Author Topic: Cross Effects- The RP  (Read 295633 times)


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1380 on: January 18, 2014, 10:17:11 PM »
"Did Forest approve of this little meeting of theirs?" Millie whispered. "I don't recognize this man at all, or that girl."

Lancer shook his head and said, "She wasn't in the mind to approve anything a while ago."  And if that asshole hurt her, I am ramming my spear so far up his arse the tip will come out of his mouth.


Forest blinked against Tom's neck as he returned the hug, his embrace rather tight as if he was afraid she'd slip through his fingers.  His body was stiff against hers, tension clearly running up and down his limbs.  She heard him inhale in her hair and felt him relax ever so slightly.

"I understand. If you are unable to yell though, you can always contact me via telepathy. I will be by your side in a heartbeat."

She smiled at him as he slowly let her go and pushed his glasses up on his nose.  "I know, I should be fine though."

She blew him a kiss before leaving the kitchen.


Archer tilted his head at the odd array of tea and tea like items that were brewed with hot water in the cabinet before him.  There was normal loose leaf teas in tightly sealed glass jars, several boxes of teas from a company called "Bigalow", most of which were orange and labeled, "Constant Commit", and a sealed white plastic bag with a cartoon character on it indeed indeed labeled "Liver Disaster".  Frowning at it, he picked it up and opened the bag. 

He was greeted by the scent of ginger and fruits.  He didn't know if Rin would like it, but it did smell rather delicious.  The part of him that was Emiya Shirou was dying to try it, maybe see if there was a snack that would complement it.  So, he grabbed the purple tea pot and kettle there as well and went to prepare the tea.

"'Liver Disaster,' hm? An unusual name, but if Forest recommends it, then I suspect it must be good tea."

Archer raised his eyebrows at that, curious beyond belief.  Then his expression turned into a scowl as the glasses wearing pretty boy took the money from Rin's hand to get the pizza.  Sighing, he set the kettle full of filtered water on to boil before looking at Rin.

He was about to ask how she was doing when Tom came back in, pizzas and a bottle of soda floating behind him. Lecture oncoming in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .

"Do you make even the slightest attempt to hide your powers?"

And we have Tohsaka Rin ignition.

He waited for the onslaught, the white haired man cowering back under her anger, but he brushed it off, as if the display was nothing.  Sadly, Rin was so tired that she wasn't rising to the occasion like she normally did as did the white haired pretty boy began to eat a piece of cheese pizza.

"So then... how long have you and Forest been a couple?" Those keen aquamarine eyes were watching him. "By the way, I don't think I caught your name."

"Thomas Hale. And..." Tom blushed. "Well, we just started today, really."

Rin stared at him for what seemed to be the longest time. "You... wait, you two just started dating now?"

Tom nodded.

"B-but, the way you were acting together... it's like you'd been together for months."

His flush deepened. "I-I hardly see what that has to do with anything."

"Oooooohhhh... I see what this is~" There was a rather mischievous twinkle in Rin's eyes. "You're in love with Forest, aren't you?"

It was Tom's turn to grow pale. He choked out a few sounds resembling syllables in an attempt to speak, but was unsuccessful. Suddenly, the blush returned to his face with all the rage of a humongous forest fire, and he glared at her with every ounce of feline indignity he could muster. "T-that's not- y-you don't- I-I..."

"You're in love with Apostle-chan," Archer said with a shrug, "It's pretty obvious.  Your reluctance to let her in a potentially dangerous situation.  That look in your eyes when she was holding your hand.  Let me guess, you're feeling a whirlwind of emotion and it's brutal and amazing all at once."

He smirked and said, "Lancer is going to adore this."


Forest walked to the open door where a violet haired girl was enthusiastically hugging Kiyoshi and there was Satoshi at the door with Lancer, Millie, and that evil stick.  Lancer was all but gnashing his teeth at Satoshi all about what was in the box. 

She walked up to the Hound of Ulster and placed a hand on his shoulder.  He blinked at her and then hugged her with enough force that she felt her spine crack in multiple places.  Once her feet were on the ground, his hands were on her shoulders as he was looking her over.

"Thank the gods, you're alright," he said with a sigh and a shake of her head, "Did that asshole hurt you?"

Forest patted his head and said, "I'm fine.  I'm sorry, I wasn't myself . . . . And it got weird.  Are we cool?"

"Why do you think I turned you down?  I didn't want it to get weird," Lancer said with a grin.

She sighed and said, "Good, now, stand down.  I'll see what's up here."  Then she turned to Satoshi, suddenly wishing she was wearing something more intimidating than fuzzy purple pajamas.   Or something more business like.

Smiling, she said, "So, apparently I missed a bunch, there's scribbles on my kitchen, and something about an evil black box that has most of the people here spooked?"


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1381 on: January 18, 2014, 11:01:53 PM »
Satoshi chuckled as Rin twitched "Not a word!" she snapped.

"Yeah, I guess a bit. We're having a meeting about stuff, how about it aunty?" Satoshi asked.

Rin nodded "Of course, she saved my daughter" she replied.

Satoshi smiled "Well we're still waiting for Rider to start but in the mean time come on in, it's a family meeting and that means you too."

he retrieved the models from the table and knelt down "This is about as close to store bought gifts as I get." Satoshi said handing the completed models to Kiyoshi.

Tsukasa smiled and patted Kiyoshi's head "we have a chore calendar for the house" she answered.

Taiga wheeled up to Forest and tugged her pajama cuff and out stretched her arms as if to be picked up


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1382 on: January 19, 2014, 02:25:49 AM »
Forest blinked, not knowing what to do when Taiga wheeled over to her and tugged on her sleeve.  The little redhead lifted up her arms, as if she wanted to be hugged or picked up or something.  One thing Forest had become rather good at over the years was hugging children.

So she dropped down and gave the girl a hug, making sure she was secure in her chair the only time. 

"So, meeting?"


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1383 on: January 19, 2014, 02:41:25 AM »
Rin stepped over and hugged Forest from the other side "It starts when Rider gets up here. Seriously though, thank you Forest. I'm not sure if you've raised children but my daughter is the most precious thing I have ever had the the honor of calling my own."

Taiga hugged Forest tightly "Thank you miss Forest, everyone would be sad if big sister was gone"

Connor and Satoshi looked at each other somewhat relieved. "Our family stands together, all for one and one for all" Tsukasa said smiling.

Connor laughed "You're part of the family now, the hugs and smiles take a bit to get used to. But you're a tough lady, I'm sure you'll manage. Just a heads up, they trust you enough to walk off a bridge on faith alone. Weird but definitely the best feeling in the world when they got yer back"


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1384 on: January 19, 2014, 04:57:29 AM »
Forest blinked as the tiny girl hugged her tightly and then her other side was embraced by the elder version of Rin.  "It starts when Rider gets up here. Seriously though, thank you Forest. I'm not sure if you've raised children but my daughter is the most precious thing I have ever had the the honor of calling my own."

The vampire bit back a wave of bitterness at that.  Even though she had raised Gabriel, Wynn made certain to remind both of them who Gabriel really "belonged" to.  As she was, unless there was some miracle or strange plot twist like Moria blood making her a living, breathing girl again, she wasn't going to get a child of her own.

"Thank you Miss Forest, everyone would be sad if big sister was gone." 

"Our family stands together, all for one and one for all," the girl with purple hair said.

Then Connor laughed and said, "You're part of the family now, the hugs and smiles take a bit to get used to. But you're a tough lady, I'm sure you'll manage. Just a heads up, they trust you enough to walk off a bridge on faith alone. Weird but definitely the best feeling in the world when they got yer back."

There was the urge to bolt.  She barely knew these people; she was just doing what she did when she saved Connor from Jack going off the reservation.  She'd been an orphan, and her mother's family that raised her kept her at arms' length.  The only real family she had that wasn't named "Umbra" was reincarnated every hundred or so years, but even their relationship was strained.

"Thanks," Forest said standing up, looking around the room.  She looked at the girl with purple hair and said, "I don't believe we've met."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1385 on: January 19, 2014, 05:28:17 AM »
Satoshi saw it. While he had become stuck in his old age he had always been good at reading people. Satoshi wasn't sure exactly what the issue was but it definitely had something to do with family.

Tsukasa smiled "Tsukasa Tohsaka, and no we haven't. I understand it may seem strange but that's just the way it is. It's a pleasure to meet you, thank you for saving Sakura." she said greeting Forest.

"Seems nothing, it is strange. I hope you aren't too put off Forest, we're an odd bunch I know but still we consider you very important for what you did. I honestly can't thank you enough" Satoshi injected.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1386 on: January 19, 2014, 06:32:35 AM »
Quote from: Lancer
Lancer shook his head and said, "She wasn't in the mind to approve anything a while ago."
Mille frowned. They seemed quite comfortable here already too, as if this was already their home. They seemed a rather entitled sort, something that grated on Mille a fair bit.

Then Forest came up the stairs and Lancer swept her up into a rather tight embrace. As Lancer checked on Forest's condition, Mille thought she felt... well a pang. An irrational jolt of jealousy. Guilt quickly mixed with it, as it was obvious their bond was a friendship rather than a romance, but... Still, it was good that Forest was alright. She'd seemed a decent enough sort, despite being a vampire.

Mille was so preoccupied with all this that she didn't notice that the embrace could have very well crushed Forest's bones to dust were she not a vampire.

But her being blinded green with her own envy didn't last long. For Satoshi and his family spoke. And spoke. And as they spoke, Mille found herself stepping backwards, for there was something more than a bit... unnerving about the way they spoke, the words they spoke.

No... No, I can't run away. I can't let myself be a coward, least of all in front of Lancer. I can't run away anymore.

Mille frowned as she felt something in her hand. It felt like... flesh. She felt callouses against her fingers, callouses from hard work and battle alike. Against her hand, there was warmth, so much so that she didn't know how she didn't notice it.

She turned to see that her hand had found its way into Lancer's. She must have grabbed it out of reflex. Mille's face went red as a beet. She looked up at Lancer and gave him an extremely apologetic look, and yet, oddly enough, her hand found difficulty leaving his...

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1387 on: January 19, 2014, 06:41:12 AM »
I'd decided that curiosity had killed the cat a long time ago, but then again I was already dead. I managed to flip the Obsfucate on and follow this potential train wreck.

Listening to everything, I'm pretty damn sure that this group is a cult. A rather scary magical cult with some strange, strange idiotic people in there. I should probably take this information to Frost's goons sometime. They're nuts.  And really, who the hell were they talking about saving? Forest didn't save her, she saved the idiot Mick from me. Idiots.

I guess it was time to return home now.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1388 on: January 19, 2014, 06:53:25 AM »
Sissel took another look at the tied up vampire thrown over his shoulder. He could already tell that the man wasn't human. The creature's soul and body felt fundamentally different than normal, through a sixth sense Sissel couldn't even bring a name to. That sense was now warning him that vampires were not to be trifled with.

"Sure," he said to James. "It won't be a long walk." Missions not lasting long... had he lucked out and hired an assassin?

The door opened, revealing an cramped elevator instead of stairs. When they entered, a switch that had been panelled over flipped itself, starting the shuddering ride down. Several minutes and floors later, they had descended below ground level and were several metres beneath the surface of the earth. With a shuddering halt, the doors opened into a dark, metal hall.

As Sissel stepped forward, the lights came on seemingly by themselves, with no switches in sight. He nudged the first metal, reinforced door on the right open, and then threw the struggling vampire inside. When it shut, it instantly cut out the muffled screams.

"That's it," Sissel said. "I appreciate the assistance. Don't hesitate to call me again if you're in need of a job and some money. The elevator will take you upstairs, just press any floor."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1389 on: January 19, 2014, 10:04:10 AM »
James took his money with a nod and left via the elevator intent on finding a place to nest, preferably near a grocery within walking distance of the book stores.

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1390 on: January 19, 2014, 11:56:06 PM »
Kiyoshi listened as Forest asked Satoshi and Rin about the meeting, and they invited her to join them.

Satoshi then bent down to him and handed him the models he had been making downstairs. Kiyoshi smiled and took them, holding onto them tightly. He didn't want to lose his alternate brother's gifts.

He felt happy that Satoshi was treating him like a brother, and wanted to keep hold of the gifts as a reminder of his alternate family.

Meanwhile, Tsukasa responded to him.

"We have a chore calendar for the house", she said.

"Oh, you have to do chores? Mummy and daddy do most of the housework in my house", he said.

"I do enjoy cooking, though, and mummy and daddy love teaching me. Do you like cooking too? Did mummy teach you?" he asked, enthusiastically.

Hmm, speaking of food, where is it? he thought, feeling rather hungry.

Then he turned to Satoshi.

"Thank you", he said, smiling. "I'll make sure to keep these safe".

Meanwhile, he noticed Taiga wheeling over towards Forest, seemingly after a hug. Then, after Forest reciprocated, Rin came over to her and also hugged her. Rin, Taiga Connor and Tsukasa then all offered their thanks to her for saving Sakura. Apparently, they had decided that she was part of their family, and worthy of absolute trust.

Kiyoshi could understand them being deeply thankful, he would be devestated if any of his family were killed. But, even so, it seemed a bit extreme to consider her as family and put undying trust in her based solely on this one event. Even idiots like that Shuya were capable of doing good things sometimes and, whilst he had no doubt that Forest was a genuinely good person, calling her "family" and giving her the absolute trust and unconditional love that came with that based solely on the fact that she saved their sister/daughter still seemed a little much.

And, where is the food? he thought.

Then, Tsukasa spoke up.

"Tsukasa Tohsaka, and no we haven't. I understand it may seem strange but that's just the way it is. It's a pleasure to meet you, thank you for saving Sakura", she said.

Kiyoshi found it interesting that she, and presumably therefore his mother, possessed the name of her birth family. It meant that his mother had likely not married, and had instead petitioned to be re-adopted into her true family and to retake their name. That wasn't in itself unexpected, he knew his mother would likely have done the same if she had not married his father, but it did beg the question of who Tsukasa's father was. Not that he'd expected it to be his father, of course, he knew his father was married to Saber in that universe, and his father wasn't the sort of person who would cheat on his wife.

"Seems nothing, it is strange. I hope you aren't too put off Forest, we're an odd bunch I know but still we consider you very important for what you did. I honestly can't thank you enough", said Satoshi.

Yeah, it is a bit strange..., thought Kiyoshi.

Still, they were nice, at least, and very loving towards those they cared for. Much like his own family, in fact.

He looked to Tsukasa.

"Hmm, where is the food? I'm starving", he said, carefully slipping the models into his pocket so he would be able to eat.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2014, 11:56:37 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1391 on: January 20, 2014, 12:23:54 AM »
Tsukasa moved to the table sorting through the boxes and found the one she had been looking for. "Here you go Kiyoshi" she said handing him the small black lunchbox. "It's still plenty warm" she added with a smile.

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1392 on: January 20, 2014, 01:51:37 AM »
Kiyoshi smiled brightly.

"Thanks, Tsukasa-nee", he said, before opening the lunchbox, causing his smile to become even brighter.

Wow, it looks delicious, he thought.

Kiyoshi was, of course, entirely used to eating food like this. But, even so, getting to eat it now was not something he'd expected.

Not wasting any time, he picked up a bit of the fish and started to eat.

"It's delicious", he said, the sound slightly muffled by his eating.

Rin stood there quietly, listening to everything Rider had to say. She had a bit of a frown on her face at the end of it, but she responded with a nod.

"I don't know if I agree with you on everything, and I still don't trust Satoshi in the slightest, but... I understand." She sighed. "Trusting that man won't come easily for me though, no matter who's son he is. He spent the last ten minutes or so belittling me, insulting Archer and going on about how he would never hurt anyone while claiming he doesn't think highly of himself, so it won't come easily. But I won't fight him for now, not unless I have to."

She looked down. "I just wish I knew what was in that trunk..."

Rider nodded at Rin's words, noticing her frown.

"I understand, Rin. Until I got to know him better my impression of him was not so great either. Even now, I think he's a bit less thoughtful than he could be.

I don't need or expect you to trust him, Rin. I just need you to accept that I do and, especially, that Kiyoshi does, and to not start a fight. Kiyoshi's family has always been there for him, and now they've suddenly disappeared and he's in some weird new place. Seeing his new-found family members fight really hurts him, and I want to avoid that.

As for the trunk, I can't really promise to tell you what is in it, that would turn them against me, which would upset Kiyoshi and deny me my prana source. But, I will promise that I won't let them use it to harm you or Archer, and I will try to get them to let me tell you what is in there. Plus, I don't think Forest is going to allow them to keep it secret from her, and, even if you don't trust them, surely you trust Forest...", Rider said, hoping she could smooth things over with Rin.

Rider watched as, after recommending some tea for Rin, Forest let go of her new lover and walked upstairs. Archer then went to make some tea for his new lover. Apparently it was called "liver disaster" or some odd name, but Forest seemed to think it was good and Archer and Rin saw no reason not to accept her recommendation.

Hopefully that's not a descriptive name..., thought Rider with amusement.

She stood there in silence for a while, waiting for Rin's reply, but none came.

I should get upstairs like Kiyo asked.

However, before she could leave, the doorbell rang.

"It must be the pizzas", said Rin.


Rin seemed to have the money to pay for it, but Tom offered to do so, claiming it was unsafe for her. He took the money and walked off, paying the man and, then, collecting the pizza using his telekinesis. Right in front of the delivery boy....

Rin won't like that one bit..., thought Rider, with amusement.

As she had expected, as soon as he returned Rin spoke up.

"Do you make even the slightest attempt to hide your powers?" she said, before the two of them launched into a long discussion about secrecy in the use of magic.

Rider chuckled at Rin's lecturing, but nevertheless it was an important argument. She could understand both their viewpoints. The world she had been born in was one where magic was used openly, but she knew that, in Rin's world, honesty about her magic would get her, and most likely the rest of her family, locked up in the Clock Tower and experimented on.

Here, though, Tom's viewpoint clearly made more sense.

"Rin, this is not our world. There is no Association here, and the existence of supernatural elements is public knowledge. We do not need to keep our magic secret, and attempting to do so will just cause us problems. Our enemies will not bother to do so, after all...", she said.

"Anyway, I have to get upstairs for this meeting. I'll talk to you later, Rin", she added, before heading up the stairs and towards the door of the room.

Arriving at the room, she found the door open. Kiyoshi was inside eating what looked like a lunchbox. Also in the room were Satoshi, Rin, Forest, Taiga, Connor and Tsukasa. Just outside stood Mille and Lancer.

"Hmm, what's he eating? There's some pizza downstairs if anyone wants it...", Rider said.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 01:54:25 AM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1393 on: January 21, 2014, 03:50:35 AM »
Lancer blinked as he felt something warm and soft grab his hand.  Automatically he looked down to see Millie holding his hand, looking slightly worried at the sight before them.  Lancer himself wasn't too upset by it, but then again he had done a few heroic feats and won himself into a few families as well.

The people in that room were a tightly knit clan.  They did things their way and it worked for them.  Then again, that's what clans did.  Each member was part of the working whole and very important to it.  Even the little girl with the hand chariot.  Which, admittedly, Lancer wanted to try out for himself.

Forest on the other hand looked as if she wanted to bolt.  He wondered if the mental "noise" was getting to her, or if too many people were too close to her at once.  All concerns of a powerful and sensitive telepath. 

He patted Millie's hand with his free one and smiled at her.  He whispered, "So, since she saved . . . Technically she saved Connor, but they're saying she saved Sakura and whatever.  Since she saved one of them, she's earned the right to be in their clan.  At least, that's what I'm getting from it."

"Hmm, what's he eating? There's some pizza downstairs if anyone wants it...", Rider said as she approached.

Lancer perked up, gently squeezed Millie's hand - after all the girl couldn't take the punishment that Forest could shrug off and retaliate- and said, "Wicked.  You've gotta try this stuff Millie.  It's crafted by the fae of Mag Mell themselves!"


Tsukasa smiled and said, "Tsukasa Tohsaka, and no we haven't. I understand it may seem strange but that's just the way it is. It's a pleasure to meet you, thank you for saving Sakura."

"Seems nothing, it is strange. I hope you aren't too put off Forest, we're an odd bunch I know but still we consider you very important for what you did. I honestly can't thank you enough." Satoshi injected.

Forest saw Kiyoshi put Char's mobile suit in his pockets as his thought patterns were torn between thinking that his alternate family's behavior was odd and that he was hungry.  Pretty much the normal thoughts of an eleven year old boy.  Except Gabriel's, but my poppet has always been special, she thought, wondering what trouble or bed her godson was in now.

She smiled and said, "You're welcome, but it was actually Connor that I saved. Jack was just eyeing Sakura because she's a pretty girl and for some vampires feeding takes the place of sex so there you go."

She watched as Kiyoshi started to dig into a bento box, the smell of perfectly cooked fish in the air.

"Hmm, what's he eating? There's some pizza downstairs if anyone wants it...", Rider said, entering the room.

Glad to see a face, even if it was Rider's, that she knew better than the people in this room that had adopted her into their family, she made her way over to the lovely woman.  "Apparently the Sakura of their universe made Kiyoshi a bento box.  Wasn't that nice of them?  As for the pizza, well, if it's the place that Lancer favors I rather not.  Garlic and all of that."



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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1394 on: January 21, 2014, 04:12:29 AM »
Satoshi closed the door softly and stuck a paper seal to it "Okay, now we can talk about the situation at hand. For Rider, Kiyoshi and Forest I'll explain the meeting's protocol" he said pausing as he leaned on the door.

"Typically these meetings are out in the open but given the situation at hand this has to be private. As such what's said in this room doesn't leave here." he explained.

Rin nodded "the seal on the door sound proofs the room. The situation as I understand it is shady at best. Satoshi can you explain how exactly that younger me came to breathe fire like that? She's not too far removed from myself at that age"

Satoshi's face contorted "Well ok, first, Forest how much do you know about the grail war? I want to skip as much as possible"