Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

<< < (23/46) > >>


Too slow.

As she bolted along the highway, weaving through what remained of traffic, she realized she was going far too slow.  She pointed her barrels forward and fired.  The bullets bounced off of cars, buildings, even planes, each one prepped to appear from impossible angles.



Cursed divine protections or whatever. The rider couldn't hold back the attack with one hand, and the price was his skin, but when it just doubled down the same direction, he didn't need to.

The titanic power stretched over the whole of his right side, and the cyclopean scimitar pushed the holy cleave past him as Punishment kicked off. It nicked his face, spraying effervescent blood in the air. The mass of Justice's most destructive avatar fell away, and with the arm that had been busy this whole time, he grabbed the childlike figure under his protection in a violent grip.

"Catch," he said, tossing them at the angel.

The idiot should have hidden the bloodlust until the end of the fight, or put a knife in his spine before he realized. Now he had an opening. In the next instant, Justice snapped his fingers, and a maelstrom of ravens and locusts descended like a downpour on the road, clouding the senses of everyone there up to the sky.


Ohcrapohcrapohcrap! The impact from the slash was enough to shake his heart pressure to skyrocketing levels. He just clinged to his arm even harder than before now! "Wha wha wha whaaaaa!? Justice, what the hell!?" He trembled and glanced back and forth then back and forth.

The Kid

Ufufu! Yes, yes! Cut him down! Cut him down! That way, she could WAIT WHA WHA WHA WHAAAAAAAAAA!? Her expression was a blank smile of disbelief as the fact she was thrown didn't even register... until she realized she was hurling towards the crazy sword lady! Tears streamed from her shocked, rictus as she became a living rocket.



"Wretch!" Vega cursed as a sudden stream of unsightly insects and birds came crashing down on the street. "Such disgusting things..."

He drifted and stopped the car short of the cloud of beasts, halted just a few feet away. Was it fear in his eyes? Fear that caused him to stop the vehicle?


He just didn't want these disgusting things to touch it and make it dirty.

"This is abhorrent!"


"Now that's a foul!"

But then her eyes narrowed in the instant her gaze met that of the little girl's. So that's how it was, that one glance was enough for her to breach into the girl's mind and the gist of the situation was laid bare to her. But most importantly she learned of a damning piece of information.

Betrayal did reserve a very special seat down there for you.

She reversed her blade and made an upwards strike aimed to cleave the girl in half. The angel hadn't actually meant to do something about the next thing that happened but the cloud of ravens  and locusts just so happened to cross the path of her radiant blade, and it would kill the magic that bound it together.


It was strange, a massive figure appeared over the horizon.  It was a horned creature, upsidedown wings and fangs?  What i-

Oh my god is that Justice?

Fueling herself with the raw excitement, she Zipped past cars and trucks, she weaving through the traffic with perfect grace.  Bouncing over a truck, she planted her feet on the front of the vehicle and used it to shoot herself forward like a human bullet.  A loud crash echoed through the highway as Suerte's feet sunk into the front of Vega's car, her guns pointed directly at Vega's face.

"Howdy neighbor!  It looks like you are bullying my man.  I don't take too kindly to people bullying my man," she said, smiling at him.  "I'm afraid i'm going to have to ask you to call of your bitch.  If things go well, I might think about letting my partner call off me."


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