Author Topic: Cross Effects- The RP  (Read 271409 times)

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #735 on: December 04, 2013, 09:04:42 PM »
Axe Cop moved far faster than a human could. Being literally chained to the person under attack, it was a simple matter of moving his body, and by extension, his axe in front of the other man, who had started assailing the suspect. The attack was powerful, much more so than something an ordinary human would be able to do, but to Axe Cop it was something he had experienced before, and he was able to stop it without too much difficulty.

"Stand down, citizen," he growled. "That's assault."

He shot a glance towards Lawrence. "That goes for you too. The freaky ghost lady was about to leave. You have no right to unlawfully imprison her, as Bad as she might be. You are not one of the Ghostbusters."
"Come onnnn..." Lawrence said, killing the flow of plasm to the flask. The Jostling had managed to shake his grip on the flask just enough to kill the ceremony anyway. Bad luck.

You don't need to listen to him

'He's got an axe. And he's a cop. Can't be suspicious around him.'

Flipping off Connor with his handcuffed hand, Lawrence put the flask back into his pocket. "You're a dick."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #736 on: December 05, 2013, 04:54:56 AM »
Forest rubbed her forehead at the clusterfuck that had just happened.  She had the phone number in her hand and then Angra seemed to get a case of mystical Ebola and started to leak out.  And leak all over her godsdamned floor.

"Oh bloody hell, Archer just cleaned here," Forest said, gesturing at the mess with a sigh before grabbing paper towels from the counter.

Lancer blinked and said, "She melted."

"Because she's eeeeebbbbiillll," Forest said with a scowl as she started to clean up the waste that All of the World's Evil had left behind.

Lancer reached for her and asked, "Fore, you shouldn't be doing that.  You might end up . . ."

"Vampire," the blond explained as she cleaned up the muck and put into the sink.  She gestured to it and said, "Burn it up Lancer so it can't hurt anyone."

Lancer smirked and said, "That I can do."  He grabbed a kitchen knife, cut his left index finger and drew the Rune for Fire on the stainless steel wall of the sink.  Automatically, orange and golden flames flourished and started to consume the mess.

"Thanks," Forest said with a nod before looking at everyone.  She almost chuckled at the sight of Lawrence being handcuffed by Axe Cop, then looked at Sakura and Connor. 

"You, get her back to bed," she said before looking at Archer.  She asked, "Is she okay?"

To Lawrence she sent, Quick thinking, Sin Eater.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #737 on: December 05, 2013, 05:35:08 AM »
Angra twitched and coughed "melting" she corrected turning to Rebecca "I haven't got long before I'm toast, if you want to say something you had best to do it now," she told the woman

"blasted hell! He's made of fairy magic, why aren't I immune?!" she muttered clutching her right arm which no longer had anything past the elbow.

Connor took a hold of Sakura and nodded "Ain't gotta tell me that miss but thanks fer the concern all the same."

he turned to Axe cop "me an him had a scuffle outside bit earlier and while I ain't got love for that evil lady her bein loose is a might bit better than the other option. I ain't about to argue with a officer so I'll do as ya asked"

then he adjusted Sakura and turned to Lawrence"Maybe, but maybe like earlier the whole situation isn't clear to you" he said starting slowly back up the stairs with Sakura's limp form.

Mordalfus Grea

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #738 on: December 05, 2013, 07:08:44 AM »
Joe stayed silent and out of sight, he could here everything going on but he remained unseen. Why? He, Joe Fixit the Don of Nexus City, was hiding in Forest's broom closet. Though it wasn't the worst place to hide from an officer of questionable sanity, he was absolutely silent and due to a unique trait that all Hulks possessed he couldn't be located by magic which would help him remain hidden especially if said officer had some sort of magical ability backing him up.


Seras eyed her travelling companion out of the corner of her eye when she knew he wasn't looking, to her the silence was deafening and to get the ball rolling she decided to try and strike up a conversation.

"So if you don't mind me asking, why did you hesitate at killing her?" Seras asked the male vampire, she could feel herself channeling her old master at that exact moment "Hesitation can lead to death if your not careful, especially if you don't know what tricks your opponent may have up their sleeve or rather stored in their soul"
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Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #739 on: December 05, 2013, 07:43:44 AM »
Seras eyed her travelling companion out of the corner of her eye when she knew he wasn't looking, to her the silence was deafening and to get the ball rolling she decided to try and strike up a conversation.

"So if you don't mind me asking, why did you hesitate at killing her?" Seras asked the male vampire, she could feel herself channeling her old master at that exact moment "Hesitation can lead to death if your not careful, especially if you don't know what tricks your opponent may have up their sleeve or rather stored in their soul"
I sighed. The girl was a ruthless killer. The ultimate vampire. That much was obvious. Her mastery of Protean was beyond any level I'd even heard of. "I don't want to feed the Beast. If I kill, I have the feeling that I'll start losing what I have left of well... myself. I don't want to end up like some Draugr, a mindless beast that needs to be put down before it reveals us all."

I'd killed a few Draugr and their brainless spawn before, if 'kill' is the right word. 'Pest Control' probably suited it better. I tracked them down to their lair, put out a few hints that someone  wanted that place burned to the ground and was willing to pay. I can't handle fire, but humans can. Burned the place and the monsters till only ash was left.

"It would have been bad if I'd let my hunger get the better of me back there. Might have sucked her dry."

And of the three core laws of the Kindred, Amaranthe was easily the worst to violate.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #740 on: December 05, 2013, 09:28:47 AM »
Shuya had tried to keep a neutral expression for few seconds. It failed horribly. The sight of an Hulk attempting a stealth retreat in order to hide his voluminous build into a broom closet was too much.

So now, he was victim of an uncontrollable laughter which wouldn't stop. He should have tried to make himself as discreet as possible, yeah. But right now, he was still rolling on the floor, his arm surrounding his stomach area, tears flowing freely from his face while being unable to suppress his body from contracting under the outburst.

"Dude, what the hell are you doing," he managed to say, still victim to this irrepressible urge to laugh.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2013, 09:31:19 AM by Daiki »

Mordalfus Grea

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #741 on: December 05, 2013, 10:55:10 AM »
I sighed. The girl was a ruthless killer. The ultimate vampire. That much was obvious. Her mastery of Protean was beyond any level I'd even heard of. "I don't want to feed the Beast. If I kill, I have the feeling that I'll start losing what I have left of well... myself. I don't want to end up like some Draugr, a mindless beast that needs to be put down before it reveals us all."

I'd killed a few Draugr and their brainless spawn before, if 'kill' is the right word. 'Pest Control' probably suited it better. I tracked them down to their lair, put out a few hints that someone  wanted that place burned to the ground and was willing to pay. I can't handle fire, but humans can. Burned the place and the monsters till only ash was left.

"It would have been bad if I'd let my hunger get the better of me back there. Might have sucked her dry."

And of the three core laws of the Kindred, Amaranthe was easily the worst to violate.

"Wow, you have it rough." Seras remarked honestly "For some reason I am being reminded of my old master, he was an old vampire of great power and he was somewhat of an arse. He was also a glutton for blood and fighting, one time when we were in Brazil we were framed as terrorists than master went on a rampage. In the End he ended up impaling several of the still living attackers on flagpoles to put some fear into their souls but personally I think he did it for old times sake, Master Alucard was a True Vampire but he was also my second Father in a sense" Seras dropped the name of her old master to see if this guys mind could figure out who her master was, she had given him some hints as to who her old master was.

"By the way, we never introduced ourselves" Seras said calmly with an innocent smile "I am Seras Victoria, Former Officer and Vampiress to the late Hellsing Organization" Again Seras dropped yet another hint to her master's identity, if her companion knew of Bram Stroker's book than it would click in his mind hopefully


Joe looked at the kid and sighed upon reevaluating his current position, he was a 6'6" grey skinned man in a luxury silk suit hiding in a broom closet. Oh how he wished he had a cigar to smoke right now but, Girly's house equals Girly's rules and that meant no smoking for him.

"Kid. You saw how that nut of a cop reacted to that lady being evil, how do you think he will react to meeting the man responsible for over seventy percent of the crime in Nexus City?" Joe spoke in a low voice, hoping that said nut of a cop wouldn't hear him "On one hand I got the judges not to mention the DA in my pocket and my Lawyers would rip him to shreds, but on the other hand I don't need an negative publicity in the press." Joe finished explaining, silently wishing he had one of his custom made chairs handy as no normal chair could hold him and his nine hundred pound body
If you must address me as something, it is not MG! Please address me as Mord if you need to shorten my name

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #742 on: December 07, 2013, 10:57:11 PM »
Satoshi smiled contentedly. "when I go back to being clean you should jump me, the normal me needs a good fucking way more than I did. I'm going to sound incredibly needy and kinda shallow by asking but. Was I any good? Normal me would fret about it privately but I just want to know honestly." the darkened hero turned to Rider both naked in the huge bed with red on his cheeks.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2013, 11:13:15 PM by lantzblades »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #743 on: December 07, 2013, 11:49:00 PM »
Kiyoshi nodded at Forest's words. He stayed at the girl's feet, intending to carry her as before, but Archer instead scooped the girl up into his arms and headed off.

 "Alright, follow me", he said, before heading off towards the gem room Forest had mentioned.

"Yeah, sure, I'll make sure no-one gets near her", Kiyoshi said to Forest, before taking off after Archer as quickly as possible.

From the way he was moving, Archer was clearly in a hurry. But, at the same time, he was obviously holding back to allow Kiyoshi to keep up. Whilst Kiyoshi was reasonably fit, without reinforcement he was still a normal human, and self-reinforcement was something he was not yet good enough at to use except when absolutely essential.

As they moved towards the room, he noticed the girl was clearly improving, the unusual red lines on his neck beginning to recede. However, before they could reach the room Forest had directed them towards, the idiot who had attacked them before came running after them.

"Stop... I can help her...", he said.

Kiyoshi tensed up, still not fully trusting the man, but he didn't attempt to summon his swords or attack. After all, he had said that everything was a misunderstanding, and he was offering to help the girl. Archer walked towards the man, clearly accepting his offer, and Kiyoshi relaxed.

He watched on, somewhat concerned, as the man grabbed hold of the girl's hand and started to do something. Kiyoshi wasn't sure what he was up to, exactly, but he was clearly in some pain. Finally, though, he stopped, gasping for air.

"Holy shit... that actually worked", he said, giggling nervously.

The girl, clearly feeling much better, looked up at the man and spoke.

"Thanks. Big time. I think I owe ya one", she said.

Then, she looked up at Archer.

"Hey Da-I mean, Mr. Red Guy, you mind putting me down?" She said, glaring at the . "I'm thinkin' I have a few choice words for our unwanted house guest."

What? Did she just say "Dad"? Kiyoshi thought, astounded.

Kiyoshi was overjoyed at the thought. If she had, then this was yet another big sister he could get to know. And, she seemed nice, too. Archer, meanwhile, did as asked and put the now-recovered girl down, keeping his hand on her shoulder to try to stop her doing anything stupid. Kiyoshi turned to the girl, intending to ask her what she meant but, before he could, all hell broke lose in the house.

First, the insane axe-cop guy slapped handcuffs on the man who had just saved his potential sister, saying something about filling out paperwork. Kiyoshi stiffened slightly, but there was no reason to intervene, certainly not if the man had no desire to react. Instead, the man reached into his pocket and pulled out some odd-looking flask.

"Hey Bitch! Welcome to your new home!" he said, as the tattoed girl he was targetting was dragged towards the flask.

However, before he could finish his attack, Connor took a swing at the man and, in response, the axe-wielder moved to block.

"Stand down, citizen," he growled. "That's assault", before turning to address Lawrence.

"That goes for you too. The freaky ghost lady was about to leave. You have no right to unlawfully imprison her, as Bad as she might be. You are not one of the Ghostbusters."

Kiyoshi looked at the man somewhat incredulously. Whilst he could understand him trying to stop the conflict without further bloodshed, his insistence on doing things "legally" in a situation like this when surrounded by supernatural beings was frankly hilarious.

Kiyoshi's parents had lived most of their lives outside of the law, by necessity, and therefore had little respect for it, particularly his father. The regular police were simply powerless in the face of the sort of threats they dealt with, whilst the Magic Association was neither benevolent nor particularly interested in dealing with anything other than keeping magic secret. As a result, and because of his nature, Kiyoshi had little respect for the law either, especially in situations where it clearly made no sense, like here.

Meanwhile, Kiyoshi noticed that Angra was melting, to Forest's chagrin. She apparently didn't like the mess all over her floor. Kiyoshi, oddly, found himself feeling somewhat sympathetic towarss her, perhaps because of how she felt a little like his mother, even more so when her curse started to leak out.

He watched as Forest cleaned up the mess and, then, put it in the sink, where Lancer used his runes to burn it. Then, she told Connor to take Sakura back upstairs, which he did as instructed.

Finally, with the whole mess starting to end, Kiyoshi turned to Rebecca.

"So, who are you?" he asked, curious.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #744 on: December 08, 2013, 04:36:01 AM »
Archer sighed in exasperation at the mess, both the one that Forest was cleaning off the counter and the clusterfuck going on in front of him. As Forest herself had expressed, he'd just cleaned that.

Hakuno turned to her Servant. "Is it over?"

"Looks like it. Apparently we all got up in arms over nothing."

Hakuno nodded and changed out of her magical girl form, for a moment fearful that she'd wind up naked again. But to her immense relief, the t-shirt and pants that Forest had so kindly lent her were still on her person.

Rebecca shook her head. "For sayin' that she wanted me to get in my last words before she vanished, Angra Manyu sure melted fast. I guess it doesn't matter, my last words to her woulda been a punch to the face anyway, which is kinda hard to do to a stack of... corrupted muck, I guess? And the wards in this place somehow melted her? How does that work?"

Archer shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine. Though she said something about Satoshi, so that might explain it. Everything seems to work differently in his world."

"Yeah, that probably explains it. My parents told me about that." She frowned. "But what timing for that one guy to kick the guy that saved me. I get that he tried to shoot him, but damn."

Hakuno cleared her throat. "Well, um... I think I'm going to head back and watch that magical girl marathon. I've hardly watched any of it. That, or go to bed, but I doubt Ruby would let me just yet." She gave Archer a pleading look- some things weren't worth enduring alone.

Archer caught Hakuno's gaze and shook his head. "I still have to cook the meal for everyone too."

Rebecca looked back at him. "We can just order out tonight or something. On me. It's too bad the guy who saved my life can't join in, but I still owe other people here too. Besides, even you need a break, you know."

Archer sighed again, exasperated. He was secretly looking forward to getting to cook again. But Hakuno's needs came above his own, and from the look in the girl's eyes, she was likely to insist. So he surrendered, and responded with a nod. Rebecca grinned up at him, which he responded to with a slight frown.

"So, who are you?" [Kiyoshi] asked, curious.

The girl had to take a few seconds to register the boy's presence once more, but quickly acknowledged him, the grin still plastered on her face. "Glad ya asked. I'm Rebecca Kuru-"

She was cut off mid-sentence by a squeeze to her shoulder, almost to the point of it being a pinch. She turned around to look at Archer again, who had a stern expression on his face and was shaking his head.

Her smile became sheepish. "You already caught on, huh? Though I guess seeing who you are, I shouldn't be that surprised."

She rummaged in her pockets until she brought out a small bag. From the bag she brought out a contacts case. Rebecca whispered a small incantation over it before opening it. She then carefully removed her contact lenses.

The glamor that the lenses had bestowed vanished, the small cosmetic changes it'd endowed to her features melting away. The brown that her eyes had once been was also now gone, revealing her eyes to be blue. The same shade of blue as her mother's...

"I guess the jig is up. I was hoping to keep this more private for longer, but I guess Archer here would prefer it if I just come clean right now."

Her expression became far more serious, and she gave the assembled party a formal bow. "I'm Tohsaka Ryoko, eldest daughter of Tohsaka Rin and the Servant Archer, and current heir to the Tohsaka lineage." Her grin returned, albeit somewhat subdued. "Nice to meet all of ya!"

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #745 on: December 08, 2013, 04:50:13 AM »
Archer gave Rin one last kiss, his voice was slightly hoarse as he said, "Come on, let's finish getting cleaned up and I can smirk annoyingly at Lancer."


Lancer moved to go with Axe Cop.  He said, "But he just helped that lass.  Shouldn't you let him go?"


Forest looked at the young lady who was doing better.  She watched the young woman take off contacts and felt the shift as she removed a glamor.  Oddly enough, Forest saw both of Rin and Archer's features in the young girl.  Apparently Archer picked up on it as well.

The girl's expression became far more serious, and she gave the assembled party a formal bow. "I'm Tohsaka Ryoko, eldest daughter of Tohsaka Rin and the Servant Archer, and current heir to the Tohsaka lineage." Her grin returned, albeit somewhat subdued. "Nice to meet all of ya!"

Forest found her head hurting more at that.  Now they were getting into time travel and everything.  She nodded and said, "Nice to meet you."  Then forcing a smile, she said, "Excuse me."

She looked at Angra and said, "I get it, you're evil, and you're melting all over my floor.  So whatever nefarious plot you're hatching?  It will be stopped."

Tonight had been too much.  People were melting in her house, she liked a guy where there was no chance of anything, and all of the other craziness that was going on.  Her telepathy was starting to flare up, and soon she'd start hearing everyone's thoughts all at once with her focus as frazzled as it was becoming.

She turned, grabbed the Burn Notice DVDs, and started down to her office.  On the way down she sensed Joe in the broom closet and couldn't even find the sight funny.  She just shook her head, sensed someone else down there and called out, "Go upstairs and bug one of the multitude of people there.  Like the white haired fellow who's taking fashion tips from Dante Sparta."

In her office, she sat down in her chair and started to watch Burn Notice.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2013, 04:52:36 AM by Elf »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #746 on: December 08, 2013, 05:03:01 AM »
Angra stood up melting and on fire and coughed to get there attention. "Another Tohsaka? And you were having a fit which means unlike Sakura I have a hook in you. Sweet merciful crap I've won bloody lottery, as long as Tsukasa doesn't show up there isn't a thing you can do to stop me" she laughed and then turned hearing Forest.

"Let me ask you a question, does the sheriff think she can beat superman? If your answer is yes then by all means use the kryptonite you have upstairs, if no then stay out of the way" she snapped mocking the blonde.

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #747 on: December 08, 2013, 05:08:48 AM »
Angra stood up melting and on fire and coughed to get there attention. "Another Tohsaka? And you were having a fit which means unlike Sakura I have a hook in you. Sweet merciful crap I've won bloody lottery, as long as Tsukasa doesn't show up there isn't a thing you can do to stop me" she laughed and then turned hearing Forest.

"Let me ask you a question, does the sheriff think she can beat superman? If your answer is yes then by all means use the kryptonite you have upstairs, if no then stay out of the way" she snapped mocking the blonde.
"Well fuck you too bitch, superman ain't got shit on me. I'm like Ghost Rider with a low rider who's gonna slap a bitch the fuck up if she don't shut the fuck up. Come at me bro... gal... fuck you!"

Lawrence once again made a variety of obscene hand gestures from multiple languages.


...Did you really just say that?



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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #748 on: December 08, 2013, 05:26:17 AM »
"I understand," Axe Cop said to Connor. "Sometimes you don't really want to let the perp off, but this time he's legally in the clear. If you want to beat up this guy, do it when he's ready to take a punch or at least hit back. Like this you'd see more resistance from that kid over there," he glanced at Kiyoshi, meeting the boy's eyes for a moment. It was a shame, he mused. Kids were impressionable. He didn't want the boy growing up hating Good Guys, but... he was a cop, not a counselor.

As for Lancer's question... Axe Cop sighed. "You have no idea how much I get that question." He rarely did, actually, but his few 'normal' cop friends did, all the time. "I'm not going to get into a long morality debate, but the gist of it is that doing a bunch of good stuff doesn't usually erase all the bad stuff you've done, although in his case," he pointed to the giggling Lawrence with his free hand. "It's certainly helped. So I'm not actually charging him or putting anything on his criminal record, but in exchange he gets a few hours of community service and some actual medical attention."

He looked over Lawrence, who was switching between giggling and swearing at the rapidly diminishing pile of ooze on the floor. The man was also barely standing. "First, watch the language," Axe Cop said to him, flicking the man's forehead, "There are kids around. Second, I'm taking you away because you look like you haven't decided whether to be high or dead. It's been what, a few hours since you came in here after running away from me? If you got busted up that quickly, getting you out of this place is probably for the best. No offence to you, landlady," he added, looking at Forest, who seemed to be on the breaking point. "Some people are just very good at getting into trouble. In fact, I happen to be one of them."

As an afterthought, he handed Lancer his card. It simply said AXE COP and had a hastily scribbled out address with the police station's location written on it in magic marker, as well as a cell phone number that had never in the history of Axe Cop's memory actually been called. "Come on over tomorrow if you're worried about your pal," he said. "And if you're looking for a good fight."

Axe Cop then unlocked the cuffs and supported the barely standing Lawrence with his free arm. "So, do you think you can still walk, kid? I don't really want to carry you to the truck."

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #749 on: December 08, 2013, 05:40:31 AM »
"I can walk just fine officer, and I'm already dead. It's a long story, but I died. And got better. And met a weird guy. And now he talks to me sometimes but he's not very nice, so I tell him to fuck off but he can't because he's dead too..."

Lawrence attempted to take a step before needing Axe-Cop to give him a little bit of support. "And I ain't leavin' this place. See, didn't get them scars here... and look, 'sall better now... and I need to thank the nice lady for everything..."

Indeed, Lawrence's wound had knitted itself back together, leaving a nasty looking, but somewhat faded, scar over Kyoshi's slashwound.

"Juuuust gotta sleep it off officer... I'll be fine now, just sommat I ate..."

Good god kid. How much plasm did you siphon?


Don't do it again. Ever. You can't kill people like this.