Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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His murder of ravens, gone as well? This angel was really turning out to be a party-pooper, and not any random party-pooper either. A top-class celestial crook. He wasn't entirely sure if it was the same angel from the last incident, but at least she had rid him of one problem. As for the other...

"Suerte!" Justice yelled out to his partner, turning Punishment around without stopping. The pavement cracked and split in a manuever that greatly resembled a savage drift. "Saddle up, you can talk with these oversensitive friends some other time!"

A minced piece of meat

The slash came rushing for her head. The absurdity of it all waned as she didn't even have the time to properly process what fully happened until now. Only when the angel's silhouette reflected on her eyed, did they widen. "I just wanted-"

Two slived pieces of an ex-person flew off and smacked coldly on the asphalt, splashing on a pool of their own blood. It was so clean, everything in the middle was neatly exposed.

Meanwhile, someone far far away typed on his computer.

Name: V-735

Alias: Vera

Age: 15

Official Cause of Death: Vehicle collision.


"JUSTICE WE NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!" His eyes widened in pure horror. That woman... shit! His mind, his body... it was filled with nothing but fear. That woman was fear itself.

Flying from his coat, strings thin as a hair came flying towards the woman, like snakes trying to reach for her neck.



The two maids quivered and held their hats over their hats. However, the man stared up in disbelief. For a moment, he looked pale. No, it must have been the moonlight.

"Such a dirty tongue." He took what looked like a handkerchief with two daint fingers and-

Even his maids just stared at him, unsure of what would happen next. And they never did.

He threw it, and it unfolded to reveal a deceptively large cloth, flailing and flying towards the car window, obscuring everything inside completely.


Discarding the corpse was as simple as flicking her blade but she didn't have much time before strings came at her from the second person mounted on the horse. She floated backwards with haste as her large blade split into several smaller ones and begun spinning infront of her with the intent of severing the approaching strings.

All of them, all seven of them converged  infront of her to make a spinning wall of doom, they weren't even spinning in synch, some were going clockwise and other counter clockwise and all of them had a different rhythm.


In response to his theatric antics, Suerte merely smiled with delight, anticipating what that body will look like full of holes.  Several cracks filled the air as a volley of bullets was fired from the gun.

"Everyone is a critic," she said.  "Oh well.  I warned you."


The gun's blasts echoed through the night, the bullets slammed down on the glass frame like comets! Fast, he had to act fast! He needed to use every limb at his disposal, he had to-

"Dad no!" "Master!" "Aaaaaahh!"

Smoke and shrapnel flew out of the back of the car. Somehow, riddled with the bullets, the cloth was spinning behind the window, flowing about. It sunk into Suerte's eyes, into her head. Until all she could see was the patterns of the cloth flowing. Until her world was filled with that flowing motion. These patterns looked just like her, years ago, a child watching her parent fall. Just like she made them watch.

And the cloth's shapes and patterns, shadows and motions, all seeped into her, until it slowly fell to the car's floor, revealing the terrified maids staring right at Suerte. And on their eyes, on the glass, was a mirrored reflection. That man should be bloody in his seat. However.

Pericolo: Using a cloth, he creates a defensive wall between him and his opponent that flows along their movements. Its hypnotic movements tick like a dance that is written deep into his foe’s psyche, and allows him to shift his position in a blink after moving the cloth to conceal him, allowing him to seemingly teleport once he’s out of sight. He believes it is the perfect defense.

Cadenza: A force redirection technique that is surprisingly simple. It consists of guiding his foe’s blows elsewhere gently, softly, using his hands. This causes the force to shift out of control. Naturally, it is the perfect counter.

These two techniques were Vega's ultimate shield. Using them to his fullest, even Mira might have fallen. Such was the might of the one who believed himself to be king.

But tonight, he would not escape unscathed.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Blood dripped down her ankle, like a faucet dripping on her foot. And his reflection became visible.

Stomach, left shoulder, inner thigh, foot, forearm... his body had been kissed by the bullets. However, in his hand were five of them. Five of the nine bullets that should have slain him. None of the car's doors were unlocked. And yet there he was breathing down her neck through his mask, blood dripping on the top of his car. But everyone else was unharmed...

As if he took these bullets to shield them. No, no one could have seen such a thing. A notion like this from Vega would have been ridiculous.

His hand was reaching out for her gun.


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