Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

<< < (26/46) > >>


And just like that, the familiar gunfire of Justice decorated the ground.  Punishment pulled up, ready to get her.  Suerte had come to save her partner, but in truth, it might have been Justice that rescued her.

"Yeah... I'm not in the mood anyway," she said, holstering her guns.  With a mighty leap, she landed atop the back of the horse, wrapping her hands around Justice's waist, her breasts pressing into his back.  "C'mon partner.  Lets get out of here."


"Agreed." Perhaps it was Lulu's arrival and presence that calmed him down. Either way... perhaps he would follow that advice, sound as it was.

But before leaving with Lulu, he turned one last time to the three.... and just let them go.

Only once they were gone, did he speak.

"I wonder, was that the true extent of your power?"


Grateful as a butterfly....

The spider let out the biggest sigh of his life. It was as relieved as a hot air balloon deflating.

"Nice one guys."

Almost like he didn't cause almost half of this.

There were many questions to be answered.


She didn't object to the choice of just letting them go, it was part of her suggestion after all, thus she waited for them to be on their way before answering him.

"Hmm, what is that supposed to mean Vega?"

She turned to him fully only after the trio were completely out of her sight, and when they were her glowing blades dematerialized with a popping sound.


"I mean that you and I are not so different. We both like to toy with our food. I could tell from the way you fight. The way these blades danced..."

His voice was almost melodious, and there was a discrete cooing quality to his words. In the blink of an eye, the last thing in her field of view was the golden locks swaying and flowing like water before he pounced on her arm like a cat. She didn't even need to read his mind to tell how he was feeling. His flushed body, his heavy breath, and the way he cajoled her arm were... likely more than enough.

"I wonder how beautifully you will dance when you truly want to end someone."


Her aura flared p briefly as he grabbed her arm with such longing, she could feel the swirl of emotion he was just so barely holding back and it was giving her an opportunity she would be a fool to let go.

That's why she reeled him by the very arm he had snuggled up to. She got as close as physically possible and even stood up on her toes to get as close as possible to his face.

"Then why don't you find out Vega? I'm right here. Dance with me if you dare."


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