Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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The rider clicked his teeth and kicked Punishment's side. The horse growled, blurring into motion away from the spinning blades, and Justice allowed his spidery friend to dangle on the saddle while he pulled out his gun.

Before he realized it, the man from the car had disappeared, and stepped like a ghost into Suerte's guard. He was fast, yet Justice didn't hesitate to shoot. The air cracked, bullets flying towards the man's ankles, to cut the space between his body and the gunwoman's, and to force him away.


Suerte smiled as she heard the bullets sink into this skin.  The cloth came over both of them and for a moment, all she could see was her father.  A single tear rolled down her cheek, while her arms began to shake.  Something brushed her back, only for her to realize.

He was right behind her.

Suerte flipped forward, landing in a standing position facing the masked man, her gun pointed at the man.  "Just stay out of my way.  I don't feel like killing you anymore.  I just need to get to my partner."


"Oooooh crap! She's doing that thing from uhh..." The spider was focusing very hard, thinking deep in thought.

"Holy shit girl! Did you watch Re:Creators!?" His eyes were suddenly wide, he froze in fear and his expression was pure shock. He sent even more strings at her from his fingertips. Damnit!


"What's the hurry, hmm?" She was looking right at him, she jumped... but his voice came from above. She might... perhaps would have just enough time to look up and readjust, and see him posing spectacularly parallel to her, upside down and above her with his arms crossed and a glare shooting down on her. Such an acrobatic feat was nothing short of genius, avoiding both her line of fire and the bullets shooting at him.

"Your aim and heart were quite steady a second ago. You even fired right in front of my precious furniture... and called my beloved jewel a sow."

And he landed right behind her at the same time. Or rather, since she had the speed to tell that much, the two were back to back, weapons pointed at each other. His claws were staring right at her face, much like her gun was staring at his.

"One shouldn't wave such dangerous toys about around children, lest someone may get hurt."


She kept floating away from the abominable horse and its riders and as a result drew ever closer to the car where Vega was now fighting the gunslinger girl. Her wall of blades spun ever faster and they cut apart the encroaching strings as well as the bullet aimed at her companion. And in the blink of an eye she was out of the range of the strings.

"Oh Master, so you do care about me!" The blonde angel landed beside Vega and was sporting a bemused smile. That quickly changed however as she processed the revelation she had earlier.

"That aside we should really leave before they get hurt, this road is crawling with assassins."


Justice grunted, and the steed came to a sudden stop, so that its rider could level the barrel of his weapon clearly at the entire group. His eyes glinted with a dangerous light, and his other hand rested on the handle of the sword.

"I concur. Let's call it a draw," He rumbled, "Before we all end up with more than we bargained for. Suerte."

He made a gesture with his head, from where she stood to their impatient ride.


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