Author Topic: Cross Effects- The RP  (Read 295628 times)


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1200 on: January 03, 2014, 07:36:13 PM »
It was sudden, Satoshi felt his chest pierced through. Blood sprayed the back of the squad car and then burst into flames on Satoshi's cue. Amid the smoke Tsukasa dragged him into the shadow making it seem as if he had spontaneously combusted.

Tsukasa released her shadow travel three blocks away. "I win" she stated triumphantly.

Satoshi coughed and nodded. "we should head to Forest's got to check on Connor and Sakura, there's a hulk in this city."

Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1201 on: January 03, 2014, 11:03:48 PM »
Kiyoshi stood there gripping his swords, listening to the conversation going on around him, and waiting for the vampire to exit.

"Yu and Connor go to your room and take Taiga, I'm counting on you boys if this situation gets worse, please Kiyo" Rin said.

Kiyoshi nodded once more. But, before he could leave, he had to deal with Jack.

Kiyoshi continued to listen, hearing Ryoko explain her existence to her shocked parents. Finally, the vampire spoke up.

"Apparently she has a taste for schoolgirls, so she probably has hurt people, and will likely continue to do it. Maybe you don't realize shit kid but news flash - I'm not your enemy. And mummy ain't here kid. Besides, if there's even more types of vampires out there Deacon Frost will want to hear about them.", Jack said. "So can anyone give me a rundown on these Dead Apostle things? There aren't literally 13 of them running around with names like Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John right?"

Kiyoshi relaxed slightly, and desummoned his swords. The man had claimed not to be an enemy, and whilst Kiyoshi did not fully believe him he could resummon his swords rapidly if necessary.

"Mummy doesn't need to be here to stop Aunty Rider. Aunty Rider would never do anything that would upset her, or me. She does need magical energy to survive, though. Usually she gets plenty from mummy, but mummy isn't here so I think she attacked Hakuno to get some. She wasn't going to kill her, though.

If you want me to believe you're not my enemy then stop insulting my family. You tried to kill Sakura-nee, and you are now going after Aunty Rin. Why should I trust you?

And, Dead Apostles are our world's form of vampire. I don't know the full details, but there are certainly more than 13...."

Then, he turned to Taiga.

"I just need to finish talking to him, then I'll take you out of the room like Aunty Rin asked, OK?" he said, sweetly.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 11:12:22 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1202 on: January 03, 2014, 11:18:44 PM »

He had found the store closed. Of course, he could have searched further and eventually visit Lawrence and Ran, but the idea felt pointless as he walked through the streets. The night was already running and both of them would still be there by the morning. Or maybe not, if that cop would release them earlier. So, he made his way back to the compound, a bit disappointed to not have anything to smoke for a while.

Shuya entered the kitchen just to hear a guy he didn't know from Caine ask about the vampires. The room was full, apparently Archer decided he was done shagging his girl, although it was still reeking of lovey dovey mood. The mixed blood snorted at that.  Whatever, he would tease the Servant about it later. Lancer was there, with another girl. Kiyoshi was also present and didn't seem too happy right now. The kid in the wheelchair was in the room too with another dude. And there was someone who looked familiar to Archer's girlfriend, older though. Might be another parent. Shuya found it funny how the probabilities went about it, reuniting people from not only the same realm, but also with a common past and even blood bonds. There might have been a reason for that, but this whole family thing looked like a huge headache anyway.

The swordsman eyed the curious guy.

"Apostle's just a word to design themselves and wank their kind. The twenty seven elders, or 'Ancestors', like they prefer to be called, are top dogs on the food chain, well, the undead one at least. Some are very old and supposedly as powerful. But in reality they're mostly a bunch of aristocrats so far up each other's asses they are probably close to reach Akasha." He gave the unknown man, a grin. "Like the boy said, that's our version of blood suckers except they can differ greatly from basic vampires. A few became something more, whether with intent or not. But hey, I'm sure they have some great parties. Can't live that long and don't learn how to have fun, right?"

He poured himself some alcohol and tasted it with appreciation. Finally some comfort! A quick glance was enough to gather that something important, or not, he would bet on the latter, happened here. Forest wasn't around, which meant she was either busy fixing another mess or hiding somewhere from yet another conflict.  After a moment, he decided to ignore the tension and move on with it.

His eyes shifted on the older Rin, Ryoko, Connor and, finally, Jack."So, who are you guys? New around?" He raised his glass to them with amusement. "Name's Shuya. Not sure if nice to meet you, but don't let that get in the way."

Shuya watched Kiyoshi for an instant. "You seem to take the fact that she would attack someone way better than expected, kid. Anyway, isn't she supposed to be back by now? Perhaps, things didn't go all too well with that dude. Maybe, it wasn't a good idea to let her go alone to that bastard's castle..."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1203 on: January 04, 2014, 04:40:42 AM »
"Castle? Wait, Satoshi is in a castle?" Rin's face was white. She snapped out her phone and dialed on the touch pad. "Get here now" she spat clearly angered.

Satoshi answered the phone hearing Rin's voice he sighed "Yes madam president" he replied.

Tsukasa raised an eyebrow.

"Gonna get an earful" Satoshi replied as the two faded into the shadows again.

"Ok, now seriously out of the kitchen, I need the space people" Rin repeated the request calmly before starting to mark the wall.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 04:41:44 AM by lantzblades »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1204 on: January 04, 2014, 05:05:26 AM »
Archer looked at Rin with a frown.  The girl, Ryoko, which was a name he'd always liked, had just described tonight's events pretty much to a T.  He did take Rin's hand, not knowing what to say.

He did note that Ryoko looked like a normal magus girl; there wasn't any signs of corruption on her.

The Not-Apostle said, "So can anyone give me a rundown on these Dead Apostle things? There aren't literally 13 of them running around with names like Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John right?"

Kiyoshi gave his explanation and then Shuya cut in.  After that, the elder Rin was telling everyone they needed to clear the kitchen.

Lancer scowled and said, "Listen, you have no right to tell us to leave this kitchen.  You're not Forest, and if anything since she's not here because of Jack, no offense, I'm acting in her stead.  We're staying until we can move the girls from here."

Then Archer frowned and asked, "Are you writing all over this poor woman's kitchen?"


Forest blinked as Tom rested his warm hand on her cheek.  Automatically she leaned into the warm caress and returned the squeeze to her fingers.  Her eyes widened at her words and she blinked before smiling.

I would love to go out on a date with you, Tom.  So, I accept.

Then she leaned forward and gave him a gentle kiss, a silly smile on her face but she didn't care.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1205 on: January 04, 2014, 05:19:06 AM »
Rin nodded "it's just a bit of marker, it'll wash off. I need it to line up the portal" she replied.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1206 on: January 04, 2014, 05:30:30 AM »
Ryoko, still rather disoriented and drunk, waved an overly friendly hello to the newcomer. "Ah, you must be that Shuya guy, right? Name's Ryoko, how's it goin'?" She looked around and spotted Kiyoshi. "Kiyoshi! Hey, how's it going?"

Then she looked around to see... some weird ass alternate version of her mom telling people to leave and drawing a mark on the wall.

"Hey, what the hell's your deal?! And what's with that mark on the wall, this ain't your kitchen, it's Forest's!"

Rin temporarily was released from her stupor enough to register more of what was going on. Bring stuff in? She keeps saying that, what's she going on about? Other than throwing her money around like an idiot...

She gave Archer's hand a squeeze before adding on to her... daughter...'s comments. "Stop acting like you own the place, this is Forest's building, not yours. I don't know what you're up to, but don't you think you should at least, you know, ask before you do something like this? I mean, seriously, misusing the 2nd for something like this, what are you thinking?!"

Even the shock of learning that she might be pregnant wouldn't stop Tohsaka Rin from commenting on the bizarre version of herself's idiocy.

Words being lost to him in his joy, Tom returned Forest's gentle kiss, his fingers running through her hair as he held Forest's hand tightly in his own.

And for the first time in his life, he was honestly and truly happy, with no regrets.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 05:50:33 AM by Alice »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1207 on: January 04, 2014, 05:48:35 AM »
Forest was smiling, her indigo eyes bright as she parted from the kiss.  She stroked Tom's hair back from his face and said, "You know, a bath would be absurdly nice right now.  Join me?  Just give me a minute to spray off and I can get things going."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1208 on: January 04, 2014, 05:53:25 AM »
Tom smiled back at her, his own lavender eyes bright to match hers as he moved his thumb over the back of her hand. "Certainly, I'd be delighted. Take as long as you need."

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1209 on: January 04, 2014, 06:01:08 AM »
"Thank you," Forest said with a grin before giving him a quick kiss.  Humming to herself, she walked to the shower stall to rinse off.  As she walked, she felt the odd crawling feeling of Tom's seed crawling out of her.  She squirmed a little until she got into the shower and quickly rinsed off.

Fair skin gleaming with water, she returned to Tom to get the bath started.  Grinning, she asked, "So, how do you like the smell of lavender?"


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1210 on: January 04, 2014, 06:04:54 AM »
"A-Adventure!" It was the last word Luka could hang on to without feeling confused or getting something wrong. But at least he wasn't alone. Was this what his father had felt, adventuring with his friends? Compared to having only an unreliable girl as his companion, it was certainly much more... comfortable.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1211 on: January 04, 2014, 06:11:20 AM »
Tom patiently waited until she returned, allowing himself to bask in the moment. When she returned, he found he wasn't disappointed. Her fair skin glistened with water, and his eyes were not found wanting.

He smiled before responding to her question. "I rather like it, actually. When I traveled around Kalos, they had a fair few lavender fields. I find the scent quite soothing. Especially when watching a whole field of it being gently blown about by the wind."

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1212 on: January 04, 2014, 06:20:49 AM »
"Well," Forest said, bending over to a cabinet beside the sink and pulling out a festively colored tin box.  "Lavender's scent actually is good for calming one down.  Helping them relax.  That's one of the reasons I wear so much of it."

She grinned at him as she opened the box.  "I'm kind of high strung."  A lavender ball caught her gaze and she lifted it up.  "I remember those days when I could watch a field of it.  It's not exactly a night blooming flower, but hey technology."

Then she walked over to the tub, shut the hot water off and then turned on the jets.  The lavender ball was dropped into the water, fizzing and dissolving almost instantly.  The smell of Lavender filled the room as did steam from the tub.  Smiling, she stepped into the frothing water and held out her hand to him.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1213 on: January 04, 2014, 06:47:31 AM »
Tom watched the water with almost childlike wonder as the ball Forest dropped in the water fizzed and dissolved, turning the water the color of his eyes and filling the room with the scent of lavender. Still in awe, he took Forest's hand and followed her into the tub, his first foot in somewhat cautious before stepping in entirely.

"That little ball you dropped in- what was it?" he asked, his eyes still widened. 

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1214 on: January 04, 2014, 06:59:06 AM »
Forest smiled at Tom's wonder as he took her hand.  She made sure he was sure footed into the tub before she reclined in the water.  She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, relaxing in the near scalding warmth.  She propped a foot on the ledge of the tub and answered, "That was a bath bomb.  They make the water fizzy, smell good, and a pretty color.  This one also has a few things to soften one's skin too."

Toes with the nails painted burgundy wiggled as she crossed her legs at the ankles.

"They're a little absurd, but I do enjoy them."