, 07:19:54 AM by Alice »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2013, 07:48:29 PM »
Despite the foreboding feeling she got from the city the Ex servant noted the winds were warm, had she anymore tears she might have cried for the memories the warm night stirred in her but sadly the curse had robbed her of everything except the frown she wore and her sword and armor.

"Arturia Pendragon, yes I must remember  my dearest master is a master no longer, and I once again just a lonely king. Shirou, thank you for your tears, as the king of knights I vow to fulfill your wishes since that woman took your purpose" the brief statement honest but more of a prayer.

striding into the night in a black tracksuit and wool took she would see what this city had to offer.

Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2013, 06:19:52 PM »
I'm going to kill that idiot, thought Rider as she heard the werewolves howling outside the hotel they were staying in.

"Aunty Rider?", came a frightened-sounding voice from the bed beside her chair.

Actually, I think Sakura will do it for me....

Whilst Kiyoshi was a not by any means an ordinary boy, he was still a child lost in a strange town without the mother who had always sheltered and protected him from all the bad things life had to offer. It was only natural he would be frightened.

"Kiyo, we'll get back home, I promise", she said, leaning over to give the boy a reassuring hug as she noticed barely-suppressed tears in his eyes.

"Goodnight, Aunty Rider. Goodnight, Kuro", he said to his mother's two familiars, giving his pet shadow a little stroke as he did so, the feeling of his mother's magic comforting him.

"Night, Kiyoshi", Rider said, whilst the little shadow lying beside him acknowledged him with a slight wave before settling down in an imitation of its master, causing Kiyoshi to smile gently.

As Kiyoshi fell off to a fitful sleep, Rider considered their situation, and it didn't seem good at all. They were stuck in a dangerous town with no money and, worse, without Sakura around to provide her with prana she would soon disappear if she didn't find alternate sources. Although, it did at least seem that she wasn't suffering the usual effects of lacking an anchor to the world.

At least they had managed to find somewhere to sleep. She had spent much of the afternoon and evening desperately searching for somewhere to stay, particularly after she had been warned of the dangers that lurked around the town after dark. Unfortunately, though, whilst she was pretty well-off, she hadn't carried physical money as a matter of course for years, and her electronic payment methods were of course useless. If only Rin had been sucked-in with them, since she still stubbornly insisted on paying for everything with cash. Mainly because she couldn't for the life of her work out how to use any of the more modern contactless payment devices. Eventually, though, she managed to strike a deal with a hotel manager to provide them with a room for free and food for Kiyoshi in return for Rider providing protection against any attacks from supernatural elements. Although she did have a suspicion that the manager may have just been using that as an excuse to help out a couple of people who were stuck in a bad situation.

But, even with a place to stay, this world was fraught with danger, especially for Kiyoshi. Whilst he could defend himself, he was still an inexperienced kid and, worse, one who had a tendancy to seek out trouble. In a world like this, that could easily get him killed. And, if that happened, Sakura would be utterly distraught, even more so than she would be if she lost Shirou or her sister. Worse still, without Sakura to supply her with prana she was much weakened, and could even disappear altogether. In this state she could barely defend Kiyoshi, let alone the hotel, and she would rather not have to find another place to stay if she could help it, not to mention that Kiyoshi would be very upset with her if she left the people here to their fate. Plus, the man had been kind to them, and she would prefer to reciprocate that kindness.

So, she would have to find a source of prana. She could, of course, contract with Kiyoshi, but that would put him in potential danger, plus he didn't have all that much prana anyway, and was using what he did have to sustain Kuro in the absense of his mother. Right now the little shadow was a big comfort to him and, besides, it provided a potential link to his mother and, therefore, a possible route home. Or, at least, a potential method to reunite Sakura with her little darling. So, she couldn't risk drawing on him and, therefore, she would need an alternate source of prana to keep the boy safe until such a time as a route home could be found.

And, unfortunately, the only way to do that was to drain prana from people in the vicinity. She could activate her bloodfort, but that would take some time, and in any case it risked drawing attention to her. So, for now she would just feed on any unfortunate person she came across, preferably non-fatally. Leaving the sleeping Kiyoshi in the hotel room, she excused herself and went out into the big city, looking for suitable prey. Whilst she could drink from anyone, she would prefer someone she could have a bit of fun with during the act. And, of course, they needed to be alone and isolated. She couldn't risk being caught, that would expose Kiyoshi to danger.

Fortunately for her, she didn't have to travel far. from her vantage point on a rooftop, she spied a young brown-haired schoolgirl standing and looking around aimlessly seemingly just as lost as they had been. Rider hesitated a moment, but ultimately her desire to protect her master over-rode her concern for the girl. Besides, she was very attractive, and seemed to have some magical potential, seemingly untapped. Rider would enjoy drinking from her....

However, she waited in her vantage point as the girl looked down at her hand before marching off in a determined manner, right past Rider's hiding place. As the girl came past, Rider pounced, jumping off the building and aiming to land on top of her.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 11:11:20 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2013, 09:22:38 PM »
Although her vow had just been reaffirmed the king of knights would find it tested sooner than she had expected. The figure who had dived off the building was mostly unidentifiable to Alter save for the fact that it was a woman. It didn't matter which gender was the attacker to her but information was information after all. Snatching the lid of a nearby trash can Alter tossed it hard enough to decapitate the attacker. Normally Alter would have held back but between the utter mandanity of her chosen ranged weapon and the speed of the attacker she judged that it wouldn't die from such an attack.

"find your meal elsewhere monster, preferably in hell!" she declared as the lid flew toward it's target.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2013, 03:31:27 AM »
The vampire known as Law Unto Herself, or Forest or Fore to those lucky enough to be in her acquaintance, was on Patrol.  This unusual, terrifying, and wonderful city had its fair share of horrors, and she took it upon herself to defend those who couldn't when she could.  She was fully aware she wasn't omnipotent, and with some of the beings she'd come across, her power level barely registered on the Scouter.   

Like my unusual "roommate", she thought with a rueful smile as she smoothly parallel parked her 1967 SS RS Camaro.  Strains of Dio were silenced when the engine was turned off and the key pulled out of the ignition.  The tall blond stepped out of the classic Pony Car, her black leather duster sweeping behind her.  She rested her hand on the handle of her gun before locking her car and beginning her sweep of the city.

She knew Lancer was out, possibly looking for that troublesome gang of werewolves that had been tearing through people in the Asian district of town.  The Celtic warrior could handle a pack of werewolves easier than she could, even with her .44 Magnum loaded with silver slugs.  His true identity was something he guarded, but he had told her that he'd been summoned back from the dead as part of some ritual and he should have died a second time.  Instead he had been delighted to find himself alive and not as some spirit who could go corporeal and living off mystical energy to fight for some "bastard priest" against "some cheating wanker" and managing to save "a feisty lass" before dying.

Combat and violence was in his blood.  Those crimson eyes of his weren't human; there was wildness in Lancer.  She could see it, smell it, and hear it in his mind.  On the flip side he was a nice, jovial sort who was loyal to a fault.  She knew he wouldn't try anything other than flirt excessively and he was the sort that one wanted on their side in a fight.

And they could speak their native tongue to each other, but he did seem a little leery when he found out that the Morrigan was her patron goddess.

She walked down the streets, the smells, sounds, and thoughts of the city almost overwhelming her.

As she walked past an alley she felt a sharp spike of power.  Sheer, unadulterated power that had an edge of playful hunger to it.  Then she also heard the confused thoughts of a young girl yearning for someone named "Archer" as well.  The smell of magic was thick in the air, and Forest got a gleaning of a dark, troubled presence as well, and it seemed all three were about to converge.

"Bugger it all," the blond said to herself before dashing in the alley with her vampirc speed to keep the body count as low as possible.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2013, 04:02:58 AM »
As Hakuno made her way through the alleyway, she thought she saw something move out the corner of her eye. Trying not to turn her head too much, she got a quick glance at the source of the movement.

It was a woman. The woman was quite beautiful; she was tall, with lavender hair, a comfortable looking grey jumper, and a nice pair of eyeglasses. Even so, it was strange that she was stalking on the rooftop, particularly since she seemed quite intent on Hakuno herself. She didn't know what the woman's intentions were, but given her surroundings, Hakuno had a feeling that they weren't friendly. Hakuno's stalker thankfully didn't seem to notice that she had been spotted. Hakuno continued on as she had before, hoping she didn't rouse the woman's suspicion.

A chill ran down Hakuno's spine as the woman switched into a position that suggested that she was about to pounce. If I move too quickly, she'll go straight after me. But maybe if I wait until she's about to jump... 

Hakuno sighed. Still, I wish Archer was here... Why did I have to get attacked this soon? Hakuno mentally braced herself, watching the woman carefully while still trying to seem casual. Hakuno tensed as the fear finally began to sink in. Then, at last, the woman began to jump.

Hakuno bolted. She didn't really note where she was going, just ran as fast and as far as she could. She didn't want to take any unnecessary chances, deprived of both her magic and any sort of weapon as she was. But even with Hakuno running at full speed like this, it was still quite possible for the woman to catch her. If she had the means to fight, then maybe she could stand a chance, but as it was...

I need you, Archer! ...and some fighting lessons, whenever I do manage to find you.

Desperate, she cried out at the top of her lungs, hoping that even if he couldn't hear it, it could catch someone else's attention.

"Archer! Archer, can you hear me?! Archer!"

...somehow I think I prefered our previous location to this place. Maybe it's just me, but somehow it just seemed more hospitable.

Archer had already adjusted to his surroundings, his mind quickly processing anything and everything around him. While he didn't see anything hostile thus far, he couldn't say that the situation inspired any optimism within him either. Even more troubling, Hakuno was noticeably absent, though thankfully he could still feel her through their ley line.

Still, from the looks of the size of the city and how dangerous it potentially seemed, the fact that Hakuno was out there alone wasn't a reassuring prospect. Worse yet, while he could feel her through the ley line, it wasn't enough to tell him where she was. And considering how maze like this place seemed to begin with, things looked just a bit grim thus far. 

Well, I'd better start looking. The sooner I find her, the better.

He decided to keep up a brisk pace, but not quite break into a run just yet, not wanting to risk passing Hakuno as he searched. She'd be difficult to find to begin with... Somehow he doubted that she'd stay put, so she'd be on the move, making her more difficult to track. His best hope was that she'd find someplace safe and stay there until he could reach her, but that possibility was still dubious.

Then he felt it. It was faint, but he could her mental cries for help. What's more, he could get a sense of the general direction to go if he wanted to find Hakuno now. Well, at least now he had some form of lead. But at the same time, Hakuno was already in danger.

...Just great.

Now was the time to start running. Archer did whatever he could to hasten himself, traversing over buildings and jumping over rooftops if he had to. If there was even the slightest chance he could reach her in time, he had to try- he had sworn to protect her with his full capacity as a Servant, and he wasn't about to back out on his word now.

"Find your meal elsewhere monster, preferably in hell!"

Hakuno turned back towards the voice, nearly falling over as she did so thanks to the momentum she had going. Her stalker was now being confronted by a blond girl in black armor, who had just threw a trash can lid at the glasses wearing beauty. Even if this newcomer was friendly, Hakuno figured it wasn't best to stick around- she reoriented herself and started to flee once again, hoping that now at least she had a chance to get to safety.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2013, 07:10:39 AM by Alice »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2013, 01:44:58 AM »
As Rider fell towards where the girl had been walking, she saw her break into a fast run.

Bugger, she saw me.
In response, Rider adjusted her body, ready to make another leap in the direction of her target. She could tell that she was faster, but she needed to get at the girl as soon as possible.

"Archer! Archer, can you hear me?! Archer!"

Oh, damn it to Hades, she's a master.

On hearing her would-be victim call out, Rider realised she was not in a good position. She couldn't afford a fight against another servant, not in the state she was in, and she also couldn't rely on the girl leaving her alone if she ran. But, at the same time, killing the girl would almost certainly ensure the servant would target her with extreme prejudice and, in any case, she would prefer not to kill the girl if possible. Not to mention that she could no longer be so sure the girl was powerless. After all, she would have said much the same about Shirou if didn't know him better.

And, then, things got even worse, as she noticed that an object rather like a bin lid was flying towards her at high velocity, shortly followed by a familiar-sounding voice that she couldn't quite place telling her angrily to "find her meal elsewhere". It was clearly a servant or other supernatural entity, and given the situation it was most likely this girl's Archer. And, she seemed pissed. Not that Rider could blame her, given what she would do to anyone who threatened her master in this way.

Thinking quickly, she decided her only chance was to grab the master, using her as a human shield and hostage. That would ensure that they would at least give her a chance to explain herself. Quickly changing into her standard battle outfit, she threw one of her nails hard at the wall opposite her, as close to the girl as she could manage without hitting her directly. Meanwhile, she threw the other nail at the metal object flying towards her, deflecting it away from hitting her.

The nail stuck in the wall, about three feet off the ground, as expected, leaving the chain directly across the girl's path. As Rider landed on the floor, she lept in the girl's direction (taking care to keep the hand holding the chain at about waist height for the girl), intending to trap her in the chain that was about to wrap around her or, if not, tackle her to the ground.

As she did so, though, she saw a glimpse of yet another person running towards her from the opposite direction. And, she very much doubted this new arrival was here to help her catch a bite to eat....

Oh, fuck you Tyche.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 01:48:10 AM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2013, 02:26:06 AM »
Alter smiled seeing the transformation she knew now who her opponent was. "My sympathies Rider, while shirou is charitable in calling that worm his friend I do honestly feel for you having to obey a master like him. However my empathy for your situation will now allow me to let you get away with hurting the innocent, even masters. Shirou would not approve and while I care little for for that matou girl i know for certain that she would be sad to see you reduced to this. You get one warning, stop this or I will stop you." she announced then turning to the Hakuno.

"Now young miss, while  I am not your clearly precious Archer would you like me to accompany you until you find  him or her?"


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2013, 04:08:21 AM »
And this, well girls, is what we call a "Mexican Standoff", Forest thought to herself as she barged in the alley, seeing two women who could rival the Fae in their beauty and a teenage girl.

The poor girl was caught between the lavender haired Walking Sex Offense and her Bondage Happy Time Chains and the tiny grim blond who did more than just embrace goth, but dive right into it.  There was something unsettling by the petite blond's oddly cold yellow eyes, like chips of yellow diamonds.  Not the warm, golden tones of most other yellow gemstones, but that unyielding, almost unnatural shade of yellow that diamonds could be and were just as hard and relentless.

Forest had heard a young female voice calling for someone named Archer, and Forest doubted that the girl was calling for Sterling Archer or any of the other members of ISIS.  The girl's desperate cry sounded more like she was calling a protector of some sort.  Then Walking Sex Offense got the girl trapped and Tiny Blond Goth was making some monologue as if the two women knew each other.

They feel like Lancer, she realized, and Tiny Goth Girl had called the Walking Sex Offense "Rider".  Lancer had told her of the Servant Classes in that War he'd been summoned into.  Archer and Rider were two of them.  "Oh come off of it!" Forest said with a groan as she realized that if she didn't do something soon there would be massive property damage when three freakishly powerful Servants decided to throw down.

The vampire skidded to a halt, holding up her hands and trying to look as non threatening as possible.  "Okay Ladies, why don't we just all back off here and go along our merry ways?"

Mentally, she called out through the city to her housemate, Lancer, I could really use your help now . . . Please
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 02:06:15 AM by Elf »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2013, 11:54:03 AM »
If circumstances had been different, Hakuno would have perhaps though of something along the lines of how she shouldn't assume her fortunes were changing so quickly, or something about jinxing herself, or even wonder if Archer's luck was beginning to rub off on her. As it was, the only thought that popped into her head was-


To Hakuno's misfortune, she'd been running so fast and so blindly at that point that she hadn't noticed that her pursuer had managed to set up a chain at waist length to stop Hakuno right in her tracks. As it was right now, Hakuno was sitting on the ground, somewhat dazed and definitely winded. She retained enough sense to see that the woman had changed clothes, looking simultaneously both more threatening and more... well, showy, than she had before. Something struck Hakuno about it though, scattered as her thoughts were.

Is she... a Servant?

Hakuno's train of thought was disrupted, however, by the appearance of yet another woman, a tall attractive blonde. This one had her hands up, as if she was trying to quiet things down.

"Okay Ladies, why don't we just all back off here and go along our merry ways?"

I'd like to, believe me, thought Hakuno, but when she actually tried to say it, the words seemed caught in her throat. The whole thing seemed to be escalating, and Archer was still missing. Still, she had to try something- with what strength she could muster, she attempted to at least get herself standing again...

Archer had closed a fair bit of distance since he'd first started. Still, he mentally cursed the city's large size- as much distance as he'd covered, he had yet to reach his Master's location. To his relief, there had been no changes to their connection as of yet, but it didn't cause him to slow his pace for a second. Something told him that Hakuno wasn't out of the woods just yet.

As he went, Archer made mental notes of the locations he passed, as if he did get to Hakuno and get her to safety, they'd likely need a place to stay. It also was useful for finding Hakuno, as anything that helped navigating this hellish maze was a blessing.

This time it was another apartment complex, a nicer looking one- it had promise, but Archer would likely have to figure out how to handle the financial end of it if they wished to stay there. Still, that was a concern for another time. The priority for now was Hakuno, and Archer could only hope that he was finally getting in range of her.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2013, 06:47:22 AM by Alice »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2013, 08:40:43 PM »
Rider smirked as her prey walked straight into the chain she had just set up and fell straight on her ass, clearly winded. Continuing in her movements, she pounced on the girl as she sat dazed on the ground and pushed her to the floor, holding the girl as a hostage against any ill-intentions from the other people around her.

But, as she did so, she heard the woman who had previously attacked her speaking. Seemingly, this woman knew her class designation. But, even more oddly, she knew of Shirou.


Recognising the girl gave Rider pause for thought, and her words cut uncomfortably close to the bone. She knew very well that Sakura wouldn’t be at all pleased with her actions, and nor would Shirou. As she paused, the other blonde woman spoke up, clearly trying her hardest to seem non-threatening.

"Okay Ladies, why don't we just all back off here and go along our merry ways?"

Rider thought hard, and decided it might be best to attempt to talk her way out of this situation. This didn’t seem like a battle she could win, but nor did any of the people here seem to want to attack her if they could avoid it. Sitting up, but ensuring her intended victim still remained pinned underneath her, she responded to Saber.

“That scum is not my master, Saber, he has not been for 30 years. And, I know Sakura wouldn’t want me to do this, but I have to protect her son. She would never recover if anything happened to him.”

Then, she turned to the other blonde.

“Sorry, but I need the prana. Plus, how can I be sure this girl won’t have her servant kill me the moment I back off? Holding onto her is my only guarantee of safety right now.”

She sat on top of the girl, weapons at the ready, and waited for a reply.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 10:54:45 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2013, 09:01:36 PM »
Alter took in Rider's words, her soul screamed but her body did not betray her and reveal the hurt and surprise she felt. This Rider was the same as the one who defended that childish woman, she was conspirator to Alter's death and likely spent time in the sun living a life she had no right to.

Alter smiled smugly. "But you aren't safe Rider, you can't fight me and keep ahold of the girl, much less now if you need prana, and I'm no longer a servant, so Saber is wrong as I'm very much alive" she stated coldly


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2013, 05:25:47 AM »
A feral grin was etched across Lancer's features, and Gae Bolg was in his hands.  Looming before him were four hulking beasts, their forms some bastardization of wolf and man.  Still, a wolf is a wolf, and I am the Hound, the Celtic hero thought as he spun his cursed lance in a graceful arch above his head.  It was his weapon now, even though he would have been more comfortable with a blade due to all the pain Gae Bolg had given him in his life time.

Forest would have a fit if he let the battle out with all of the bystanders doing the boring things that bystanders did.  So with rapid movements he traced the series of runes into the concrete with his spear.  The glowed bright blue before pale blue energy materialized behind him.  The line was drawn, none of the combatants could pass that line; they would be stopped by the runes that held them there until he was dead or he dispersed them.

Growls filled the alley, some of them even Lancer's, as the demi-god rushed into the fray.

It was over quickly, too quickly in his opinion, and Lancer was soon standing alone with four bodies currently on fire due to his runes.  He would reduce the remains to ashes, leaving nothing in his wake.  Nothing that could be traced back to him or his lovely landlady either, and burning the cursed remains would grant them peace.  The Brigid would bless them and send them on their merry way to the next world.  The Morrigan would not be feasting on that dead this night.

"Pathetic," the blue haired man said with a snort before a swift kick swept the runes keeping the battle in place away.

Lancer, I could really use your help now . . . Please . . .

A wolfish grin crossed his features at the sound of that husky, lilting voice begging in his mind.  He wondered a time or two if she screamed when she found completion, or did she moan wantonly in that low voice of hers?  Her resistance was all the sweeter to him; part of the joy was the chase.  It wasn't fun if they came after him, and that was part of the reason he rejected the Morrigan despite the fact she had been the most beautiful woman he'd laid eyes on.

He willed Gae Bolg back into ether for the moment before whistling softly.  He got an impression of another alley and recognized the area.  Forest was suppressing something in her sending, which made him even more curious.  So he broke into a run to head to her and see what she needed.

As he nimbly weaved through the streets he caught sight of a broad back cloaked in red with a head of white hair resting above it rushing in the same direction he was.  "Tch."  He easily out sprinted the bowman and ended up in front of him.  Gae Bolg was pointed at the betrayer, the man who had left Rin to that punk's devices and had betrayed her to become Caster's Servant, and that was something Lancer couldn't stand.

"Oy, Archer, where the hell you're going in such a hurry, eh?  We've got unfinished business."  No more tricks this time, you cheating bastard.  We're going to do this like men, instead of you playing around like a little bitch.


Well bugger, she is a Servant then, they confirmed it. Of course she needs prana to survive, and apparently the girl is a Master too?  Now this has become lovely,  Forest thought, looking between Saber and Rider, then to the poor girl Rider was currently using as leverage and a cushion of sorts.

Sighing, the vampire took a step up and pointed at Saber, "Check the aggression for a moment here please.  I'd rather not have my city leveled by some battle of heroic spirits or former heroic spirits having a grudge match."

Then she pointed to Rider.   The Servant was apparently protecting a child, which means if something happened to Rider then the poor kid would be all defenseless. "Hey, Walking Sex Offense, if you let the girl go, I'll donate.  I might not be alive, but I have prana."  Lancer, you had better be right about that, and you had better be here soon.

Finally she looked at the girl, her voice and expression softening some what, "Poppet, when the Walking Sex Offense lets you go, get out of here and please have your Servant decide to not to come kill us all.  If you're going to rough house, do it in an abandoned part of town. Please."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2013, 08:33:25 AM »

If Archer had anything to be quite thankful for before, it'd been a lack of interference. Now it seemed his poor luck was finally catching up with him. The all too familiar figure of the Hound of Chulainn stood in his way, Gae Bolg pointed straight at him. And he didn't seem to be in the best of moods.

Still, the Demigod's tone was still the semi-casual one he usually had, bad mood or no. "Oy, Archer, where the hell you're going in such a hurry, eh?  We've got unfinished business."

Holding back and exasperated sigh, Archer projected Kanshou and Bakuya and readied himself to quickly switch into a fighting stance. One thing was quite clear- as much as he wanted to avoid it, a fight was pretty much inevitable.

"Oh, I'm sure we have more than a fair bit of unfinished business to settle. However..." Archer's eyes narrowed, readying his twin blades as he did so. "I don't have time to play with you right now. I have a meeting with someone that takes a fair bit of priority over whatever 'unfinished business' that we have between us. So be a good dog and step aside, would you?"

This is bad, really bad. The masked woman now had Hakuno pinned beneath her, unable to move or struggle. Desperately, she tried to find a way to have her captor loosen her hold on her, but to no avail.

Hakuno was aware of her captor holding a conversation with the armored girl from before, but was too busy trying to free herself to really pay close attention. She was able to get something quite clear from the conversation though- the woman's name was Rider. And the armored girl was Saber.

So she is a Servant! And for that matter, so is the blonde girl. ...I really am in trouble... Hakuno sighed, frustrated. Your luck really did rub off on me, didn't it Archer?

Hakuno finally gave up trying to free herself, allowing her head to rest on the pavement as Rider turned to address the tall blonde woman. “Sorry, but I need the prana. Plus, how can I be sure this girl won’t have her servant kill me the moment I back off? Holding onto her is my only guarantee of safety right now.”

Prana? How is she going to get that from me? Is it just like what Archer had to do that one time? Or is it worse...?

The first to reply, however, was Saber. "But you aren't safe, Rider; you can't fight me and keep ahold of the girl, much less now if you need prana. And I'm no longer a Servant, so Saber is wrong as I'm very much alive."

Hakuno frowned a bit. What's she even mean? How can she no longer be a Servant?

The blonde woman addressed "Saber" with a sigh. "Check the aggression for a moment here please.  I'd rather not have my city leveled by some battle of heroic spirits or former heroic spirits having a grudge match."

I'd like that too, to be honest, Hakuno thought to herself. Especially since said battle would have her caught right in the middle, and Hakuno found that prospect quite distressing.

Then the woman's focus shifted to Rider, her index finger pointing straight at her. "Hey, Walking Sex Offense, if you let the girl go, I'll donate.  I might not be alive, but I have prana."

Hakuno started to giggle at the "Walking Sex Offense" bit, but then forced herself to stop out of fear of retribution from her captor. Still, the woman was clearly on Hakuno's side- this was a bit of reassurance that Hakuno sorely needed.

To her surprise, however, the woman next fixed her gaze directly on Hakuno herself. The woman's expression and voice softened as she addressed her. "Poppet, when the Walking Sex Offense lets you go, get out of here and please have your Servant decide to not to come kill us all.  If you're going to rough house, do it in an abandoned part of town. Please."

Hakuno managed a firm nod, looking towards her potential savior with gratitude.  Her eyes lit up a bit. "I'll do my best, I promise! I'm not looking for a fight, or trying to start one. All I want right now is to be back with Archer so we can find someplace safe." Hakuno didn't like placing her new ally in danger, but she looked as if she could handle herself.

With newfound determination, Hakuno turned to look up at Rider. "You're worried about Archer attacking you, aren't you? Please, if you let me go and promise not to hurt this lady, I promise that he won't attack you. I'm not looking for a fight."
« Last Edit: July 20, 2013, 07:05:40 AM by Alice »

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